Nikki's Close Call: Six Months Later

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Nikki's Close Call: Six Months Later

Monday April 3rd, 2006. This is show # 66.

Christians should realize that we don't have to only pray or only commiserate in church but we could get involved in the culture war in a way that could really make a difference.
* Birds Preceded Dinosaurs: Prof. Alan Feduccia of the University of North Carolina opposes the evolutionist claim that birds evolved from dinosaurs, pointing out that bird fossils appear deeper in the geologic column than the "bird-like" dinosaurs that they supposedly evolved from. In evolutionary terms, that means birds appeared 25 million fossil years before the dinosaurs they evolved from! (Fossil years are sort of like a million dog years.) That dinosaurs and birds both have three-toes seems sufficient to convince a typical evolutionist of their common descent. However, Feduccia points out that dinosaurs have digits one, two and three (a thumb and fingers two and three), whereas birds have digits two, three and four. So he asks, "How can a bird hand... evolve from a dinosaur hand," when the two have different digits? Moses had the order correct correct in Genesis 1:20-24.
* Remember Nikki's Close Call? Nicki is due to give birth in two days! Six months after that day in October when Colorado Right to Life and Jo Scott helped Nikki escape from an abortion clinic. According to Nikki and her sister-in-law, abortionist Ronald Kuseski of the Mayfair Women's Center (14446 E Evans Ave Aurora, CO, 80014-1409 303 696-9761), would not allow Nikki to leave the clinic, and she was lied to, threatened, and forced to accept medical treatment she did not want! Now, a former US Attorney is bringing a lawsuit on Nikki's behalf against the abortion clinic!
* Bonnie from Aurora CO called to invite Nicki to stay at her home until the baby comes!
Today's Resource: Eagle Eggs DVD or VHS. See this classic ole' Bob Enyart Live TV show that asks callers: when does an eagle become an eagle?


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Another trip into science land with the good Pastor Enyart. Why, when he knows the earth is only about 6000 years old, does he even bother with this?

Nathon Detroit

Jukia said:
Another trip into science land with the good Pastor Enyart. Why, when he knows the earth is only about 6000 years old, does he even bother with this?
Call him and ask him.

Mon-Fri at 5-6 pm ET 1-800-8Enyart.

bob b

Science Lover
Hall of Fame
Knight said:
Call him and ask him.

Mon-Fri at 5-6 pm ET 1-800-8Enyart.

I doubt he would have the guts nor the talent. He prowls the theologyonline forums only to sling mud, not to have any serious discussions.


New member
bob b said:
I doubt he would have the guts nor the talent. He prowls the theologyonline forums only to sling mud, not to have any serious discussions.
Please go to the manganese nodule thread, I spent a fair amount of time tracking down one of the people in the video that Pastor Enyart spoke about. I think that was not mud slinging but rather an attempt to find out the facts. Did anyone ever find the other guy, the one Enyart claimed supported his position?
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