I was thinking about this issue over the weekend.
To pay or not to pay.
I use the service, so isn't it my duty to help pay for it?
But then I went into Lund's, a local supermarket that charges too much for everything, but it's a definitely a pleasant experience. They have samples everywhere you turn. My friend's father used to take his daughters to Lunds to take one sample of everything after church. By the time they were done, they were full.
So, I thought, were I to take a sample, and then the clerk said, "So, are you going to buy a whole cheesecake? It's the least you could do for taking a sample...", I would be put off.
If I was so impressed with the cheesecake that I wanted to by it (which is the reason why they put out the samples in the first place), then I would have. I don't need to have someone guilt or pressure me into buying it. The product should sell itself.
Then I started layering other things on it.
Were I to enjoy seeing people at Lund's, but some of the staff their said, "Hey, you ignorant waste of space! You make me vomit!! Go to hell!!!", I wouldn't DEFINITELY not throw money at the establishment. If I were to then tell a manager that I had some issues about some of the staff or other customers, and they simply shrugged, it wouldn't make me think much of the store. But if they are going to hand out free samples, I'm always free to take them.
From a business point of view, McDonald's could give out samples - 1 free Big Mac/day per customer.But after you ordered the one, they would ask you if you would like fries, soda, or maybe another Big Mac. Once you're full, however, there's no need to get another.
In supporting TOL financially, I would support many of the things I disagree with.
In simply worrying about my rep points, and keeping quiet for those things which I oppose, I am supporting the opposite of what I believe in.
So, a good question to ask the nonsubscribers is:
What would it take to get you to throw a few bucks?
I will put up with more that if something is free, but to pay, I expect service.