Nuclear War in South Asia?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Save your only have enough for yourself, and we all know it.
What you don't know about anything would fill an encyclopedia. Take the actual's nuclear war in South Asia. But if that's too much for you to start with try pancakes. :chew:


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
You ain't fooling anyone CC. It's you, Wiz picked it up and plenty others too. Hey, you've gotten away with it so you carry on, but quit playing coy.

"Just a large explosive device"?!!

:doh: :hammer: :dunce:

Stop. It can't be proven until the account starts making ugly personal attacks and cussing. That was CC's trade mark. This member has not done that.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He's an unsaved Brit looking down the double barrel of economic chaos and growing Mohammedan influence over his dying, increasingly lawless society, but judging by his posts he's either too stupid or too drunk to care...

wonder why he spends all his time here feeding his obsession with trump and not a peep about this?



Because he's a leftist snd nothing he says is honest.

That so? I consider you to be a repulsive, vile, bitter and gullible little crank who has the brains of the tin foil hat he can't seem to get off his head. Case in point, the video of Tommy Robinson, a far right wingnut. You've never displayed anything resembling understanding for other people and are a complete and utter tool. You have company in that regards with the likes of doser and Stripe. Knobs one and all.

Now, do you think I'm lying when I describe you like that, that I don't really mean it?

The poor dear. Maybe the nashnul 'elf can help him.

The NHS is there for everyone, it sure ain't perfect but in principle everyone having access to health care is a good thing, unless you're a moron but they can't really help dimwits anyway.

Right, well, it's been fun an'all but this place has devolved into a vipers den of trolls nowadays and it's kinda good to be elsewhere where that kinda crap isn't tolerated. You lot have fun and enjoy your little echo chamber.
[MENTION=12969]Sherman[/MENTION], do the honours...


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
doser finds a clip about a british moosie who renounced her citizenship, left the country, joined the terrorist ragheads, fought against the west, and now wants to come home - the controversy is raging in britain at the moment as to how she should be treated - as an enemy combatant or as a misguided citizen who should be welcomed back:
wonder why he spends all his time here feeding his obsession with trump and not a peep about this?

in the middle of his emotional rant against musty, artie slips this in:
Case in point, the video of Tommy Robinson, a far right wingnut.

not a word about the controversy, not a word about the advisability or lack thereof of welcoming back an enemy combatant - just an ad hominem swipe at the guy on the youtube clip

and this is all he's managed lately - ad hom after ad hom - no argument of substance, no factual support for his emotional claims, just lashing out at people he obviously despises

clearly, he's in an emotional/psychological crisis that I hope he gets help with