Only a third of Jews to be saved.


Well-known member
I am not a Christian. I could remain a Christian. But I observe Torah, God's Commandments. I could do so as a Christian. But I do not believe the Trinity.

My Uncle told me to pick a tribe. My Rabbi is of Levi.

I identify and identified as a Jew, Jewish, here on this website, and I was blocked from continuing to be a Christian, from identifying as a Christian, from becoming a Christian again, because I am a Jew and observe the Torah, God's commandments, along with the rest of Israel. This is how I understand it. Allowing something to happen and then making it so I can only be one (Jew, Christian) and then making it so I cannot be a Christian due to my own words, was quite a chore, but maybe accomplished by people with different or diverting strategies, reasons, and purpose in and for what they say and were saying. Logic dictates that a person keeps their words. When a person chooses to obey all of God's Commandments they are called a Jew or of Israel, which is no problem for me and not against anything that I wanted. But I did want to stay a Christian and still not believe the Trinity. Jews and Christians do not understand this.

I have read the Torah from the Bema. I read study observe keep and teach the Torah. I am a believer in the New Covenant. It is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It is in Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Christ. I keep (do) and teach the commandments in observance of and in keeping with Yeshua's (Jesus') words, teaching, instruction.

You have the thread name wrong.

I could be a priest without being of Israel or Levi, but not a pagan priest.



Thread name wrong? I did not make the thread. But anyways I am curious what you mean by your last statement, "I could be a priest without being of Israel or Levi, but not a pagan priest." How is that possible? What exactly do you mean?


Well-known member
Watchman's "God's calendar" is total nonsense. I've been through that in another thread with him, and there is no point in going through it again.

Having said that: Hillel's calculation is very accurate about when the astronomical New Moon is (the "molad"). However, the beginning of the new month (Rosh Hodesh) doesn't always coincide exactly with the astronomical New Moon. Why? For fairly complicated reasons having to do exactly when the holidays are. In any case, this is not an error- it's deliberate, and it is how we (Jews) do things.

Watchman is welcome to celebrate whatever holidays he likes on whatever day he likes.



Thread name wrong? I did not make the thread. But anyways I am curious what you mean by your last statement, "I could be a priest without being of Israel or Levi, but not a pagan priest." How is that possible? What exactly do you mean?

Whether or not I could be a priest of the nations in the United States of America whether of Israel or not.

The thread is called "Only a third of Jews to be saved", or Only a third of Jews to be saved.




Well-known member
[MENTION=5582]Jacob[/MENTION] the 'Jew', your Jewish colleague [MENTION=5868]chair[/MENTION] thinks new moon is the astronomical new moon. :chuckle:


Well-known member
The thread is out the of the window. I am in a virtual fight to the death with Jacob over the calendar issue, as opposed to real death that you believe you can cause people over the internet. :rotfl:

That is a lie and intentional false accusation. I never said any such thing, but you took it that way even after I tried to explain what I meant to you at least three times over. Virtual "stonings" go on here day in and day out: you even just admitted you are supposedly in a fight to the death with Jacob, (lol), so why do you not understand what I said to you before in virtually the same kind of thinking? What you are doing is tantamount to the same as if I was to right now say the same of you because of what you just said: and you have the audacity to run around calling people idiots and fools despite the commandments of the Master? Lol, you really are in for a big surprise one day, pseudo-prophet on the wall. You falsely accuse me over the same thing you yourself just did, and you do so because you only believe, see, and hear what you want to: and everything else is whatever you say it is whether you understand it or not because in the machinations of your vain imagination you fancy yourself a mini-god supposedly doing a service for God.


[MENTION=5582]Jacob[/MENTION] the Jew, your Jewish colleague [MENTION=5868]chair[/MENTION] thinks new moon is the astronomical new moon. :chuckle:

No. He only said that sometimes we think of them being the same day. I do not know if this is because Rosh Chodesh can sometimes be more than one day or because of when people think the astronomical new moon is. I assume the first, but there is also the by observation and by calculation issue.




Well-known member
You are incorrect about the meaning of my name. It is supplanter.

Also, I am not thinking of the 17th. I do not know how the American or Roman or Gregorian Calendars are used in reckoning a day, but on the Jewish / Hebrew Calendar the Day and the Calendar Day both end at sundown.



Well your doing a great job of supplanting the truth.

Of course you can't think of the 17th because that was the astronomical new moon and it mucks up your calendar. :chuckle:



Well your doing a great job of supplanting the truth.

Of course you can't think of the 17th because that was the astronomical new moon and it mucks up your calendar. :chuckle:

You do not even know the definition of the word, especially as it pertains to my name.

You are lying talking about other calendars and trying to project it upon me. Is this because you think this way yourself?




Well-known member
You do not even know the definition of the word, especially as it pertains to my name.

You are lying talking about other calendars and trying to project it upon me. Is this because you think this way yourself?



Hey supplanter Your Jewish calendar says it was new moon on the 17th:

But everyone saw the new moon on the 18th:

You don't understand whats going on.:chuckle:


Well-known member
That is a lie and intentional false accusation. I never said any such thing, but you took it that way even after I tried to explain what I meant to you at least three times over. Virtual "stonings" go on here day in and day out: you even just admitted you are supposedly in a fight to the death with Jacob, (lol), so why do you not understand what I said to you before in virtually the same kind of thinking? What you are doing is tantamount to the same as if I was to right now say the same of you because of what you just said: and you have the audacity to run around calling people idiots and fools despite the commandments of the Master? Lol, you really are in for a big surprise one day, pseudo-prophet on the wall. You falsely accuse me over the same thing you yourself just did, and you do so because you only believe, see, and hear what you want to: and everything else is whatever you say it is whether you understand it or not because in the machinations of your vain imagination you fancy yourself a mini-god supposedly doing a service for God.

Don't get out of your pram. :rotfl:


Well-known member
No. He only said that sometimes we think of them being the same day. I do not know if this is because Rosh Chodesh can sometimes be more than one day or because of when people think the astronomical new moon is. I assume the first, but there is also the by observation and by calculation issue.




Well-known member
Don't get out of your pram. :rotfl:

There are all sorts of scripture passages which speak in such terms because it speaks of cutting off sin from your own midst. If you had stoned that false prophet in your own midst you would not be in the deteriorating spiritual state you are presently in. And now that false prophet has taken over your soul: you should have never allowed him into your house, (Gen4:7). :chuckle:


Well-known member
There are all sorts of scripture passages which speak in such terms because it speaks of cutting sin from your own midst. If you had stoned that false prophet in your own midst you would not be in the deteriorating spiritual state you are presently in. And now that false prophet has taken over your soul: you should have never allowed him into your house, (Gen4:7). :chuckle:


I do like you. You make me laugh.