Open invitation to forge an email.


Well-known member
This is an open invitation to forge an email between Trump and Putin which cannot be determined to be a forgery.

Put up or shut up.

The Barbarian


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You messed up, claiming that emails couldn't be forged. I showed you that they could. Would you like me to show you again?!/

How to Forge Email: 10 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

How easy is it to forge or alter email? - Ask Leo

You didn't know what you were talking about. You got embarrassed. Learn from it, and do better next time.

It's almost hilarious isn't it?


Well-known member
You messed up, claiming that emails couldn't be forged. I showed you that they could. Would you like me to show you again?!/

How to Forge Email: 10 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

How easy is it to forge or alter email? - Ask Leo

You didn't know what you were talking about. You got embarrassed. Learn from it, and do better next time.

You've linked websites you don't understand.

If you did understand them, you'd realized that the "forged" emails they're talking about can easily be detected and determined to be forged. And in many of your website examples, they are only talking about spoofing or using the equivalent of a VPN. This not a real forge email, and once someone looks at the headers, it's game over.

The Barbarian, slayer of babies, and Arthur no-brain have repeatedly shown that they are illiterate or lying.

Its like my linking the following

and claiming that people can easily make forged $100 dollar bills which no one - not even the government - can tell are fake.

You both are clueless about what you are talking about. The Barbarian, slayer of babies, even quotes satire websites as fact. Arthur no-brain then believes him.

If you can really do it, do it. Forge a fake e-mail between Trump and Putin which I can't point out why it is fake. I will actually apologize if you succeed in doing this. You can then use it to sink Trump's campaign. Quoting blogs and other nonsense websites which neither of you even understand only looks impressive to morons.


Well-known member
This is an open invitation to forge an email between Trump and Putin which cannot be determined to be a forgery.
So...... because there is nobody here with the tech-know-how or the mind-set to forge an email, you think that you have won an argument about something?

Put up or shut up.
........ so now we all know you a little better, Hilltrot.


Well-known member
The Barbarian, slayer of babies, and Arthur no-brain have repeatedly shown that they are illiterate or lying.
You're sweet, Hilltrot, really, I expect that in real life if either TB or Arthur were standing by your side that you's be the meekest little darling, but you need to learn that both can read and write or they wouldn't be here. OK? So stop fibbing like that..... it's stupid.

Now, about your claims that both are liars.

Go in to Google-Search and pop in 'Can hackers forge emails' and press the search button. Now read through the forest of sites which explain how hackers can forge emails. You'll need reading and writing skills for all of these actions, friend.

I wonder if somebody close caught sight of a PIN? With that the rest would be fairly easy, but there are other ways as well, I suspect.

Here's just one response of many........

Can someone hack you if they know your email?
................ “When a hacker knows your email address, they have half of your confidential information—all they need now is the password,” warns Greg Kelley of Vestige Digital Investigations.1 Aug 2019
Things a Hacker Can Do with Your Email Address | Reader's Digest

The Barbarian

So...... because there is nobody here with the tech-know-how or the mind-set to forge an email, you think that you have won an argument about something?

........ so now we all know you a little better, Hilltrot.

When he gets angry and flustered, he just throws out anything that makes him feel better at the time. He doesn't seem to realize that there are consequences. He said something foolish about a subject he knew nothing about, and now he's trying to do the Trump thing, hoping if he says it often enough, people might start to believe it.


Well-known member
When he gets angry and flustered, he just throws out anything that makes him feel better at the time. He doesn't seem to realize that there are consequences. He said something foolish about a subject he knew nothing about, and now he's trying to do the Trump thing, hoping if he says it often enough, people might start to believe it.

It's the insults that are sad.
I remember getting a warning for calling somebody 'sweetie'. Things have changed here.

There is no other forum that allows insults like Hilltop and doser send.


Well-known member
So...... because there is nobody here with the tech-know-how or the mind-set to forge an email, you think that you have won an argument ?

Yes. Thank you for admitting that none of you know anything and you'all are just here to troll.


Well-known member
Yes. Thank you for admitting that none of you know anything and you'all are just here to troll.

No no..... I think you are the troll, Hilltrot. I was just amazed that anybody would assume that email addresses are totally secure.

We most of us do know something, probably more than you, but since we're never scammed emails we are as lay people about this subject, so we ask questions on the internet, and 'Bingo!' , the answers come back that hackers and scammers can be very capable in their activities.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You've linked websites you don't understand.

If you did understand them, you'd realized that the "forged" emails they're talking about can easily be detected and determined to be forged. And in many of your website examples, they are only talking about spoofing or using the equivalent of a VPN. This not a real forge email, and once someone looks at the headers, it's game over.

The Barbarian, slayer of babies, and Arthur no-brain have repeatedly shown that they are illiterate or lying.

Its like my linking the following

and claiming that people can easily make forged $100 dollar bills which no one - not even the government - can tell are fake.

You both are clueless about what you are talking about. The Barbarian, slayer of babies, even quotes satire websites as fact. Arthur no-brain then believes him.

If you can really do it, do it. Forge a fake e-mail between Trump and Putin which I can't point out why it is fake. I will actually apologize if you succeed in doing this. You can then use it to sink Trump's campaign. Quoting blogs and other nonsense websites which neither of you even understand only looks impressive to morons.

Oh, the irony...(again)

You made the really dumb claim that e-mails can't be forged, hacked or altered. You were flat out wrong and were shown why. That's not opinion, it's fact. E-mails most certainly can be forged, hacked and altered and it's hardly a major secret or anything either. Instead of acknowledging your mistake, you've dug yourself an even deeper hole making yourself look like an even bigger clown as a result. That's kinda what happens when you act like a petulant little kid.

Accept your error and check your facts before posting in future.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Yep, I'm dealing with some real einsteins here . . .

People don't need to be Einstein to take your current drivel apart. Stop making stupid claims and posting ignorant and laughable garbage. Shouldn't be that difficult on your part, should it?
