Paul couldn't keep the Law AND live for God - it was one or the other


Well-known member
“For through the law I have died to the law, SO THAT I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ…” (Gal 2:19)

Paul said he had to DIE to the Law in order that he might live for God. Meaning he couldn't do both.

If Paul couldn't live for God and keep the Law, who are you (those of you who claim to please God by keeping the Law) to think you can do what Paul could not?

Why do some of you believe Christ died to enable you to keep the Law, when Paul had to be DEAD to it in order to live for God?

Why are you successful at doing with the Law that Paul failed at doing?

What do you know that Paul did not?


New member
On the road to Damascus, Paul was confronted with the HOLINESS of God when the risen Christ appeared to him. In the presence of God's HOLINESS, he realized how truly SINFUL he was. The same thing happened to me, but in a less dramatic way. In the presence of HOLINESS, you "die"; well I like to say my "EGO" died. People who attempt to live by the LAW, probably have never even truly been confronted by the HOLINESS of Jesus presence (through the Holy Spirit's work).

Robert Pate

Well-known member
“For through the law I have died to the law, SO THAT I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ…” (Gal 2:19)

Paul said he had to DIE to the Law in order that he might live for God. Meaning he couldn't do both.

If Paul couldn't live for God and keep the Law, who are you (those of you who claim to please God by keeping the Law) to think you can do what Paul could not?

Why do some of you believe Christ died to enable you to keep the Law, when Paul had to be DEAD to it in order to live for God?

Why are you successful at doing with the Law that Paul failed at doing?

What do you know that Paul did not?

The law does not make one holy or pleasing to God. What it makes is a religious hypocrite.

Ben Masada

New member
On the road to Damascus, Paul was confronted with the HOLINESS of God when the risen Christ appeared to him. In the presence of God's HOLINESS, he realized how truly SINFUL he was. The same thing happened to me, but in a less dramatic way. In the presence of HOLINESS, you "die"; well I like to say my "EGO" died. People who attempt to live by the LAW, probably have never even truly been confronted by the HOLINESS of Jesus presence (through the Holy Spirit's work).

What really happened on the Road to Damascus, when Paul fell as a result of an attack of epilepsy and he said later when preaching his gospel is that he had heard the voice of Jesus; a voice he had never heard before. So, what happened was all according to his own story which deserved no credit. I take that as a prelude to his gospel that Jesus had resurrected. (II Timothy 2:8)

Ben Masada

New member
“For through the law I have died to the law, SO THAT I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ…” (Gal 2:19)

That's not what Paul said in Romans 7:25, but to keep the Law in his mind (only) while serving sin in his flesh, Since he could not get rid of his sinful condition that tormented him as a thorn in the flesh.

Paul said he had to DIE to the Law in order that he might live for God. Meaning he couldn't do both.

Since you don't like to quote, let me help you. What Paul really meant was that he would make a "satanic" deal with himself to get released from the Law while serving sin in his flesh. That's in Romans 7:6, 25)

If Paul couldn't live for God and keep the Law, who are you (those of you who claim to please God by keeping the Law) to think you can do what Paul could not?

There is no other way to please God best than by keeping the Law. Not only that God would be pleased but also that we ourselves would enjoy freedom from the tentacles of justice and troubles.

Why do some of you believe Christ died to enable you to keep the Law, when Paul had to be DEAD to it in order to live for God?

He didn't. Jesus died because his own disciples were acclaiming him king of the Jews in a Roman province which was Jerusalem at the time. The name is insurrection and the verdict was INRI nailed on the top of his cross. (Luke 19:37-40) Paul did not die to the Law in order to live for God. He agreed to die to the Law in order to serve sin in his flesh. Romans 7:25

Why are you successful at doing with the Law that Paul failed at doing?

Paul failed because he had a sinful addiction that he could not get rid of. Read Romans 7:8-25.

What do you know that Paul did not?

Paul did not know "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky but, since Dostoevsky knew him, this copied from him to be above the Law as a mortal man. That's when Paul made a deal with evil to get rid of the Law so that he could serve sin in his flesh.(Roman 7:25)
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“For through the law I have died to the law, SO THAT I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ…” (Gal 2:19)

Paul said he had to DIE to the Law in order that he might live for God. Meaning he couldn't do both.

If Paul couldn't live for God and keep the Law, who are you (those of you who claim to please God by keeping the Law) to think you can do what Paul could not?

Why do some of you believe Christ died to enable you to keep the Law, when Paul had to be DEAD to it in order to live for God?

Why are you successful at doing with the Law that Paul failed at doing?

What do you know that Paul did not?

Eye don't understand this. Eye thought the Law was God's Law. Eye was taught that God's Law is how people are saved.