One World Order


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The current geopolitical model is multiple sovereign countries. The fruit of this tree is a whole lot of corruption, severe human rights violations, mass starvation, easily prevented and treatable diseases killing a lot of people, also risk of nuclear war. Other things too. It's not a good model. These sovereign states need to surrender their sovereignty, just like we all Americans have already done, to the United States Constitution.

That's how.
What is your proof of this? How do you KNOW that there were no dinosaurs on the ark?
Hunch. Besides, crocodiles and alligators are dinosaurs.

You have proof dinosaurs were on the ark?

Right Divider

Body part
The current geopolitical model is multiple sovereign countries.
When the one world government comes... it's not going to be good. See Revelation 13. (it's run by the ANTI-Christ).
The fix is when Christ returns... and guest what... there will still be multiple kingdoms (i.e., nations).
Rev 21:23-26 (AKJV/PCE)
(21:23) And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb [is] the light thereof. (21:24) And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. (21:25) And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. (21:26) And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it.
The fruit of this tree is a whole lot of corruption, severe human rights violations, mass starvation, easily prevented and treatable diseases killing a lot of people, also risk of nuclear war. Other things too. It's not a good model. These sovereign states need to surrender their sovereignty, just like we all Americans have already done, to the United States Constitution.
You are so deceived that it's hard to know where to begin. The USC is NOT the perfect solution. The US is very corrupt, so the USC has not stopped that issue here. What makes you think that it will work on a larger scale? It won't.
That's how.
Cra Cra
Hunch. Besides, crocodiles and alligators are dinosaurs.
You have proof dinosaurs were on the ark?
YOU are the one CLAIMING that they went EXTINCT during the flood. YOU are the one that needs to SUPPORT YOUR claim.

And, no, I do not have "proof" that dinosaurs were on the ark. The "list" of animals on the ark does not exist.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
When the one world government comes... it's not going to be good.
Don't let innocent people starve to death over your stupid eschatology. K?
See Revelation 13. (it's run by the ANTI-Christ).
The fix is when Christ returns... and guest what... there will still be multiple kingdoms (i.e., nations).
The United States means United Nations. You should have known that.
You are so deceived that it's hard to know where to begin.
Blah blah blah.
The USC is NOT the perfect solution.
Is too. It's the perfectest solution we have. Disagree? Provide a new idea. And just do nothing, is not a reasonable suggestion.
The US is very corrupt
Nope, you made that up. By no objective and unbiased measure, is that a true statement. Our vanishingly few exceptions, prove the rule.
, so the USC has not stopped that issue here.
The Constitution didn't stop abortion either. The ideological genius of it is that it empowers us to fix our biggest problems, with every potential tool fully available to us, individually and collectively, or "politically." In particular, "political" meaning government, a regime. A kingdom is a regime. That regime's ideology is the crown's own ideology. What the crown wants politically is what's going to happen in that nation.

In our nation our regime is governed by our Constitution. It has proven not only staying power, but domination, in its either long or brief history, depending upon which angle you're looking at it from. But even if you consider its 200+ years of unending success a brief history, it has independently of that, nonetheless proven staying power. It's been extremely durable over these 200+ years, and it has not only survived significant existential threats, but it has done so impressively, and America has simultaneously become the most powerful sovereign nation the world's ever seen, and it is hands down----there's no close second----it's a blow out.
What makes you think that it will work on a larger scale? It won't.
Supra. It's already worked and continues to work on the largest possible scale. America is one of the largest independent sovereign countries no matter how you want to look at it: 320 millions of people, fourth largest territory, largest economy, way most powerful military, cheapest food with our corresponding highest obesity rate, etc., etc.
Forgot your wyes. Why you so cray-cray?

YOU are the one CLAIMING that they went EXTINCT during the flood. YOU are the one that needs to SUPPORT YOUR claim.

And, no, I do not have "proof" that dinosaurs were on the ark. The "list" of animals on the ark does not exist.
Better pay better attention. The whole reason I even mentioned dinosaurs at all was because the man in the video asserted that the dinosaurs went extinct like 65 million years ago, and all I was doing was providing an equal and contradictory assertion that they died in the Flood, not 65 million years ago but closer to 10,000 times more recently. You agree with my gist. This is off-topic.

Right Divider

Body part
Don't let innocent people starve to death over your stupid eschatology. K?
The United States means United Nations. You should have known that.
The United Nations is evil. You should have known that.
Blah blah blah.
Your speed.
Is too. It's the perfectest solution we have. Disagree? Provide a new idea. And just do nothing, is not a reasonable suggestion.
Bob Enyart already has and I agree.
Nope, you made that up. By no objective and unbiased measure, is that a true statement. Our vanishingly few exceptions, prove the rule.
Wow. Talk about head buried in the sand.
The Constitution didn't stop abortion either.
Exactly!!! Thanks for confirming my statements.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Chile, the South American nation on the continent's southwestern coast, 19 million people, is voting on a proposed new constitution.

I propose we annex Chile. They're potentially going to change their constitution anyway, that's a huge change, in our country it takes a super majority in both houses of Congress and super majority of states, and has only happened like 20 times in our history.

What better time to annex peacefully a country? Change is already in the air.

If I had my druthers I'd also like Canada, Japan, and Germany to join our Constitution. There are a lot more people involved in those countries, so they'd probably have to become more than one state, but for different reasons all of these countries would make great additions to the Union.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
... America is one of the largest independent sovereign countries no matter how you want to look at it: 320 millions of people, fourth largest territory, largest economy, way most powerful military, cheapest food with our corresponding highest obesity rate, etc., etc.
One of the worst parts of this inflation we're all experiencing is that all our food is getting more expensive.

Inflation in food is super regressive, it affects the poor and needy way more than it affects anyone even a little bit less poor and needy.

We're going to be cranking up interest rates to help the poor and needy afford food easier. Even though this is going to probably cause a recession and cut into corporate profits and stock values. That's how important it is to get poor and needy people help in affording food right now.
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Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
...all of these countries would make great additions to the Union.
:D Of course they will...And they will be happy to join us. We will all eat bugs, own nothing and be happy together because those nations have no national identity of their own.

They will just be annexed...Just like...Well, just like Poland.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
... nuclear weapons cannot be trusted to anybody who is not under the control of moral men and women and intersex people.

We need a solution. ... This is the One World Order: The United States Constitution.
The biggest problem with our constitution is that partisanship interferes where there shouldn't be partisanship.

Partisanship used to infect slavery (Democrats were pro-slavery), Reconstruction (Republicans were pro-Reconstruction) and now it infects the Supreme Court (Republicans have the majority rn).

These things should be bipartisan, or non-partisan.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The biggest problem with our constitution is that partisanship interferes where there shouldn't be partisanship.

Partisanship used to infect slavery (Democrats were pro-slavery), Reconstruction (Republicans were pro-Reconstruction) and now it infects the Supreme Court (Republicans have the majority rn).

These things should be bipartisan, or non-partisan.
When there is partisanship where there should be bipartisanship, what can we do? Remember slavery was a case where there was partisanship instead of bipartisan unity. There should have been unity and bipartisan support for the abolition of slavery, but it was partisan. Republicans supported abolition, and Democrats did not.

On paper we might think the presidency, or the legislature, or the Supreme Court would have the duty and the power to stamp our partisanship where it doesn't belong. But that hasn't worked out.

I feel like, in cases like this, our best weapon to establish justice is the law court. I have no idea how this might work right now, but the law court through the jury, plus requiring a unanimous verdict, seems like the right tool for the job somehow.

What kind of jury trial would Americans in c. 1860 accept, if the verdict was that we shouldn't be partisan on the abolition of slavery? We need some way to intervene in a rare, special way, into our politics, when partisanship is singularly responsible for injustice. God loves justice, and so does America.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
... as far as I'm concerned there are at least three reasons for why one world order or one world government is really what we all should ideologically be promoting.

One is nuclear weapons. That's the one that prompted this OP.

The other two are in the following thread; climate change, and potential meteor or comet (bolide, mountain) impact from outer space.
And now I've thought of a fourth one: Aliens.

I mean it's not my idea, it follows from almost literally every scifi movie about aliens ever made ---- you have to have one world government if aliens are real and want to deal with us. Who is going to represent man to the aliens, if that day ever comes? The UN? lol! Not NATO. Not anybody else, nobody stands for all the people on the Earth. We don't have that (which is the baseline for the OP).

So, on the comically off chance that aliens are real (doubt!) one global government ("with teeth") leads to the best outcome for all mankind, all other things being equal.
In all three cases, one united global government is really what would work. We're seeing the chaos in slow motion with regard to climate change, and we're seeing the chaos chaotically with Russia and Ukraine, and we're not seeing the chaos at all for the other one.
Including aliens, so far, and again, I don't believe in aliens, but again, the first two listed problems, nuclear guns, and alleged climate change problems, are already impacting our lives negatively. If a significant meteor strikes the Earth (and anywhere on the Earth!) then the lack of a world government will also impact us then.
If that one happens [meteor impact], there's going to be one part of the earth that none of us want anybody to be anywhere near when the fateful day arrives, and this would be fairly simple (for an extraordinarily complex and complicated thing) to 'take care of' with one world order. Climate change also would be far more easily and simply handled, starting right away. And the threat of MAD would of course be extinguished entirely.
Aliens if real are unpredictable. I mean, impacts from space rocks or comets are unpredictable as well, not only the location that they'll strike, but also, is there more than one of them striking? It might be a bunch of impacts due to us trying to destroy it before it gets here but only succeeding in blowing it into smaller bits, each of which is its own cataclysm. Or maybe it's just a natural "meteor shower" which showers us with impacts.

But aliens could be small scoped or global scoped or anything in between, and it could be violent or political or who knows what else.

But if we're united as one government, then at least we've got a puncher's chance no matter what.

This is the link to the other thread mentioned above:


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
... If I had my druthers I'd also like Canada ...

Canadians are all upset over tariffs. Here's the deal. You don't need to buy the cow if you get the milk for free, and President Trump's starting to charge for the milk now. So, Canada, if you want to continue getting the milk for free, you need to tie the knot with us, and make an honest woman out of yourself. This is a marriage made in Heaven, and you'll not be giving up your identity, just because you're giving up your sovereignty. iow for example, I am a Bostonian, and I'm just as much a Bostonian as Bostonians were in 1775 and earlier, you don't change your identity when you unite with America, same goes for New Yorkers, same for every other place. You don't lose your culture, what makes you distinctively you. Your sovereignty that you cling to, is worthless and sentimental.

Stop being so stubborn and offended, make an honest woman out of yourself, tie the knot with us, and keep getting that sweet creamy American milk for free.
