SerpentTroll lacks the ability to "Rightly Divide" the written word of God.
Do you also put a difference between the house of judah and the house of israel? So there are 3 different groups that are addressed Biblically?The book of John was written to the House of Israel, not to the Gentiles. Paul was the "Apostle to the Gentiles" and preached the "Grace Gospel" to them.
SerpentTroll, I'm not a fan of Billy Graham, however, do you have some secret truth about his being a 33rd Degree Freemason, besides the rumor mill on You-Tube?
So if you get hit by a bus before you catalog the day's sins, what then? What if you forget one? And if you don't have to ask for forgiveness for each sin then it reduces to a state of desiring to please God and hating our moral failings. In that case outside of our admission we have a posture, a context that is shared by everyone grateful for grace, isn't it?Here's my position: be holy, repent (1 Jn 1:9).
That tool of the enemy hereand all his chickadees
would have you believe that :yawn: I'm a Judaizer (2 Pe 2:1). If you don't believe that you have to continually repent when you sin, knock yourself out. :idunno: I'm not a gambler with my soul. :listen: Neither was the apostle Paul (1 Co 9:27 KJV).![]()
These Baptist types here are going to be in for a shock (Mt 7:23).
Baptists are usually Reformed in their theology, in my experience. That's about as far from Dispensational as you can get.I've been in the Baptist Church off and on for YEARS and never met anybody all tied up over Darby.
So if you get hit by a bus before you catalog the day's sins, what then?