Bob is trying to say that the scientific literature itself is showing evolution to be "in crisis" by cherry picking articles he thinks show that
A_O, it's so funny that it's SO EASY to "quote mine" evolutionists because thousands of Darwinist authors have stated in every conceivable way the severe problems with the theory, from paleontology "their trade secret," to cosmologystatement.
org. So blame them
Modern Creation **Science** has produced nothing that actually works, No medical breakthroughs, no new technologies, no explanations that pass scientific tests.
I note that you say Creation Science and not ID scientists or creation scientists, since they have published thousands of refereed papers, and invented technologies from the MRI to Terra, discovered planets, made science history, etc., etc. etc. As far as I know, AiG, CMI, CRS, etc., fund neither applied science start-ups nor get any of the billions of tax dollars paid by creationists that go strictly to materialists.
Mainstream science is the only science that actually works.
And that claim, A_O, shows your extreme bias.
Okay, so in this list of major inventions and technologies since 1860, tell me which ones were enabled by Darwinian insight? Countless technologies and inventions were enabled by Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Mendel, Bacon, Pascal, Dalton, Faraday, Joule, Kelvin, Lister, the Wright Brothers, and Carver. But they're all on
OUR list. But, which of these did they need Darwinism to develop?
Light bulb, vacuums, pasteurization, railway, typewriter, electric motor, carburetor, loudspeaker, telephone, phonograph, microphone, photographic film, seismograph, solar panels, punch cards, cars, combustion engine, AC transformer, contact lens, tractor, ballpoint pen, cinematography, wind energy, zipper, escalator, X-ray, remote control, tape recorder, air conditioning, fire fighting foam, neon lamp, EKG, airplane, seismometer, sonar, radio, TV, rockets, radar, sliced bread, transfusion (think Harvey here), EEG, steel, radio telescope, jet engine, computer, velcro, transistor, atomic clock, nuclear reactor, fiber optics, hard ddrives, satellites, spandex and spam, lasers, digital photography, optical disc, 3D holography, LED, mouse, lunar lander, Venus lander, video games, video cassette, space station, e-mail, karaoke (so sad), LCD, microprocessor, MRI, ethernet, PC, DNA sequencing, Internet, Plasma TV, GPS, MP3 player, flashdrive?
I read evolution books, and enjoy them. A_O, would you want to read In Six Days, with each chapter of dozens by young-earth scientists who've published, and invented, and discovered, and they all testify that, like Newton and Kepler and thousands of other successful scientists, they have been inspired to accomplish much by following the evidence left by the Creator.
-Bob Enyart