Originally posted by lighthouse
I brought up His repentance that He had made man.
From man's point of view, it may have looked like God repented of making man, or "repented" of saying he'd destroy Nineveh. Men describe the sun as "rising" and "setting" even though it's the earth, not the sun, that moves. So, was God's describing the events as how they appeared to the observer. Yet we're told in 1 Samuel 15:29, "And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent:
for he is not a man, that he should repent. When God "repents" He is doing what He's promised all along, not punishing sinners that are
repentant. Did God change His mind? Of course not! Man "repented" or changed, not God.
I know that numbers have meaning, in prophecy.
Only numbers in prophecy have meaning? What about other numbers like "seven" or "three?" Many would say they have significance as well, and if they have significance, why couldn't the number "forty?"
God is God. He is omnipotent. How do you think He could prevent it? God can do whatever He wants.
You think God could have interferred with man on earth to bring something about? Interesting, I've had other OV'ers tell me that in this present age God does not interfer with man.
Who said God even had a plan A that involved David? In fact, if God's original plan had gone through, then there wouldn't have been a king. And, even though there was, if Saul had not been so wicked, then Jonathan may have lived, and would have become king, instead of David. David being king was not the original plan. It wasn't even plan B.
All that appeared to be God's original plan, but God knew all along that Israel would want a king. God wasn't surprised when they wanted one, it's human nature to want to be like those around you. Israel wanted to be like the surrounding nations.
Time is not real. Only the past and present exist. The past has happened, and the present is happening. The future is neither.
Time isn't real?
And that verse is why I call it plan B. God had it, just in case the original plan didn't work. And it didn't. Israel rejected Jesus as Messiah, and Paul was called to preach the mystery.
Just because God kept the Body secret until Paul's conversion doesn't mean it was "Plan B."
No. The "us" is everyone. That was God's original plan, and intention, that all would be holy and blameless...
Everyone in the whole world?
But that didn't work out. So He had to do it another way. And this verse has no proof that the mystery was a plan, for all time, before God created the Earth.
He knew the possibility that they may eat of the fruit, so He had to have a plan. And He had to have a backup plan, as well.
If God knew and had the Body planned before he'd laid the "foundation of the earth," doesn't that mean He knew Adam and Eve were going to sin?
I never said God changed. But His mind does change, and that is what I have presented. His character remains the same.
God does not change His mind, it just seems like that to man. What really happens is man repents/changes mind, making it so God does not have to bring forth judgement.
Alright, I don't. That may very well happen. However, God, knowing men's hearts, knows that this is improbable. Yet, it is not impossible. But something very big would have to happen to set it in motion. However, God, wanting to bring forth what He told John He would do, can very well...and has...blinded Israel, and they cannot see the truth. There are some who may, even some who have, but as a whole, not gonna happen.
The part I put in bold is surprising coming from an OV'er. I thought the OV view of God was trying to draw all men to Him, not blinding some.