Absolutely. Why not have one or two threads to refute D'ism? Why a new thread or three, everyday, day after day? If STP and RD didn't respond, he would have nobody to talk to. IP is being driven by demons.
The reason is there are so many aspects to it. When a person like Chafer says 'you need us to fix the Bible because it is a set of confusing messages' that is not an easy detangle. I thought attacking 2P2P would solve it, but people still don't see it.
I believe it is a cult.
I have listed passages or doctrinal points to show where it is systematically mistaken, and the response is cartoons and inside jokes, although occasionally there is the flat denial of what the text is saying, for ex., Acts 2:30-31. To which is the follow up that they are the masters of the plain meaning of the text, or that the KJV and the Holy Spirit is all a person needs.
It doesn't 'sound' like the NT, because the apostles sound like the core NT theology list I created.
Anyone seeking to chat rather than post here is welcome to write me at