
The "shalts" are auxiliary verbs and were inserted by the translators. In doing so they changed a statement of fact into a command and confused the masses of which you are obviously one.
"What's the nastiest way, that I can say the nastiest thing, that I can think to say?" What Truster's brain must think most of the time on TOL.

God's Truth

New member
I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. 24 O wretched man that I am! who shall RESCUE me from the body of this death? 25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be RESCUED.

Paul repented of his sins to get saved, and he beat his body to make it a slave to stay saved.


New member
"What's the nastiest way, that I can say the nastiest thing, that I can think to say?" What Truster's brain must think most of the time on TOL.

I deliver facts that are based entirely on truth. If the facts and truth show up people's ignorance when they are trying to promote and elevate their understanding is that my fault or theirs...Rhetorical question.

PS can't you even sense the hypocrisy of your post. In that you treat me in the way you accuse me of treating others...more rhetoric.

God's Truth

New member
I deliver facts that are based entirely on truth. If the facts and truth show up people's ignorance when they are trying to promote and elevate their understanding is that my fault or theirs...Rhetorical question.

PS can't you even sense the hypocrisy of your post. In that you treat me in the way you accuse me of treating others...more rhetoric.

Truster, you have said you were saved on your mother's birthday without your wanting God and without believing and obeying by repenting. Tell us, were you watching something on TV at the time?


New member
Truster, you have said you were saved on your mother's birthday without your wanting God and without believing and obeying by repenting. Tell us, were you watching something on TV at the time?

I was washing my smalls in the sink. I had been emotionally stripped of everything and was as close to death as a man could be while still walking around. I had no hope and was atheist in the world. I was in need of salvation and circumstances had been directed to bring me to where I was in my needs, but there was nothing a dead man could do.


Well-known member
Why do you people expect everything on a plate. Is it the lack of ability to do a word study or the lack of resources?

I don't know who this category of "you people" is. I am aware of the dictionary definitions of saint:

Definition of saint
: one officially recognized especially through canonization as preeminent for holiness
a : one of the spirits of the departed in heaven
b : angel 1a
a : one of God's chosen and usually Christian people
b capitalized : a member of any of various Christian bodies; specifically : latter-day saint
: one eminent for piety or virtue
: an illustrious predecessor​

I suspect that you mean something different. And I am asking, politely, despite your insults, to please explain what you mean.



New member
I don't know who this category of "you people" is. I am aware of the dictionary definitions of saint:

Definition of saint
: one officially recognized especially through canonization as preeminent for holiness
a : one of the spirits of the departed in heaven
b : angel 1a
a : one of God's chosen and usually Christian people
b capitalized : a member of any of various Christian bodies; specifically : latter-day saint
: one eminent for piety or virtue
: an illustrious predecessor​

I suspect that you mean something different. And I am asking, politely, despite your insults, to please explain what you mean.


You go to secular websites to gain an understanding of spiritual terms. It's like going to a blind man for help in choosing a colour.


Well-known member
You go to secular websites to gain an understanding of spiritual terms. It's like going to a blind man for help in choosing a colour.

Well, instead of being such a (fill in the blank), how about helping me out here? Or does your definition of "saint" mean "rude"?


New member
Well, instead of being such a (fill in the blank), how about helping me out here? Or does your definition of "saint" mean "rude"?

I don't have a definition I have a knowledge.

I love the hypocrisy of (fill in the blank) and then accusing me of being rude. You really do live in darkness. There is nothing that I could explain to you that you could comprehend.


Well-known member
I don't have a definition I have a knowledge.

I love the hypocrisy of (fill in the blank) and then accusing me of being rude. You really do live in darkness. There is nothing that I could explain to you that you could comprehend.

I tried a polite approach, but got nowhere with you you.

Have a nice day.


New member
I tried a polite approach, but got nowhere with you you.

Have a nice day.

Quote Originally Posted by chair View Post
He's a saint. What do you expect?

Never attempt covering rudeness with lies when the evidence is in plain view.


New member

When sinfulness becomes the norm. When good is referred to as evil and evil as good then we, the saints, can see the prophecies being fulfilled. In this we both mourn for the sin and also rejoice looking upwards, because we know our redemption draws nigh.

Some of the mechanisms for normalising sin are arts, entertainment and the media. The chief idols amongst humanity today. As entertainment and the pursuit of fun has grown so reverence and piety have shrunk. “Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.” 1 John 5:21

True piety is either ignored or mocked. Those that insist upon the benefits of salvation being theirs are proven to be false by their lack of reverence/piety. A hatred of genuine reverence is a hatred of the Almighty and His purity. Of The Eternal Son and His perfections. These people demand salvation, but deny the necessity of being holy and of the ongoing work of sanctification. Their religious beginnings were corrupt. Their understanding is corrupt and so their walk is also corrupt.

Everything the scriptures condemn are normalised and even glorified by entertainment.

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of Elohim abideth for ever.

One of the norms of the wicked is to lie. Every thought of the imagination of their heart* is only evil all the time. Out of the mouth pour the contents of the heart.

heart* not the blood pump.


New member
My Elohim and Saviour knows my needs and He also knows my desires. Trust means to confidently rely on. As in the abandonment of self into the car of another. I have granted trust and this is what I do.

Someone else approached me with the same advice 14 years ago and he held himself, his wife and children up as an example. Two years later he up and left them.

When God brings the right woman into your life, you'll know. Because she would beat someone like you without mercy.

God's Truth

New member
I was washing my smalls in the sink. I had been emotionally stripped of everything and was as close to death as a man could be while still walking around. I had no hope and was atheist in the world. I was in need of salvation and circumstances had been directed to bring me to where I was in my needs, but there was nothing a dead man could do.

And then what? No TV pastor explaining things to you?

God's Truth

New member
I don't know who this category of "you people" is. I am aware of the dictionary definitions of saint:

Definition of saint
: one officially recognized especially through canonization as preeminent for holiness
a : one of the spirits of the departed in heaven
b : angel 1a
a : one of God's chosen and usually Christian people
b capitalized : a member of any of various Christian bodies; specifically : latter-day saint
: one eminent for piety or virtue
: an illustrious predecessor​

I suspect that you mean something different. And I am asking, politely, despite your insults, to please explain what you mean.


All the saved are saints.

God's Truth

New member
One of the norms of the wicked is to lie. Every thought of the imagination of their heart* is only evil all the time. Out of the mouth pour the contents of the heart.

heart* not the blood pump.

Remember that ^ when you explain to me the exact circumstances when you say you were saved.

Remember too that Joseph Smith and Muhammad had a great experience too, probably grander than yours.