Passover Blood Moon Preceded by Exceedingly Rare Solar Eclipse


Well-known member
No need. I'm already seated in the heavenlies and as good as in a white robe now. :)

No, I just want to know when they can be officially denounces as frauds, liars and false prophets, according to their own teachings.


No need. I'm already seated in the heavenlies and as good as in a white robe now. :)

No, I just want to know when they can be officially denounces as frauds, liars and false prophets, according to their own teachings.

Are you thinking not? Lk 12:40 KJV


User Name

Greatest poster ever
So when's the absolute drop-dead cutoff date for this whole red moon scam? Has it passed yet?

It's either this or Brigitte Bardot Backs Gerard Depardieu in Tax Flight Battle. Take your pick.

Or would you prefer to be on the dirty yak watch?


Well-known member
No need. I'm already seated in the heavenlies and as good as in a white robe now. :)

No, I just want to know when they can be officially denounces as frauds, liars and false prophets, according to their own teachings.

Did you notice how deliberately vague their predictions were?
Along the lines of "Something significant is going to occur in the Holy Land in the years around these blood moons."

I am not a prophet but I predicted "Something significant would occur to these preachers bank balances".

Turns out I am as good a prophet as them :(


Well-known member
Did you notice how deliberately vague their predictions were?
Along the lines of "Something significant is going to occur in the Holy Land in the years around these blood moons."

I am not a prophet but I predicted "Something significant would occur to these preachers bank balances".

Turns out I am as good a prophet as them :(



Well-known member
Very auspicious things have happened many times:

Headline THE EXETER HORN 1793. The volcano Laki erupts and the total death toll in N Europe over the next two years is 2 million in the following forms:
chlorine gas
hydrochloric acid
cold, damp weather causing shortages
deaths of about 1/3 of all agricultural workers causing shortages

--Passport Earth on byutv, Jan 2 '16

The Rev is about the trauma of 1st century Judea. It is a pastoral piece to help Jewish Christians especially in that understand what was happening as the 'harlot' was 'stoned' and then the 'marriage feast' began. Most of them evacuated to the Little Asia areas where the 7 churches letters went.