New Study Shows People Want Scientists to Think For Them


The racism of OS is on the front page of all originals. Anyway, it is in several passages where he seeks the supremacy of the most fit human races. This is why Britain had several groups in upper classes, even in Whitehall, who thought it best to join the mission of the Wehrmacht.

As for the 'rain and rivers' remark, you are quite mistaken my friend. That is exactly how U'ism has perjured the Bible for...200 years (whenever Werner finished his career). That's why people today have the idea that the Genesis flood was nothing geological, just a local flood in the usual sense, but large. U'ism's machinery succeeded in removing the Bible from scientific material, as far as they could tell.

The quote from Tucker is on p234 and is what he said. Not an ounce or substance? I'm tiring of speaking to you because you have a religious zeal to undercut the point of any discussion by being so mistaken in your responses.

Have you read more than the first page of Origin? Do you have any understanding of what Darwin was saying? His major thrust was not to overthrow the Bible, not to support racism. But you seem to have fixated on that. Yes, he was a product of the mid-1800's and subject to basic British racial attitudes. And yes, Wilburforce and others were major players on the good side of the slavery issue (as opposed to Christians who were on the bad side). I understand that. But Darwin was a naturalist, his work was about science.

BUT, there is no basis for the science you appear to espouse. Yes, there were catastrophic occurrences like the Lake Missoula floods but that is not a support for a world wide Noah flood. Yes, there are flood stories in many cultures, because floods are a fact of nature. There is no evidence for a world wide flood several 1000 years ago.

And I continue to wait for a citation to the scientific literature for your claim of 2000 feet of New England sandstone slurry making its way to the American south west and now seen in the Coconino formation. Provide that, I'll look at it and we can discuss if you wish.