"OSAS" people are not answering this question.

God's Truth

New member
What possible reason would I have to take you're word for it, some random internet poster, over the true supreme pastor of Jesuses' own Church (Matthew 16:18 KJV)? Especially since he also say's to believe in Jesus and not mere men.

I can't think of a single 1. :think:


Because the written Word of God says NOT TO BELIEVE MERE MEN!

And the Catholic's pope goes against Jesus.


New member
So you are saying no MAD beliefs were EVER written about?

There are MAD books, but there are different "understandings."

Just as there are people you might find hold a similar understanding with yours on some things and not on other things; that kind of thing.

The books written about MAD will differ depending on what "understanding" their particular author holds to.

There are different MAD understandings represented on TOL.

Just as Tetelestai and, say, Interplanner, or I Am A Berean, will differ in their understanding of some things, though they generally basically hold to a very similar understanding, overall.

This really all boils down to two theologies (study of the things of God)....

1) The Reformed or Covenant, and all the different groups that has resulted in over the years.

2) Dispensational, and all the different groups that has resulted in over the years.

Both schools of thought are Protestant. They essentially hold to the same fundamentals of the faith. Unlike, say Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Church of Christ, 7th Day Adventists - which are not Protestant.

Both the Reformed and the Dispensational school, are an attempt to organize their study of the things of God, into a way of studying out the who, what, when, where, why, and how, of things described within Scripture.

That is really all both schools of thought are - an attempt to organize their study of the things of God.

And within all the groups those two have resulted in, you will find people who take issue with anyone who does not hold their exact view, and are rather nasty about how they let one know.

Then you have others within all those groups who are not like that.

Lastly, within all those groups, most will not really know much about what they actually hold to. Because, as with much in life, most follow whatever they were brought up in, or that appears to make sense to them given what they have failed to consider about one thing or another.

And then you have the know it alls - like the guy who wrote this :chuckle:

Dan Emanuel

Active member
Because the written Word of God says NOT TO BELIEVE MERE MEN!...
Then again, why would I believe you, when the Bible, and the true supreme pastor of Jesuses' own Church, also say's what you say?

Your a middleman at best.

We don't need you.
...And the Catholic's pope goes against Jesus.
So do you. "This do" (1 Corinthians 11:24 KJV) doesn't mean, "Log-in, lose you're mind." :nono:
