and if our neighbor acts contrary to God?
You can call another on his/her crud. That's not the problem. The problem is trying to judge. A judge is an impartial mediator or an executioner. When we are in the thick of things, we are accusers or the accused and should not be trying to judge as if we were impartial or given over the job from Our Lord and Savior. As Christians, we are supposed to be
trying to get it right and more careful what we say to one getting it wrong. We are told to get it right. That's what the OP is saying. That's what Loving God, and Loving one another being just like the first, means. We have no excuse not to love, not even concerning our enemies. That's what the OP says. Whatever Paul said, he told us he was in tears over it. He didn't throw out FU's or Go to Hell's. He even said he would that he'd be condemned if it meant Jews could be saved. Thats
incredible compassion. The kind we rarely see. We have wolf hunters here instead and they tend to shoot first, worry about who is dead later. It's a Marine motto: Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out.
We should be incredibly more careful. Guns and beer don't mix. If you are hunting, hunt and make sure of your shot. I have no room in my truck for a sloppy marksman who goes off at every moving bush. That wolf head might be on the shoulder of a man who got it. Wait for the right shot. When hunting, do not shoot first and ask questions later. It is always better to lose the shot and get it another day than to kill a sheep. We've lost a few on TOL. Knight and other mods have asked us to be very careful about this. I believe there is wisdom in that direction given to us.
Again, I'm not saying unchallenged, I'm saying if we are wolf-hunting, 1) that we should be sure it is our job because only our Lord God would be paying off for hides, and 2) that most or all of us should really be about shepherding and/or caring for the flock of God. Teach righteousness and wolves can only do so much (Acts 20:32). Paul didn't hire guns when he left the Ephesus. He told them to be alert and to commend themselves to scripture Acts 20:31&32