On "Accusing" "Charging" and "Just Telling My Story" and...

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
On "Accusing" "Charging" and "Just Telling My Story" and...

... how to tell the three apart and avoid looking like a retard


Well-known member
Just be yourself, Doser.

What anyone else thinks doesn't matter, really, because the rest of us are bent by our own opinions.

You're funny, eccentric and have your own divinely appointed idiosyncrasies.

Just be you.

In the cosmic economy we are each responsible for our own actions and reactions. I, alone, have to answer for my words and reactions...not yours.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
it came out of an exchange over here:


the thread was closed in mid-rebuttal

i was curious to know why tam thought it appropriate to describe my relating of my experiences as "charging" and how it was wrong for me to do so and sinful

and why she doesn't apply that same logic to herself, in relating her experience with the men she claims raped her

or rusha, when rusha relates her experiences with her ex-husband


New member
it came out of an exchange over here:


the thread was closed in mid-rebuttal

i was curious to know why tam thought it appropriate to describe my relating of my experiences as "charging" and how it was wrong for me to do so and sinful

and why she doesn't apply that same logic to herself, in relating her experience with the men she claims raped her

or rusha, when rusha relates her experiences with her ex-husband

My thoughts? When you expose bad things that your wife allegedly committed, you are betraying someone who is not able to speak for herself. She is still, apparently your wife and the mother of your children? It is not proper, it seems to me, for you to do that.
I would hope that you could be reconciled or free to find happiness for yourself elsewhere.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
My thoughts? When you expose bad things that your wife allegedly committed, you are betraying someone who is not able to speak for herself.

why doesn't the same consideration apply to tam and rusha?

should tam's rapists be given a voice here to speak for themselves?

and if not, should tam remain silent about it?

should rusha's husband be given a voice here to speak for himself?

and if not, should rusha remain silent about their relationship?

nori's described aspects of her personal life in the past, including descriptions of her daughter and her ex

where was the faux outrage then?

or is this just a misandry thing?

it's ok for women to do it, but not men


New member
it came out of an exchange over here:


the thread was closed in mid-rebuttal

i was curious to know why tam thought it appropriate to describe my relating of my experiences as "charging" and how it was wrong for me to do so and sinful

and why she doesn't apply that same logic to herself, in relating her experience with the men she claims raped her

or rusha, when rusha relates her experiences with her ex-husband
Personal jabs aside, I always thought of charging as a legal term. Being charged with assault and battery, for example. Where as accusing, in my mind, is more informal. I can accuse you of stealing my bike without placing charges.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Personal jabs aside, I always thought of charging as a legal term. Being charged with assault and battery, for example. Where as accusing, in my mind, is more informal. I can accuse you of stealing my bike without placing charges.

i know

it was kinda weird last night

besides - accusing or charging someone, in my mind, means confronting them


New member
why doesn't the same consideration apply to tam and rusha?

should tam's rapists be given a voice here to speak for themselves?

and if not, should tam remain silent about it?

should rusha's husband be given a voice here to speak for himself?

and if not, should rusha remain silent about their relationship?

nori's described aspects of her personal life in the past, including descriptions of her daughter and her ex

where was the faux outrage then?

or is this just a misandry thing?

it's ok for women to do it, but not men

The difference is when we expose our spouses we expose ourselves.
Tam exposed a criminal act.
I am not outraged. I thought I would attempt a reasoned response to your post.
I do not mean you any harm. I pray that you do have a satisfactory resolution to your situation.

I am weary of fighting with people on TOL.


New member
i disagree

in a just world, my wife's adultery would be a criminal act

and you ignored the part about rusha and nori

I just don't see the benefit of finding fault with people I love.
And even people I don't love are still beloved of God. Right?

In a just world we all would be condemned.
Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world
to save the world.
I am grateful for that.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i guess i'm glad that you think my wife will be saved even though she's a non-Christian and an unrepentant sinner :idunno:

and i spose you're free to love her if you like
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