No Takers Thread


New member
All died when Christ died (2 Cor 5:14, 15), being His body (Eph 2:11-19). And when the Head resurrected, the body was made alive TOGETHER with Him (Col 2:13; Eph 2:4, 5). Hence, all are "in Christ". Simple.

You have trouble with pronouns, don't you?


New member
Even atheists believe in God or they wouldn't bother claiming he does not exist. However, their faith in no God is useless and gains them nothing.
Yes, even atheists are now "in Christ", but they will be blotted out from the book of life for not overcoming the evil of unbelief in God.


New member
Not biblical.
You said atheists believe in God. Believing is a spiritual act doable only by the spiritually alive, those who are "in Christ" Who is our Life (Col 3:4). Therefore, the atheists are "in Christ", otherwise they could not believe for apart from Christ they can do NOTHING (John 15:5). Simple and biblical.


Spiritual things are spiritually discerned (1 Cor 2:14)

Exactly! So how do you miss the context of the words of Christ? Or do you just like to argue from an imaginary position of self righteous exclusivity?


New member
Exactly! So how do you miss the context of the words of Christ? Or do you just like to argue from an imaginary position of self righteous exclusivity?
No missing of context. The context is clear because His words are clear: Apart from Me you can do NOTHING. No arguing. Just simply believing the words of the Master. And the Master said NOTHING. So if one can do SOMETHING (like believing), then he is "in Christ".


No missing of context. The context is clear because His words are clear: Apart from Me you can do NOTHING. No arguing. Just simply believing the words of the Master. And the Master said NOTHING. So if one can do SOMETHING (like believing), then he is "in Christ".

You are confused because at another time Jesus said "Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!"

Joining with Christ is a faith based decision by one is apart from Christ. That is the something they can do of their own volition.


New member
You are confused because at another time Jesus said "Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!"
Because He had deleted them from the book of life. They did not overcome evil with good.

Joining with Christ is a faith based decision by one is apart from Christ. That is the something they can do of their own volition.
When one is apart from Christ, he cannot do anything spiritual, like believing. Believing is the exercise of faith. And faith is fruit of the Spirit. And only those "in Christ" can bear fruit. So, "in Christ" first BEFORE one bears fruit. Simple.


Because He had deleted them from the book of life. They did not overcome evil with good.

When one is apart from Christ, he cannot do anything spiritual, like believing. Believing is the exercise of faith. And faith is fruit of the Spirit. And only those "in Christ" can bear fruit. So, "in Christ" first BEFORE one bears fruit. Simple.

When one forsakes self and joins Christ they have made that decision in their hearts. They have done something spiritual. You are creating an issue where none existed.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
So, spiritually alive first, before one can have faith.

That isn't what he said. You made that up because you are evil and trying to pull people from the faith.

John 12

32 And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.”

Desert Reign

Using the words of Christ is, I think, not quibbling legalism. He said that apart from Him man can do NOTHING (John 15:5)

You mentioned "estranged from God in spirit". That, to me, means you seem to believe that people were "in God" PRIOR to their being estranged from Him. And to be "in God" is to be "in Christ" Who is one with the Father. That supports my position that people are born "in Christ".

Caino was right here. It is legalism. You are looking for a clear-cut set of rules so that you don't have to exercise your brain and take responsibility for everyday situations or to make every day decisions.

John 15:5 was addressed to Jesus' disciples and it is talking about bearing fruits. Your saying

He said that apart from Him man can do NOTHING (John 15:5)
is actually a travesty of the very scripture you are commenting on. In the first place you change disciples to man in general and in the second place you change fruits to a very stressed 'NOTHING'. Jesus clearly meant that disciples will bear no fruit unless they remain in Christ. This is nothing to do with unbelievers. If you want to talk about unbelievers, try some other scripture.

It's not just legalism. You want to reduce the infinite mercy of God and the depth of his righteous judgements to some simplistic statement because it is convenient to you. You are what Paul described when he said (of his own countrymen)
For I am a witness to how zealous they are towards God but their enthusiasm is misplaced.
For, being ignorant of God’s righteousness and endeavouring to establish their own, they became incompatible with the righteousness of God.
(Rom 10:2-3)
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New member
When one forsakes self and joins Christ they have made that decision in their hearts. They have done something spiritual.
Correct. And any spiritual act is doable only by the spiritually alive, by those who are "in Christ". The spiritually dead, those who are NOT "in Christ" can simply do NOTHING, as Christ Himself said.

You are creating an issue where none existed.
Simply closing our spiritual ears to what our Savior said doesn't negate what He said: "Apart from Me you can do NOTHING (John 15:5). The fact that people are able to believe and repent is proof enough they are "in Christ".

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Most Christian preachers teach that people are born NOT “in Christ”. And to be NOT “in Christ” is to be separate from Christ, to be NOT part of His body, to be spiritually dead because Christ is our life (Col 3:4). These preachers teach that to be "in Christ", people need to first believe and repent.

So, HOW can one who is still separate from Christ and is yet spiritually dead being NOT “in Christ”, able to believe and repent, when Christ Himself said that separate from Him one can do NOTHING (John 15:5)? These preachers seem to be saying that while separate from Christ, one can do things: they can believe and repent, making Christ's statement false.

If you are one of these preachers, you may choose one of the ff:

1. If you believe the brand of gospel you are preaching is true, then address the issue in the blue paragraph.

2. But if upon reading this post, you realized that what you are preaching is defective, then preach instead that people are born "in Christ" and that all they have to do to remain "in Christ" is overcome evil with good (Rom 12:21), because overcomers will not be blotted out from the book of life (Rev 3:5).

Free Grace believers believe we are without God and without hope in the world and UNABLE to do anything about it......Salvation for us starts and finishes with God alone...How can we who are dead in sin repent and believe? "with men it is impossible but with God all things are possible"


New member
That isn't what he said. You made that up because you are evil and trying to pull people from the faith.

John 12

32 And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.”
True, my brother. So, how many did He draw to Himself. Yes, All. Proving that all are "in Christ".


Correct. And any spiritual act is doable only by the spiritually alive, by those who are "in Christ". The spiritually dead, those who are NOT "in Christ" can simply do NOTHING, as Christ Himself said.

Simply closing our spiritual ears to what our Savior said doesn't negate what He said: "Apart from Me you can do NOTHING (John 15:5). The fact that people are able to believe and repent is proof enough they are "in Christ".

That's not true, that's some nonsense that you came up with on your own. The born again were humanly alive before they were reborn of the spirit and became in Christ.


New member
Free Grace believers believe we are without God and without hope in the world and UNABLE to do anything about it......Salvation for us starts and finishes with God alone...How can we who are dead in sin repent and believe? "with men it is impossible but with God all things are possible"
That's why to be possible, people have to be "in Christ" first before they can do anything spiritual. Paul says he can do all things through Christ. And without Christ? NOTHING.