Openly Practicing Gluttons


I have heard of Catholic priests denying communion to people who openly practice sinful lifestyles that contradict Church teaching.

A "married" gay man is considered to be not in communion with the Church.
I assume an unrepentant thief who continues to mug people would be denied communion.
A man who continues to cheat on his wife, and the affair is known to the Church, would be denied communion, right?

What about gluttony?

There are, in most cases, very visible signs when someone makes a life-long habit of overeating. Would this person not be "openly practicing" a sinful lifestyle of gluttony?

Was anyone ever denied communion for this reason?
Should anyone be denied for this reason?

The same questions could pertain to any of the sacraments... holy orders, confirmation, marriage?

Or the sin of standing of judgment on others?
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Well-known member
Gluttony in our culture isn't food related so much as it's materialism in general. Many people are overweight these days because they are not active enough, and because so many of the foods we eat are just processed corn, sugar, and fat. People used to eat a lot more food than we eat now days, but they ate real food and they worked very hard, physically, for many hours a day.

I would classify "gluttony" in our culture as being more related to our life-style of collecting consumer products, many of which we don't need, don't use, and don't even know why we bought them. Our homes are crammed to the rafters with consumer "junk" that we bought to satisfy some silly desire or other, when we could have used that money to help someone else who really needs it. Or even to help our own families in more positive and appropriate ways.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Here is a picture of me, as one of the "altar boys" gang, after having a few belts of wine, from the "priest's" rectory, and munchin' on "Jesus wafers," and a Friday night fish frye....


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I consciously try to chew slow, one bite at a time, but sometimes it just goes out the window and becomes a throw down. :chew:

Nothin' like three Vienna sausages,heavy on the tomato puree, a slice of bread, and butter on a paper dish, at "The Waffle House." Good thing that with all us W's, it all goes to muscle, Mayor.


Active member
I'm not a fan of Catholic rituals, ie communication with dead saints for favors (see 1 Tim 2:5), but gluttony is noticably absent from Rev 21:8's list of the "7 deadly sins".