Paul couldn't keep the Law AND live for God - it was one or the other


New member
Oh, so you and the other person agree that Jesus was perfect.

Jesus superseded the Sinai covenant with a new covenant. In the context of the new covenant he was perfect.

The Sinai covenant was for the people of Jacob, but the new covenant is for everyone regardless of ethnicity.

The new covenant law is a perfect law and that's good enough for me.

Welcome to TOL. :wave:


Yes if you read the scriptures in my signature they will tell you the gospel of our salvation

1 Corinthians 15:1-2 KJV - 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 KJV and about the mystery

of Christ given directly to Paul straight from the Risen Christ Jesus - just hover over the verses and they will pop up for you -

This is confusing. If this is true, then why does every church I go to use Old Testament scripture to re-instead the Law. I can see what you are saying. It seems to be an indication that something is wrong somewhere.

So how does this save me from the law? The church I go to has a copy of the 10 commandments on the wall.


Jesus superseded the Sinai covenant with a new covenant. In the context of the new covenant he was perfect.

The Sinai covenant was for the people of Jacob, but the new covenant is for everyone regardless of ethnicity.

The new covenant law is a perfect law and that's good enough for me.

Welcome to TOL. :wave:

New Covenant?


The Sinai covenant was not perfect, the fault was with the people. (Hebrews 8:7)

Rather than create new people the Father created a new covenant. Are you in?

Like the book of Hebrews talks about? This is odd. I'm listening and I have had questions about this.

Ben Masada

New member
No you're saved by Jesus not by the law... nothing except jesus can save you.

Well, the Word of God aka the Tanach says that Yahweh, He is our only Savior and Redeemer. (Isaiah 43:1,3)
And there is no difference in being saved by Jesus or by the Law when Jesus himself advised to listen to "Moses" aka the Law.(Luke 16:29-31)

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus is different from us normal people though. Jesus is perfect and doesn't stumble. He was tempted and his heart did not budge. He came from above and was born under the law by taking on mankinds flesh. We simply don't have a choice when we are born, he chose to do it. He subjected himself under the law of Moses like everyone else which he was willing to do. But he didn't sin, there is no hypocrisy then. He kept it perfectly and because of that he was a sacrifice without blemish which is required for salvation.

So it's hypocritical to say that we're the same as Jesus then, keeping the law without stumbling. The bible paints a different picture of the state of man. It would be hypocritical to say we can keep the law when we have already broken the law. We already are condemned under the law. Jesus has also already destroyed those chains and freed us. So, there is no point in keeping the law. It's gone as far as I am concerned; it's only freedom and grace now.

Not only Jesus but any one else once dead, is perfect and no longer stumbles. I can prove to you if you want. How? According to Ecclesiastes 7:20. "There has never been a man upon earth to have done only good and never sinned" and Jesus was a man upon earth. The dead ones are no longer upon earth but underneath. That's the general definition of the sinner. The private one is when we break the Golden Rule that says not to do unto others what we would not like they did unto ourselves. If Matthew 23:13-33 is to be believed, only in that text Jesus broke the Golden Rule 15 times. Then we have the case of the money changers in the Temple whom Jesus caused financial and physical damage without reason because they had official permission from the High Priest to do their job.

Ben Masada

New member
So setting up shop in Gods house is okay to you?

They were not inside the Temple but in the frontal area. And they had the permission of the High Priest in order to make easier to the Jews from the Diaspora to buy a kosher animal to offer in sacrifice. Otherwise, how could they change their foreign money for the Temple money? They would have to return abroad because the foreign coin was not acceptable to buy any thing to be used in the Temple.


Well-known member
“For through the law I have died to the law, SO THAT I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ…” (Gal 2:19)

Paul said he had to DIE to the Law in order that he might live for God. Meaning he couldn't do both.

If Paul couldn't live for God and keep the Law, who are you (those of you who claim to please God by keeping the Law) to think you can do what Paul could not?

Why do some of you believe Christ died to enable you to keep the Law, when Paul had to be DEAD to it in order to live for God?

Why are you successful at doing with the Law that Paul failed at doing?

What do you know that Paul did not?

Even your own quote states that Paul died through the law, that is, by way of the law. Therefore the law served its purpose in putting him to death, (the flesh and "old man"). The modern mainstream perceptions and teachings of Paul are therefore misinformation founded on incorrect readings of what Paul is teaching. You cannot be brought out from "under the law" if you were never "under the law" to begin with; and the law is our "schoolmaster" to bring us to Messiah. If you have not been brought through the law, like as if an immersion, then you are not "crucified with Messiah". Paul even says, Are you ignorant that all we who were immersed into Messiah Yeshua were immersed into his death? (Romans 6:3). The immersion of death is through the law so that you may be brought up from death on the other side and "become" another; and when you finally die you will see that the law is no more physical and carnal but, indeed, Spirit, supernal, and spiritual, (Romans 7:14).