Now it's Arkansas' turn


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You shalt not murder, steal, commit sexual sins or lie.

Hmmmmm, maybe it'll get those "non-Christian citizens" who are going to court for murdering, stealing, fornicating and lying to thinking that there has to be a better way?

Then maybe they should just post the 4 commandments.

Or use the Taoist version of these. You wouldn't have a problem with that would you?


New member
What I don't get is that after Jesus summed these up into two much simpler commandments, why do Christians keep wanting to display the long Jewish version?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Hmmmmm, maybe it'll get those "non-Christian citizens" who are going to court for murdering, stealing, fornicating and lying to thinking that there has to be a better way?

Everyone needs a reminder of what God expects of mankind and what happens when they don't acknowledge His Wisdom.

Secular humanists need it more than Christians.

Then maybe they should just post the 4 commandments.

4-10 are just as important as well.

But then if you left out 1, 2 and 3, people wouldn't know who the Author was.

Or use the Taoist version of these. You wouldn't have a problem with that would you?

If it were "Taoists" instead of Christians that founded our once great nation, and if the laws of our nation were based on Taoism instead of Judeo-Christian doctrine, you'd have a point which I couldn't disagree with.

What I don't get is that after Jesus summed these up into two much simpler commandments, why do Christians keep wanting to display the long Jewish version?

I assume you're referring to Matthew 22: 36-40?

Here's your answer:

Matthew 5:17.

Again: Everyone needs to be reminded of what God expects of mankind. If those commandments were posted in schools (right after students pass through the metal detectors and right before they approach armed security personnel), and throughout society, our country and world for that matter would be a much better place.


Well-known member
Crucible, how am I or the "Satanists" trying to "assault Christian belief ?" We're not telling Christians they can't believe in Christianity . But if Christians can put up Christian statues and monuments, followers of other religions should have the right to do this, too .
Do you have a problem with this ? The "Satanic" statues are really nothing but a publicity stunt .
How will they "hurt " Christians ?

Did you ever answer the question, do you want to see age of consent lowered or eliminated?


Because as Crucible put it, some people are "snowflakes" who get "irreparable damage to [their] psychologies" from a mere "inanimate object".

That's what the ACLU put in print when they threatened to sue a school for having a portrait of Jesus on the wall. They stated 'irreparable damage to mental health'.

Just a big giant facade :rolleyes:

Jose Fly

New member
Another Capitol monument proposal from Saline Atheist and Skeptic Society

The Capitol Arts and Grounds Commission, which reviews proposals for monuments on the grounds, is to meet Sept. 13 on the Commandments monument and a statute of Baphomet proposed by the Satanic Temple. Add this — a Wall of Separation. It would be an eight-foot-high brick wall between the Commandments and Baphomet and the Capitol

The Saline Atheist & Skeptic Society (SASS), a Saline County based group of freethinkers, has submitted an application to the Secretary of State’s office for the Arkansas Capitol Arts and Grounds Commission to be reviewed ahead of their September 13th meeting. This meeting should now include submissions for a Ten Commandments monument, a Satanic Temple Baphomet statue, and now the secular community’s Wall of Separation monument.

SASS founder LeeWood Thomas decided that a physical Wall of Separation was needed as two rival theologies mounted their stance on our State’s Capitol lawns. “The founding fathers knew that separating religion and government was a good idea, which is why they placed the concept in our 1st Amendment,” shared Thomas. “In looking for a way to participate on the lawn, a physical, decorative brick wall placed between the religious monuments and our Capitol building seemed fitting.”



"SASS founder LeeWood Thomas decided that a physical Wall of Separation was needed as two rival theologies mounted their stance on our State’s Capitol lawns. “The founding fathers knew that separating religion and government was a good idea, which is why they placed the concept in our 1st Amendment,” shared Thomas."

Since Leewood isn't here to debate me on that bold faced lie, would you care to?

I didn't think so.

Jose Fly

New member
The latest...

Location selected for 10 Commandments monument on Capitol grounds, Baphomet monument still undecided

A meeting of a subcommittee of the Arkansas State Capitol Arts and Grounds Commission was held today, with the three-member group asking questions about materials and construction of the 10 Commandments Monument and the Baphomet statue proposed by The Satanic Temple. A proposed site was selected for the 10 Commandments Monument. An official with the Satanic Temple, after being told its monument couldn't be placed directly beside the 10 Commandments monument as it had requested in their proposal, will be allowed to select its preferred site at a later date. The subcommittee then punted further discussion of the Satanic monument until late January 2017.

And apparently some other monuments have been proposed...

Two other monuments, by the Saline Atheist and Skeptic Society and the Gold Star Families, will be considered by another three member committee.

The advocate for the Satanic monument made a very interesting case...

Greaves told the commissioners that the monument is meant to "compliment and contrast" the proposed 10 Commandments monument. He said that allowing the installation of the Baphomet statue was the best chance for the 10 Commandments monument to be constructed and stay on the grounds, given that the courts will likely order the 10 Commandments monument removed if other religions aren't equally represented.

More to come in January.