Fox News Poll: Capitalism buries socialism Capitalism is far more popular than socialism, according to a Fox News Poll of registered voters. The poll also finds economic optimism high, and the number wanting help from the government the lowest in years. The new poll, released Wednesday, asks what message voters want to send to the federal government. Over half would say “leave me alone.” About a third would ask Uncle Sam to “lend me a hand.” The 34 percent saying “lend me a hand” is down from 41 percent last year and 39 percent in 2016. The 55 percent who would tell the government “leave me alone” is up from 51 percent in 2018 and 54 percent in 2016. Fifty-seven percent of voters have a positive opinion of capitalism. That’s more than twice the number who feel the same about socialism (25 percent). Some of the groups most likely to have a favorable view of socialism include self-identified liberals (50 percent), Clinton voters (43 percent), and those under age 30 (36 percent). “Despite the prominence of socialistic ideas and policy proposals in recent weeks, Americans are favorable toward the merits of the capitalistic system,” says Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts the Fox News Poll with Democrat Chris Anderson. “And they’re bullish on the state of the economy.” |
I think it is great that the school voucher system has improved the quality of the schools.the whole thing is worth listening to, i'll note a few high points
3:19 on education and school choice
Non-Socialists may have thunk it.competition (a defining characteristic of capitalism) causing competitors to up their game
whoda thunk it :idunno:
Capitalism and Competition Market competition is at the heart of the capitalist system. It serves as the driving force for creative innovation, the mechanism by which market supplies and demands are brought into coordinated balance for multitudes of goods, and an institutional setting for individuals to freely find their own place to best earn a living in society. Competition meant that a resourceful individual with a willingness to bear risk and self-employed responsibility could found his own business, make a product of his own choice, and market it to those with whom he increasingly freely negotiated and contracted. He could experiment with new manufacturing methods and techniques, he could hire whom he wanted on mutually agreed upon terms of work and wages, and he could retain the profits he may have earned to not only live better himself, but to plow a good part of those profits back into his business to expand production in new and better ways. |
competition (a defining characteristic of capitalism) causing competitors to up their game
whoda thunk it :idunno:
Capitalism only works when private ownership of property is protected.Capitalism works, we simply have to put limits on special interest groups.
America was not always pro-corporations The Supreme Court’s 5-to-4 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, concluded that the decision was not an aberration but that “America has been pro-*corporate and elitist, from the beginning” [“Corporate civil rights began long before Citizens United”]. Our Founding Fathers had the opposite opinion. They didn’t trust corporations, based on the power and influence they had seen accumulated in England and France via gifts of stock and donations (bribes) to friendly politicians. The Boston Tea Party was aimed at breaking the stranglehold British corporations held over American business and life. Corporations were initially severely limited in the ways they could operate. Interstate banking was restricted. However, today, as the Founding Fathers feared, corporations have used their money and power to overwhelm the ability of real people to control our political leaders. |
4:23 "low income earners in sweden pay a lot more in taxes than low income earners in america.....people who earn below average income pay up to 60% in taxes"
Cigarette and Alcohol Taxes Cigarette and alcohol taxes are ... sometimes called corrective or “sin taxes” because, unlike a general sales tax, they are used in part to discourage use of the product |
Clueless leftest Americans have no idea how Sweden and the other Scandinavian countries actually work. These nations are not socialist at all. These people confuse socialism with the concept of the welfare state as the video states. Another factor that they never consider is that the Scandinavian countries are very small compared to the US.The topic has come up a lot lately, i ran across this today and thought it worth starting a new thread
the whole thing is worth listening to, i'll note a few high points
3:19 on education and school choice
My takeaway in the first minute is that Sanders is a liar (no surprise) and that as usual, a false narrative never stops even after it is exposed.
If we are 18-64, we have no options or freedom over our own health care.
Socialism is not a bad thing
Socialism is not a bad thing. It is a foundation in this country of ours.
so·cial·ism Dictionary result for socialism /ˈsōSHəˌlizəm/ noun noun: socialism a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. |
What happened to ObamaCare’s pre-existing conditions rules?That is not true in the slightest.
"Its [sic] the WORST thing."
... The United States military is the largest and most-funded socialist program in the world.