Paid professional murderer giggles about how hard it can be to dismember live babies


Well-known member

Newly-released undercover footage from the Center for Medical Progress captures a Planned Parenthood abortionist laughing about how much force is required to dismember babies when chemical agents aren’t used, and joking that she first thought she needed to go to the gym just to get in shape to perform a dilation and evacuation procedure.

“Research shows that Dig [short for Digoxin] doesn’t make the procedure easier in someone who is well trained, but I have to tell you anecdotally my biceps appreciate when the Dig works [to kill the baby],” DeShawn Taylor of Planned Parenthood Los Angeles stated, flexing her arm and giggling.

“It does not take me any longer to complete the procedure, but it takes more force,” she explained. “I remember when I was a fellow and I was training, I was like, ‘Oh, I have to hit the gym for this. I need to hit the gym.'”

When asked at what gestation dismemberment abortions become especially difficult, she replied 20 weeks (five months).

Think that's the worst part? No...

During the conversation, Taylor also stated that she has to be careful for her staff’s sake that the baby is crushed enough that he or she doesn’t look like a person when removed from the womb.

“It’s not a matter of how I feel about it coming out intact, but I gotta worry about my staff and people’s feelings about it coming out looking like a baby,” she outlined.

But Taylor also noted that she herself doesn’t like when the aborted infants are referred to as babies.

“We have the people who do our paperwork for the fetal death certificates, [and] they email us calling them ‘babies.’ Baby this, baby that, baby so-and-so, and I’m like, that’s creepy!” she exclaimed.

Isaiah 5:20

2 Tim 3:2-3 ("lovers of money," "without natural affection/heartless," "brutal")

Rev 21:8 ("murderers")


New member
Ugh. This makes my blood boil. Talk about heartless.

Development at 20 Weeks

The baby weighs about 10 ounces and is a little more than 6 inches long. Your uterus should be at the level of your belly button. The baby can suck a thumb, yawn, stretch, and make faces. Soon -- if you haven't already -- you'll feel your baby move, which is called "quickening."


DeShawn Taylor - you're creepy.

The Horn

The "Center for medical progress " is a totally fraudulent extremist anti-choice organization led by a crazed antiabortion fanatic by the name of David Daleiden , who doctored videos of interviews with PP employees in order to give the misleading impression that it sells parts of aborted fetuses for profit , which it does not and has never done .
He is RIGHTLY being criminally prosecuted . Making abortion illegal again in A,mercer would be the exact opposite of medical progress .


New member
The "Center for medical progress " is a totally fraudulent extremist anti-choice organization led by a crazed antiabortion fanatic by the name of David Daleiden , who doctored videos of interviews with PP employees in order to give the misleading impression that it sells parts of aborted fetuses for profit , which it does not and has never done .
He is RIGHTLY being criminally prosecuted . Making abortion illegal again in A,mercer would be the exact opposite of medical progress .

You're just poisoning the well. Do you care to discuss the comments made by the creepy DeShawn Taylor?

The Horn

It's an established fact . Datelined doctored the videos . PP does NOT and has never sold parts of aborted fetuses , but ever since his fraud was reported, conservatives all over America have accepted his blatant lies as the gospel truth .


New member
It's an established fact . Datelined doctored the videos . PP does NOT and has never sold parts of aborted fetuses , but ever since his fraud was reported, conservatives all over America have accepted his blatant lies as the gospel truth .

No one said anything about sold parts of aborted fetuses. Are you lost?

Read OP again and get back to us.