ECT Our triune God

patrick jane

Ok so you have never had an encounter with Jesus.

I knew that.

Here is something which belongs in this thread--

That says nothing about Jesus. It speaks of Gods Word, Gods light , Gods Spirit.

Ok now John was witnessing of the light in Gods son.

Jesus was never the light which lighted everyone who came and comes into the world.

Now the verses above speak of Jesus Christ after the event.

Then the verse above speaks of Jesus as revealed to the world at and after His baptism by John.


As John had declared.


All it takes is are posts like these to keep LA in the profoundly confused category of theology


TOL Subscriber
I doubt that.

You would know who He is if you had.

I know exactly who He is. You can only see humanity. Thus there is no means for you to be partaking of the divine nature.

You deny He is a resurrected man, the first of many brethren.

I most certainly do NOT deny He is a resurrected man, the first of many brethren.

You mean I deny He is ONLY a resurrected man, the first of many brethren. Of course I deny He's ONLY a resurrected man, the first of many brethren. He's the eternal divine Logos of God, just as He is ALSO a resurrected man, the first of many brethren.

Jesus is no lie.

No, but you have believed and spoken a lie about me.

You think the only words which God spoke, were about Jesus.

That's absurd. No, I don't think the only words which God spoke, were about Jesus.

And "words spoken" is Rhema rather than Logos, though Logos is integral in that. It really comes down to that. Few Trinitarians have any clue what Rhema and Logos mean, so the majority of them are functional Tritheists. Unitarians universally don't know the meaning of Rhema or Logos, so they deny the divinity of our Lord to their own peril.

You defend your false position with charges of blasphemy, and being in sin. A sure sign of you being a modern day Pharisee or even worse a saducee who speak the same as you.

It is blasphemous to deny scripture; and to deny the Son as the eternal uncreated Logos of God, by which the one true and living God created all things.

Jesus corrected their error but they as you, ignore it.

You judge yourself with your own words and the reference to Pharisees and Saducees, since it is they who were looking for a man as Messiah for an earthly kingdom rather than Theanthropos as the Word made flesh.

Joh 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
Joh 5:40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.
Joh 5:41 I receive not honour from men.
Joh 5:42 But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you.

Love abounds in epignosis knowledge (Philippians 1:9). It's those who deny the divinity of Christ who are loveless, faithless, and without knowledge.

There you have spoken the proof that you are a man follower wishing to be a leader of men, but instead almost a complete failure.


No, I have spoken proof that I know the historical and authentic Christian faith, which includes the Apostle Paul and the Apostle John and the Apostle Peter. This includes their direct disciples, including Polycarp; and they ALL affirmed the eternal uncreated divinity of our Lord.

Most Trinitarians are in peril from their functional Tritheism. All Unitarians are in peril from denying the divinity of Christ.

It's at least heterodox. It easily is heresy for many/most. And it's outright schism for some.

As I understand it, this is not a thread where the Triune view is to be debated. You Unis have plenty of threads to pollute without soiling this one. Please keep your participation focused in those threads, per the instruction of the Mods regarding this thread.

Cross Reference

New member
I know exactly who He is. You can only see humanity. Thus there is no means for you to be partaking of the divine nature.

Had Jesus been in the power of his Godhead for to withdraw from suffering in the flesh, all flesh would have be lost to Satan. Ponder that when studying your Greek.

And added thought:

"The ultimate goal of knowledge is not information but intimacy. I want to know the one who knows me. Someday I will know as I am known (I Cor. 13:), but meanwhile, “As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God” (Ps. 42:1). Any search for knowledge that is satisfied with information falls short. If the heavens declare his glory then, even when I study quantum physics, microbiology or epigenetics, I am seeking to know my Father/Creator." . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . Fount Shults, "On Word Ministries"
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TOL Subscriber
Had Jesus been in the power of his Godhead

Please extensively define "Godhead" in this and any other uses.

for to withdraw from suffering in the flesh, all flesh would have be lost to Satan.

Why do you presume the false dichotomy that divinity is not present when the humanity is suffering in the flesh?

Ponder that when studying your Greek.

I have, because I do so from the Greek foundation of meaning and application from the text.

The only reason for extreme Kenoticism (there are several degrees), is for modern Third Wave Charismaticists to insist Jesus did everything during the Incarnation as a man filled with the Holy Spirit, so we as Believers can do everything as a man filled with the Holy Spirit.

This denies the very ontology of the Gospel and the hypostatic translation of Believers into Christ. It's the most subtle and invasive anti-christ doctrine of this modern time.

And added thought:

"The ultimate goal of knowledge is not information but intimacy. I want to know the one who knows me. Someday I will know as I am known (I Cor. 13:), but meanwhile, “As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God” (Ps. 42:1). Any search for knowledge that is satisfied with information falls short. If the heavens declare his glory then, even when I study quantum physics, microbiology or epigenetics, I am seeking to know my Father/Creator." . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . Fount Shults, "On Word Ministries"

Yeah, this guy has no idea what the distinctions are between epignosis knowledge, gnosis knowledge, and oida knowledge. Why quote some modern Charismaniac?


I went and looked at On Word Ministries. This guy is one of many promoting Theophostic Counseling and Prayer. No thanks. It's subtle Occultism trojan-horsed into the Christian faith. Eastern Mysticism meets Psychological Phenomenon, pretending to be spiritual truth. Fraudulent Modernism.

Cross Reference

New member
Please extensively define "Godhead" in this and any other uses.

No. You define it. Maybe the Greek will bail you out.

Why do you presume the false dichotomy that divinity is not present when the humanity is suffering in the flesh?

BEcause when one tempted he is left alone . . all alone. See the examples given in this like Adam, Abraham, JESUS!

I have, because I do so from the Greek foundation of meaning and application from the text.

Consider you are in error in your understanding of what you read.

Yeah, this guy has no idea what the distinctions are between epignosis knowledge, gnosis knowledge, and oida knowledge. Why quote some modern Charismaniac?
Because he makes more sense than you.


I went and looked at On Word Ministries. This guy is one of many promoting Theophostic Counseling and Prayer. No thanks.


It's subtle Occultism trojan-horsed into the Christian faith. Eastern Mysticism meets Psychological Phenomenon, pretending to be spiritual truth. Fraudulent Modernism.

Simply put, you have knowledge of God. . . .only a bunch of head knowledge about God written by coptic Greek scholars who also had no relationship with Him.

You are barking up the wrong tree. I know the man. He is proficient in both the Hebrew and Greek. He has been a Professor in a well known Bible college for at least 30 yrs. So where does that place you with your conceit, novice? I believe you would argue with Jesus if He was on Earth in this present day. . . an call Him a cult figure. I'll bet you don't know what eternal is. You don't have a clue.


Well-known member
Please understand CR, I'm not picking on you. I think most folks harbor some variation of this belief in salvation via proper doctrine. At least you aren't offering others a free trip to "hell" for any perceived doctrinal shortcomings unlike many others, past and present, have here.


Well-known member
Why not function from the reverse of that. IOW, insist that what you or I are taking into ourselves can stand the light of His Life upon it all?
1) Global thinkers don't tend to jump the gun until they have the whole picture, simply because they want their response to be to the right thing. Leading questions tend to leave me without opinion for a long time. In our conversation, for example, I had to wait a few days before being able to grasp the depth of your meaning and concerns. No verse comes to mind for that. On this particular, it isn't but your passing observation that I hadn't used scriptures. I think the answer is 'you are right.' I just felt I had to explain after that.

If of the divine that it be of the Son of God. If of his humanity then let it be of the son of man? In this I don't mean to imply Jesus had two different natures simply because the union between them acted in one accord as to make them indistinguishable. In this way, however, Jesus demonstrates all that we are purposed to be as ones born from above. In this will not God be our consuming fire?

In the sight of God was the unglorified state of the humanity of Jesus indistinguishable from His glorified state and had to be in order for him to have crossed over into Glory on the MT.
A few introductions for thread and in addressing where I think you are coming from. Some of the background reading will help in conversation and allow others interested to catch up-to-speed if they wish to follow along in an informed manner:

The balance of theology is between the idea of Christ's kenosis and the hypostatic union of God and man. Here is a brief overview of the difficulties, but I'll elate a few of them here as well. The main point is that Christ didn't divest himself of divinity, but rather veiled it in taking on humanity. Thus, when Jesus said "no man knows the day or the hour but the Father in heaven" It was because He chose not to know and accepted that limitation in the flesh. "He knows now" would suggest the Lord Jesus is in His glorified state.

The main point of this discussion is focused on how much Jesus Christ tasted of humanity, voluntarily, as God. Paul says our attitude should be that of our Lord Jesus Christ, who took on the form of a servant, for our sakes. Such was all voluntary and self-restricting, not a 'losing' of those attributes. A father may put one hand behind his back when playing baseball to hit the ball, and would divest himself of most of his power in order to participate appropriately with his children. Similarly, Paul is calling the Philippians to have this same loving and sacrificial loving attitude, as displayed in Christ's loving sacrifice, not only in His death, but His subservient life as God living as a human servant.

There is a danger to Kenosis theology and is labelled a heresy, and that is the idea that the Lord Jesus Christ 'ceased' being God when He emptied Himself. addresses this more fully here. The problem with such is that it believes Jesus was only human upon the earth and it also alludes to him being created/born as a separate being than the pre-existent God the Son (Son of God).

Background reading and an indepth study on Philippians 2 by John MacArthur

Lazy afternoon

I know exactly who He is. You can only see humanity. Thus there is no means for you to be partaking of the divine nature.

I most certainly do NOT deny He is a resurrected man, the first of many brethren.

You mean I deny He is ONLY a resurrected man, the first of many brethren. Of course I deny He's ONLY a resurrected man, the first of many brethren. He's the eternal divine Logos of God, just as He is ALSO a resurrected man, the first of many brethren.

I never said Christ today is only a man but you deny he was born only a man.

No, but you have believed and spoken a lie about me.

I answered you in kind. You lied about me, so I could only gather from that you are lying.

That's absurd. No, I don't think the only words which God spoke, were about Jesus.

And "words spoken" is Rhema rather than Logos, though Logos is integral in that. It really comes down to that. Few Trinitarians have any clue what Rhema and Logos mean, so the majority of them are functional Tritheists. Unitarians universally don't know the meaning of Rhema or Logos, so they deny the divinity of our Lord to their own peril.

I know the meanings, but remember that we also were in Christ before the foundation of the world, but you misunderstand how.

It is blasphemous to deny scripture; and to deny the Son as the eternal uncreated Logos of God, by which the one true and living God created all things.

The Father created all things according to the Bible with Christ and us in mind.

You judge yourself with your own words and the reference to Pharisees and Saducees, since it is they who were looking for a man as Messiah for an earthly kingdom rather than Theanthropos as the Word made flesh.

They were looking for the Messiah.

Love abounds in epignosis knowledge (Philippians 1:9). It's those who deny the divinity of Christ who are loveless, faithless, and without knowledge.

Well, I do not deny the divinity of Jesus Christ. The Christ is the divine portion of Jesus Christ.

and you judge others views by your beliefs rather than by Gods word.

Jesus is still a man born from the human race, but you claim he was somehow a conscious being before He was born. You learnt that from deceived people.

No, I have spoken proof that I know the historical and authentic Christian faith, which includes the Apostle Paul and the Apostle John and the Apostle Peter. This includes their direct disciples, including Polycarp; and they ALL affirmed the eternal uncreated divinity of our Lord.

The divinity of Jesus is the Father Himself, so of course His divinity was uncreated.

You do not see the union of man with God. You deny the gospel record and prefer the writings of blind men.

Most Trinitarians are in peril from their functional Tritheism. All Unitarians are in peril from denying the divinity of Christ.

So everyone is in peril except you, who claims to know Christ through your study of other humans books.

It's at least heterodox. It easily is heresy for many/most. And it's outright schism for some.

As I understand it, this is not a thread where the Triune view is to be debated. You Unis have plenty of threads to pollute without soiling this one. Please keep your participation focused in those threads, per the instruction of the Mods regarding this thread.

Then why do you not obey them?

I have answered you in the same way as you began to speak, so you have none to blame but yourself.



Well-known member
when Jesus said "no man knows the day or the hour but the Father in heaven" It was because He chose not to know and accepted that limitation in the flesh. "He knows now" would suggest the Lord Jesus is in His glorified state.
A correction by AMR toward this
AMR said:
To say the divine chooses not to know is to imply an ontological conundrum requiring the objects of the divine's knowledge to not actually exist or be possible to exist, for if they exist or are possible, they must be genuinely known by the omniscient God.
I agree and accept the correction here willingly.


Well-known member
Ah, you're right, it was Lon...
If salvation is dependent upon us rightly understanding what God is we are all lost.
Lon, that post was meant for you, evidently.

It does depend on revelation for faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God, thus it does depend on what we know of God. I think you are saying "salvation doesn't depend on what we yet don't know about God or possibly even what we may not have correctly."

I think if a thread was started with the topic: "Soteriology: what is salvation all about?" Would go many pages on TOL. General systematic theology topics have a good longevity.


Literal lunatic

What should one make of this statement in AMR's post?

Nothing was revealed to Christ incarnate, as if something was not already known to Him, but only handed over (delivered over, committed) to Him by the Father.

I mean if one considers it in light of this scripture?

John 5:20
For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.

Then speaking of marveling, didn't Father reveal the faith he had dealt to this guy that Jesus marvelled over?

Matthew 8:10
When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.
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