Partakers of the Body of Christ and the New Covenant


New member
You expect me to answer yet another question, but you haven't answered a single question of mine?

Tell me why I should answer your question?
Well, because if you gave me a simple, straightforward, honest answer I would know whether or not I wish to continue this discussion with you. That's why.


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Well, because if you gave me a simple, straightforward, honest answer I would know whether or not I wish to continue this discussion with you. That's why.

I've been giving you simple, straightforward, honest answers, yet have received only the runaround from you, where you beat up straw men and ignore everything else.

Why should I continue when you clearly aren't interested in hearing your opponent's side, only preaching your own?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
31 “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah—

2 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the Lord. 33 But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. ....For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”

And from Ezekiel

14 I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken it and performed it,” says the Lord.’ ”

21 “Then say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Surely I will take the children of Israel from among the nations, wherever they have gone, and will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land; 22 and I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king over them all; they shall no longer be two nations, nor shall they ever be divided into two kingdoms again. 23 They shall not defile themselves anymore with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions; but I will deliver them from all their dwelling places in which they have sinned, and will cleanse them. Then they shall be My people, and I will be their God.

Right Divider

Body part
I have one question to ask you: I perceive that you have a theological agenda to protect/advance.
We get your propaganda (using "agenda" instead of simply "position").

Everyone has a "theological agenda" that they want to "protect/advance/defend". You are no exception.
Are you you a dispensationalist by chance?
Are you an anti-dispensationalist by chance?

See how that works? Your silly rhetorical grandstanding won't work with us. We were not born yesterday. Here on TOL, you will be required to make logical and coherent ARGUMENTS. Your personal opinions based on your acceptance of "Churchianity" don't move us a bit. We stick to sound Biblical doctrines and avoid bogus traditions.


New member
Because "election" is not synonymous with "saved".

Rom 11:28 (AKJV/PCE)​
(11:28) As concerning the gospel, [they are] enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, [they are] beloved for the fathers' sakes.​
The "elect" here are enemies of the gospel and yet beloved of God.
This text doesn't prove what you say. Everyone comes into this world in Adam, and therefore all of us as enemies of God (Rom 5:10) in time and space. But pertaining to election which took place in eternity before the world began, God viewed all his chosen ones as pure and spotless and holy and righteous as the Son of God himself. But space and time when one becomes born again, that enmity that all believers previously had is removed forever.

You are biblically illiterate, even though you quote many verses.

Rom 11:15 (AKJV/PCE)​
(11:15) For if the casting away of them [be] the reconciling of the world, what [shall] the receiving [of them be], but life from the dead?​
2Cor 5:19 (AKJV/PCE)​
(5:19) To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.​
I don't see anything in these passages that speak to a universal covenant that God made with the world. Make things up much?
Read Paul's epistles.

WRONG, Paul says that we get the Spirit. It is NOT "only a NC promise". That is YOUR bogus theory.
But long before Paul's time, God promised ISRAEL through the prophet Ezekiel (ch. 36) that he would put his Spirit in them and cause them to walk in his statues. can anyone in this parenthetical Church age (the age between two covenants), possibly be privy to that promise, since it wasn't made to the Church? How can anyone in this "in-between time" period possibly be born again? And you appeal to Paul!? What would he know about any NC promises, since he was strictly an apostle to the Gentiles, right. BUT...if you insist that Ezek 36 applies to the Church and to Israel because it's convenient for your narrative, then why can't I do the same with Jer 31? And you're assuming that Paul didn't know that he and others contemporary with him forgot that God made them ministers of the New Covenant (2Cor 3:6). And how weird is that!? According to you, the NC period ended with Paul's road trip to Damascus. And not only that, he was sent to minister to Gentiles throughout the Roman Empire -- Genitles, no less, who have nothing to do with the New Covenant, according to you. Yet, he told mainly Gentile believers in Corinth that God made him minister of the New Covenant!? Why would he tell them this? What business of theirs is the NC? And why would they even want to know this useless information that had no relevance to them?

Or if Paul wasn't confused, was God out of his mind? I guess God was reading from a different memo than you -- to actually make Paul a minister of covenant with which Gentiles have no part in....and for that matter neither did the Jews Paul preached to on his missionary journeys.

P.S. Oh yeah...before I forget there is anoher option: Your theolgy is bat-moon crazy off the charts. 🤣 🤣


New member
We get your propaganda (using "agenda" instead of simply "position").

Everyone has a "theological agenda" that they want to "protect/advance/defend". You are no exception.

Are you an anti-dispensationalist by chance?

See how that works? Your silly rhetorical grandstanding won't work with us. We were not born yesterday. Here on TOL, you will be required to make logical and coherent ARGUMENTS. Your personal opinions based on your acceptance of "Churchianity" don't move us a bit. We stick to sound Biblical doctrines and avoid bogus traditions.
Who is "us"? Got a mouse in your pocket?

And no, I'm not antiabortionist; I'm a pro-lifer. Likewise, I'm not an anti-dispensationalist;, I'm a lover of the truth (2Thesd 2:10) and rejoice in it (1Cor 13:6), which makes me a pro-truther, I suppose. So, see how your "silly rhetorical grandstanding" is childishly boring to me? Why can't you be honest and answer an honest question straightfoward without getting all puffed up riding on your high horse? Are you ashamed of your eschatology that you have to hide it?

Right Divider

Body part
This text doesn't prove what you say.
You don't know what it even means at all.
Everyone comes into this world in Adam, and therefore all of us as enemies of God (Rom 5:10) in time and space.
Equivocation ... it does NOT say "enemies of God", is says enemies of the GOSPEL (the gospel of the grace of God). So the ELECT are against the GOSPEL.
But pertaining to election which took place in eternity before the world began, God viewed all his chosen ones as pure and spotless and holy and righteous as the Son of God himself. But space and time when one becomes born again, that enmity that all believers previously had is removed forever.
Equivocation does not help your story.
I don't see anything in these passages that speak to a universal covenant that God made with the world. Make things up much?
Firstly, you're a lying little child.

Secondly, as I told you before, not everything that God does is based a covenant. That you cannot understand that is your problem.
But long before Paul's time, God promised ISRAEL through the prophet Ezekiel (ch. 36) that he would put his Spirit in them and cause them to walk in his statues.
DUH... when God implements THEIR (Israel's) NEW covenant... yes. can anyone in this parenthetical Church age (the age between two covenants), possibly be privy to that promise, since it wasn't made to the Church?
Because God can give His Spirit in different ways. He does not need to play by your rules.
How can anyone in this "in-between time" period possibly be born again?
We are not "born again". That term is related to the nation of Israel. That is why the only places that you find the term is in the book by the "circumcision apostles" (John and Peter). See also Gal 2.

And you appeal to Paul!?
All the time. Paul is OUR apostle for the body of Christ per God's calling of him for that purpose.
What would he know about any NC promises, since he was strictly an apostle to the Gentiles, right.
Paul was a "Hebrew of the Hebrews"!

Phil 3:5 (AKJV/PCE)​
(3:5) Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, [of] the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee;​
Paul knows far more about Israel's prophets and scriptures than you do. That's for sure.
BUT...if you insist that Ezek 36 applies to the Church and to Israel because it's convenient for your narrative, then why can't I do the same with Jer 31?
I never said that Ezel 36 applies to the "Church". It applies to Israel only. Stop making things up (i.e., lying).
And you're assuming that Paul didn't know that he and others contemporary with him forgot that God made them ministers of the New Covenant (2Cor 3:6).
Paul is NOT referring to the "new covenant" of Jer 31 and Heb 8 applying to the body of Christ. I know that this is a PET verse for those that try to blur what God is doing uniquely through Paul. Being a minister does NOT force one to be a part of the new covenant.
And how weird is that!?
You're ideas are weird, but expected.
According to you, the NC period ended with Paul's road trip to Damascus. And not only that, he was sent to minister to Gentiles throughout the Roman Empire -- Genitles, no less, who have nothing to do with the New Covenant, according to you. Yet, he told mainly Gentile believers in Corinth that God made him minister of the New Covenant!?
Again, he can minister the covenant and still not be under it.
Why would he tell them this? What business of theirs is the NC? And why would they even want to know this useless information that had no relevance to them?
Because there were many, like Peter, James and John that were UNDER the covenant with God and they had other Israelite's following them in that covenant.
Or if Paul wasn't confused, was God out of his mind?
Neither, it is you that is out of your mind. You're an emotional wreck that need to calm down and believe the truth.
I guess God was reading from a different memo than you -- to actually make Paul a minister of covenant with which Gentiles have no part in....and for that matter neither did the Jews Paul preached to on his missionary journeys.

P.S. Oh yeah...before I forget there is anoher option: Your theolgy is bat-moon crazy off the charts. 🤣 🤣
You're so emotional that you cannot even type correctly. Get a grip.
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Right Divider

Body part
Who is "us"? Got a mouse in your pocket?
Attempted humor... how cute.
And no, I'm not antiabortionist; I'm a pro-lifer.
Good for you... pointless to the topic though.
Likewise, I'm not an anti-dispensationalist;, I'm a lover of the truth (2Thesd 2:10) and rejoice in it (1Cor 13:6), which makes me a pro-truther, I suppose.
You have a vivid imagination.
So, see how your "silly rhetorical grandstanding" is childishly boring to me?
False accusation, which also makes you a liar.
Why can't you be honest and answer an honest question straightfoward without getting all puffed up riding on your high horse? Are you ashamed of your eschatology that you have to hide it?
Now you are an habitual liar. Good work.
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New member
You don't know what it even means at all.

Equivocation ... it does NOT say "enemies of God", is says enemies of the GOSPEL (the gospel of the grace of God). So the ELECT are against the GOSPEL.

Equivocation does not help your story.

Firstly, your a lying little child.

Secondly, as I told you before, not everything that God does is based a covenant. That you cannot understand that is your problem.

DUH... when God implements THEIR (Israel's) NEW covenant... yes.

Because God can give His Spirit in different ways. He does not need to play by your rules.

We are not "born again". That term is related to the nation of Israel. That is why the only places that you find the term is in the book by the "circumcision apostles" (John and Peter). See also Gal 2.

All the time. Paul is OUR apostle for the body of Christ per God's calling of him for that purpose.

Paul was a "Hebrew of the Hebrews"!

Phil 3:5 (AKJV/PCE)​
(3:5) Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, [of] the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee;​
Paul knows far more about Israel's prophets and scriptures than you do. That's for sure.

I never said that Ezel 36 applies to the "Church". It applies to Israel only. Stop making things up (i.e., lying).

Paul is NOT referring to the "new covenant" of Jer 31 and Heb 8 applying to the body of Christ. I know that this is a PET verse for those that try to blur what God is doing uniquely through Paul. Being minister does NOT force on to be a part of the new covenant.

You're ideas are weird, but expected.

Again, he can minister the covenant and still not be under it.

Because there were many, like Peter, James and John that were UNDER the covenant with God and they had other Israelite's following them in that covenant.

Neither, it is you that is out of your mind. You're an emotional wreck that need to calm down and believe the truth.

You're so emotional that you cannot even type correctly. Get a grip.
Okay, so "we're not born again", you say? That's all I need to know. The only thing I would correct in that statement is that YOU'RE not born again; for I know I am. So, leave me out of your fantasies, thank you. With that, I will leave you to play in the muck and mire of the darkness of your own murky mind which obviously you think is wise. I have no desire to converse with the enemies of the Cross of Christ. It's no wonder at all that Paul said, "God didn't choose many wise."

Right Divider

Body part
Okay, so "we're not born again", you say?
I'm dead to sin and raised to life. You should join me in the body of Christ.

You can learn all about it in Paul's epistles.
That's all I need to know.
You think that you know so much.
The only thing I would correct in that statement is that YOU'RE not born again; for I know I am.
You can think whatever you want. I know that you are in the classic "Churchianity" tradition.
So, leave me out of your fantasies, thank you.
If you don't want to join the body of Christ, which is what God is doing today... so be it.
With that, I will leave you to play in the muck and mire of the darkness of your own murky mind which obviously you think is wise.
You are such an habitual liar. I feel your evil heart.
I have no desire to converse with the enemies of the Cross of Christ.
Again, a bold-faced lie. Your daddy, the devil, must be very proud of you.
It's no wonder at all that Paul said, "God didn't choose many wise."
I have no fear of your ridiculous and clueless insults. I'm saved by the blood of Christ without a covenant and I have the scripture to support that. So, belittle me all that you like, I am part of Christ's body for all of eternity.
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