Obama's Gay Lifestyle Before He Became President

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Since there is so much discussion about Trump's sex lifestyle before he became President I think we ought to examine Obama's sexual lifestyle before he became President:

Claim: Obama hid 'gay life' to become president

A prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Barack Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House.

“It was preposterous to the people I knew then to think Obama was going to keep his gay life secret,” said Kevin DuJan, who was a gossip columnist in Chicago for various blogs when Obama was living in the city as a community organizer and later a state senator.

“Nobody who knew Obama in the gay bar scene thought he could possibly be president,” said DuJan.

DuJan, founder and editor of the Hillary Clinton-supporting website HillBuzz.org, told WND he has first-hand information from two different sources that “Obama was personally involved in the gay bar scene.”

“If you just hang out at these bars, the older guys who have been frequenting these gay bars for 25 years will tell you these stories,” DuJan said. “Obama used to go to the gay bars during the week, most often on Wednesday, and they said he was very much into older white guys.”

Obama, DuJan said, is “not heterosexual and he’s not bisexual. He’s homosexual.”

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, who worked with the National Security Agency from 1984 to 1988 as a Navy intelligence analyst, confirmed DuJan’s claims.

“It is common knowledge in the Chicago gay community that Obama actively visited the gay bars and bathhouses in Chicago while he was an Illinois state senator,” Madsen told WND.

WND also spoke with a member of the East Bank Club in Chicago, who confirmed Obama was a member there and was known to be a homosexual. The upscale fitness club, which has some 10,000 members, is not a “gay” facility. But it’s one of a number of places identified by the Chicago homosexual community as a “gay gym,” where homosexuals meet and engage in sexual activity.

In April, WND reported a federal judge dismissed a libel case against Larry Sinclair, a homosexual who claimed Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign had paid to rig a polygraph test regarding Sinclair’s sensational charge that he had sex and used cocaine twice with Obama while Obama was an Illinois state senator. Sinclair tells his story in “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder.”

WND also reported former radical activist John Drew has said that when he met Obama when Obama was a student at Occidental College, he thought Obama and his then-Pakistani roommate were “gay” lovers.

In addition, rumors have swirled around Obama’s relationship with his personal aide and former “body man,” Reggie Love, who resurfaced on the eve of the Republican National Convention to support his old boss. Love resigned from the White House in November 2011 after compromising photographs of him as a college student received wide circulation.

WND also has documented in two separate articles, here and here, that Obama wore a gold band on his wedding ring finger from the time he attended Occidental College through his student days at Harvard Law School.

DuJan said that during Obama’s first presidential campaign, “there was fear in the gay community” about talking openly about Obama being homosexual, particularly after the murder in December 2007 of Donald Young, the openly gay choir director at Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ, who was known to be a close friend of Obama.

“People did not want to talk openly about Obama being gay,” he said.

For the rest of the story click on the following link:


The Barbarian

Yep. They just can't stand the idea that a man could be a heterosexual and faithful to his wife for life. To the far right, monogamy is "perverted."

So he must be hiding something, they insist. Millions of Americans live the same lifestyle Obama has lived, being married to the same person, and faithful in those relationships.

It's an incomprehensible idea to the extreme right. Hence their loyal adherence to Trump, whose perverted lifestyle they admire.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
They just can't stand the idea that a man could be a heterosexual and faithful to his wife for life.

Mia Marie Pope knew Obama at their Punahou high school in Honolulu, Hawaii, during the late 1970s. She knew him then by the name of Barry Soetoro.

In an interview on October 31, 2013, with Reverend/Dr. James David Manning, the pastor of Atlah World Missionary in Harlem, Pope says Barry “always portrayed himself as a foreign student,” was a pathological liar and “very much was within the gay community.” It was “common knowledge” that Barry “wasn’t interested in girls” but “was strictly into men.” He also used to hustle rich white homosexual men for money to buy cocaine.


New member
Since there is so much discussion about Trump's sex lifestyle before he became President I think we ought to examine Obama's sexual lifestyle before he became President:

Claim: Obama hid 'gay life' to become president

A prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Barack Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House.

“It was preposterous to the people I knew then to think Obama was going to keep his gay life secret,” said Kevin DuJan, who was a gossip columnist in Chicago for various blogs when Obama was living in the city as a community organizer and later a state senator.

“Nobody who knew Obama in the gay bar scene thought he could possibly be president,” said DuJan.

DuJan, founder and editor of the Hillary Clinton-supporting website HillBuzz.org, told WND he has first-hand information from two different sources that “Obama was personally involved in the gay bar scene.”

“If you just hang out at these bars, the older guys who have been frequenting these gay bars for 25 years will tell you these stories,” DuJan said. “Obama used to go to the gay bars during the week, most often on Wednesday, and they said he was very much into older white guys.”

Obama, DuJan said, is “not heterosexual and he’s not bisexual. He’s homosexual.”
DuJan also claimed to have learned from in inside source that Obama had entered into a secret deal with Mitt Romney to throw the 2012 election so he could retire to Hawaii where: "“draped in colorful muumuus, with a retinue of hunky shirtless Secret Service studs around him, Barack Obama will find himself in a new kind of paradise.”

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, who worked with the National Security Agency from 1984 to 1988 as a Navy intelligence analyst, confirmed DuJan’s claims.

“It is common knowledge in the Chicago gay community that Obama actively visited the gay bars and bathhouses in Chicago while he was an Illinois state senator,” Madsen told WND.
Madsen also claimed at various times to name Obama's gay lovers which included Representative Artur Davis, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Senate majority leader Bill Frist. Given the half dozen body guards Obama is supposed to have been sleeping with while in the white house (and the fact that Michelle is actually a transsexual male)one has to wonder when he had time to be president.

This makes the nut-job claims that Hitler and the entire upper level of the Nazi party and the SS were all homosexuals and they orchestrated the holocaust....becasue genocide is just what gays do... sound rational and reasoned.

The Barbarian

DuJan also claimed to have learned from in inside source that Obama had entered into a secret deal with Mitt Romney to throw the 2012 election so he could retire to Hawaii where: "“draped in colorful muumuus, with a retinue of hunky shirtless Secret Service studs around him, Barack Obama will find himself in a new kind of paradise.”

Madsen also claimed at various times to name Obama's gay lovers which included Representative Artur Davis, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Senate majority leader Bill Frist. Given the half dozen body guards Obama is supposed to have been sleeping with while in the white house (and the fact that Michelle is actually a transsexual male)one has to wonder when he had time to be president.

This makes the nut-job claims that Hitler and the entire upper level of the Nazi party and the SS were all homosexuals and they orchestrated the holocaust....becasue genocide is just what gays do... sound rational and reasoned.

You have to realize that Jerry is easy prey for any hustler with a story to tell about Obama.

patrick jane


The Barbarian

Go hustle that fake Russia collusion story some more, Barb.

Be patient. Meuller is sorting it all out. He's now found the Russian connection to Stone. In time, we'll see what else he finds.

Or try that dirty dossier one.

Numerous outlets exploded that one, showing that the dossier was not the reason that the investigation began. Parts of the dossier have since been verified, but not all of them yet.

How True Is the Trump-Russia Dossier? One Year Later, What We Know About Its Claims
BuzzFeed published a full copy of the dossier—which was produced by former MI6 officer Christopher Steele for the political research firm Fusion GPS—10 days before Trump's inauguration last year. The report, which outlined an elaborate, years-long scheme of alleged collusion between Trump and the Kremlin, was unverified at the time, and Trump immediately dismissed it as "fake news" and "phony stuff."

He was right on some accounts. Meanwhile, major parts of the dossier have been verified by subsequent investigations into Russian election meddling, while others still remain a mystery.


The real value of the dossier seems to have been as a lead that found more evidence of Russian involvement in the Trump campaign, and Russian attempts to swing the election to Trump.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The real value of the dossier seems to have been as a lead that found more evidence of Russian involvement in the Trump campaign, and Russian attempts to swing the election to Trump.

More evidence?

That has been absolutely no evidence. PERIOD!

Even the corrupt FBI understood this, writing that there is no big there there!

You believe the FBI when what they say is easily proven to be false and then you refuse to believe them when they say something which is obviously true.

patrick jane

Honestly, how anyone could think that the photo of Obama and Cameron in a clinch was legit is hilarious...

:crackup: Did you see Michelle's face behind them. I was almost convinced. I did find some photos of Obama "with the boys" but I can't find the best one I had yet.



Obama's Gay Lifestyle Before He Became President

Trump's surrogates are constantly complaining that "The Donald" is not being fairly judged - then they roll out a piece of gratuitous trash like this that says far more about them than their intended target!

Just how much of their souls are conservatives willing to barter in return for the illusion of political power?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
This is going to be a case of ........ since it's the guy I like, all those accusers must be liars.