Obama was born to an American mother and held an Hawaiian birth certificate, but that didn't stop American conservatives, including some in this forum, from waging a 7 year campaign challenging his constitutional right to be president.There is such a thing as dual-citizenship.
Obama was born to an American mother and held an Hawaiian birth certificate, but that didn't stop American conservatives, including some in this forum, from waging a 7 year campaign challenging his constitutional right to be president.
Now that the focus has shifted to a Republican presidential candidate who was born outside the country, our conservative "friends" now want to pretend that the whole thing never happened.
Ahh, so you don't mind creating new terrorists. Typical Republican liberalism.
Ahh, so you don't mind creating new terrorists by keeping the world in anti-Christ mode. Typical Republican liberalism
Why Ted Cruz Is Doing So Well
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
December 13, 2015
First, he’s a brilliant guy, and a brilliant politician. So, despite his record, he’s able to sell himself to GOP primary voters as the acceptable face of Trumpism. The media are happy to cooperate, since they find anyone preferable to Trump, especially a warmongering neocon whose wife was VP of Goldman Sachs, even if they don’t like his style. He’s hardly an outsider.
Ted is too smart to denounce Trump. Only the losers have done that. He does gently separate himself, as on the recent Muslim pause controversy.
Ted started his public climb by calling McConnell a liar and threatening to “shut down the government” (if only) over Planned Parenthood. It was just a stunt–the GOP loves PP and every other program–but a successful one.
He’s also able to pretend to be a libertarian to take Rand’s support, and pretend to be an immigration reformer to take Trump’s. And his tear-jerking Old Testament Protestantism is made to order for Iowa and South Carolina, etc.
When Ted sought Adelson’s blessing, Sheldon liked him, but preferred the wimpier style of Rubio. Watch for Adelson to eventually go for Ted.
Rand must regret pulling out all the stops to elect Ted to the US senate. But here’s a wild card: Trump is also brilliant and a brilliant politician. He knows exactly what’s going on, and sees Ted as a pale imitation of the real deal. He has much up his un-PC sleeve.
I've suspected that Cruz and Trump made a deal a while back that whoever won the nomination, the other would be VP.
Trump and Cruz both are hated by the establishment because they have gobs of money that didn't come from lobbyists.
i can't see Cruz really being overly friendly with someone like T, who as someone here put it, is a loose cannon
Whether you like it or not, Trump is one of your candidates. Unless, of course, you are claiming you will not vote for him IF he is the Republican candidate.
You basically agree with both Bush and Obama on the military, and it is sad. Do you think lack of immigration security hasn't helped terrorists? More wounded people means more wounded welfare recipients. Spending 10x times others on our military has not deterred Muslim retards from guiding planes into New York buildings.Ahh, so you don't mind creating new terrorists by keeping the world in anti-Christ mode. Typical Republican liberalism
They didn't like Carter either. How'd that lack of pull work out? Not sayin', just sayin'.The establishment
Doesn’t like him
Love Cruz.
Didn't badmouth anyone up to the last minute when Rubio started crying haha
They didn't like Carter either. How'd that lack of pull work out? Not sayin', just sayin'.