New Study Shows People Want Scientists to Think For Them


Well-known member
On Canadian national radio yesterday, the results of a test were read which had to do with the preference to have scientists 'understand' things for us.

The mock new discovery was that scientists now understand helium rain.

Group 1 was told that scientists have now discovered this fact or phenomenon and understand it. The group was then asked if they thought that there really was such a thing. 85% affirmed that.

Group 2 was told that scientists have discovered it but can't explain it. Only 10% of the group believed it actually happens.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
On Canadian national radio yesterday, the results of a test were read which had to do with the preference to have scientists 'understand' things for us.

The mock new discovery was that scientists now understand helium rain.

Group 1 was told that scientists have now discovered this fact or phenomenon and understand it. The group was then asked if they thought that there really was such a thing. 85% affirmed that.

Group 2 was told that scientists have discovered it but can't explain it. Only 10% of the group believed it actually happens.

Is this why you rely on commentaries?


Well-known member
Very probably.

It's one thing to want the thinking to be done for you. Lots of people are like that. But it's despicable to constantly insult people who don't also want the thinking done for them.


Well-known member
Very probably.

It's one thing to want the thinking to be done for you. Lots of people are like that. But it's despicable to constantly insult people who don't also want the thinking done for them.

The scientific community is pretty insecure about evolution, climate and sexuality (mostly based on Kinsey) so they have a lot to gain by insulting 'dissenters.'


Well-known member
The scientific community is pretty insecure about evolution, climate and sexuality (mostly based on Kinsey) so they have a lot to gain by insulting 'dissenters.'

You are not qualified to think for me. The absolute limit of your usefulness is to serve as a bad example.


The scientific community is pretty insecure about evolution, climate and sexuality (mostly based on Kinsey) so they have a lot to gain by insulting 'dissenters.'

No, the scientific community is not insecure about any of that.
In terms of sexuality, Kinsey was 50+years ago. I suspect science has learned a bit more about human sexuality and sexuality in general since then. That is how science works, you know. More data, more information, a better understanding of the real world.


New member
Where is a great deal of science done? Its done in the major universities. But now in 2016-2017 -
"a professor of philosophy at Diablo Valley College, near UC Berkeley, was arrested for allegedly attacking Trump supporters with a bike lock, crushing the skull of one man"............."Hunter College is now offering a new course called “Abolition of Whiteness”........."the University of Maryland has announced a secret police snitch program where students and staffers will spy on other students and staffer in order to root out (and report to “campus authorities”) any whiff of so-called “bias.”..........."University of Illinois bans the co-discoverer of DNA because he said something “insensitive” years ago"..........."...from the...Leftist expanse of Washington state comes a fascinating story from Evergreen State College, where a mob of indoctrinated left-wing fascist students demanded the resignation of a white professor over his refusal to evacuate the campus for “No Whites Day.”...........A woman professor at the University of Missouri while helping to lead a student demonstration, when a reporter tried to enter an area the Leftists said was a reporter free zone, yelled “Who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here.”

Political Correctness, which came out of the Transformational Marxism of the Frankfurt School, has taken over the universities. Would not that takeover have an effect upon the "science" generated by such universities?


Well-known member
Where is a great deal of science done? Its done in the major universities. But now in 2016-2017 -
"a professor of philosophy at Diablo Valley College, near UC Berkeley, was arrested for allegedly attacking Trump supporters with a bike lock, crushing the skull of one man"............."Hunter College is now offering a new course called “Abolition of Whiteness”........."the University of Maryland has announced a secret police snitch program where students and staffers will spy on other students and staffer in order to root out (and report to “campus authorities”) any whiff of so-called “bias.”..........."University of Illinois bans the co-discoverer of DNA because he said something “insensitive” years ago"..........."...from the...Leftist expanse of Washington state comes a fascinating story from Evergreen State College, where a mob of indoctrinated left-wing fascist students demanded the resignation of a white professor over his refusal to evacuate the campus for “No Whites Day.”...........A woman professor at the University of Missouri while helping to lead a student demonstration, when a reporter tried to enter an area the Leftists said was a reporter free zone, yelled “Who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here.”

Political Correctness, which came out of the Transformational Marxism of the Frankfurt School, has taken over the universities. Would not that takeover have an effect upon the "science" generated by such universities?

Indeed. In Oregon this week a couple Anglo ladies found themselves in trouble for a new PC sin called 'cultural innappropriation.' They wanted to open a burrito shop and had some new recipes. The Oregon authorities said they were acting parasitically toward Hispanic culture.

Seems PC science leads to race war.

But then again, racism is on the cover page of Darwin's OS originals.


New member
The influence of the eugenics movement, which came out of Darwin's theory of evolution, upon the ruling elite and on the medical profession from its top, is racist fundamentally. The eugenics movement led to the coerced sterilization of people the eugenicists thought were inferior and the rationale for the U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing abortion in 1973 came right out of the eugenicist ideology. Yet the dumbed down Marxist Leftists do not see that as a problem for their Political Correctness and the use of Racism as a means of control.

When I hear about political correctness in Oregon, I remember the killing of LaVoy Finicum in Oregon by the FBI Hostage Rescue Team and the Oregon State Police in early 2016. Whether you are for or against that killing depends a lot on whether you are a Leftist or otherwise - and probably where and when you were born and raised. If your grandfather was a cattleman and a rancher in Texas or in many states of the Great Planes and you were born and raised before about 1960, you might very well be against that killing of the rancher in Oregon. Culturally, Oregon, Washington and California are not part of the Great Planes.


Well-known member
A study that supposedly shows people want scientist to tell them what to think, is just some scientists telling people what to think.


Well-known member
A study that supposedly shows people want scientist to tell them what to think, is just some scientists telling people what to think.

Exactly, Must. And that is how D'ism got going. They were the 'scientists' about coordinating the Bible into a coherent message. But with one critical methodological error: they did not preserve the pattern of interp found in the NT itself. They created their own.


Well-known member
Exactly, IP. And that is how preterism got going. They were the 'scientists' about coordinating the Bible into a coherent message. But with one critical methodological error: they did not preserve the pattern of interp found in the NT itself. They created their own.



Exactly, Must. And that is how D'ism got going. They were the 'scientists' about coordinating the Bible into a coherent message. But with one critical methodological error: they did not preserve the pattern of interp found in the NT itself. They created their own.

So you cannot make your Holy Book provide a coherent message? Yet you rely on it to run your life?


Well-known member
So you cannot make your Holy Book provide a coherent message? Yet you rely on it to run your life?

Me? I can. But Dispensationalism is like a cult like Jehovah's Witnesses. People have done this for ever. Tried to force some other message out of the thing. Uniformitarianism is a cult, forcing another message out of the witness of the designed reality and recentness of evidence.


Well-known member
Exactly, IP. And that is how preterism got going. They were the 'scientists' about coordinating the Bible into a coherent message. But with one critical methodological error: they did not preserve the pattern of interp found in the NT itself. They created their own.


The Reformers weren't preterist as you know the modern ones--saying the DofJ was the 2nd coming. But they did have a proper place for the historic event of the destruction of Jerusalem.

You need to try at some point to recognize error and to adjust.


Me? I can. But Dispensationalism is like a cult like Jehovah's Witnesses. People have done this for ever. Tried to force some other message out of the thing. Uniformitarianism is a cult, forcing another message out of the witness of the designed reality and recentness of evidence.
The beginning of what you wrote--who cares; but your last sentence is pure ignorance.
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Well-known member
The beginning of what you wrote--who cares; but your last sentence is pure ignorance.

Uniformitarianism is a 19th century racist cult. It shares a lot with Aryanism. Haeckel, the German 'Darwin', was essential to both. There are so many fabrications, if you are open to seeing them. I can't even count the number of articles against carbon dating, which is the grand circular reason.

the reason I quoted Tucker today was because, as expected there is simply no explanation as to anything wrong with Werner's cataclysmic evidence. Simply the (mentally evolutionary) statement that uniformitarianism was gradually accepted. That is not about evidence, it is about being racist, and the triumph of the will, the strongest.

As for Tam, we'll try to take that discussion elsewhere, but yes, people have forever tried to make the Bible says something it is not. One example in earth history is the thought that the flood was just a lot of rain and rising rivers. That's totally inadequate.


Uniformitarianism is a 19th century racist cult. It shares a lot with Aryanism. Haeckel, the German 'Darwin', was essential to both. There are so many fabrications, if you are open to seeing them. I can't even count the number of articles against carbon dating, which is the grand circular reason.

the reason I quoted Tucker today was because, as expected there is simply no explanation as to anything wrong with Werner's cataclysmic evidence. Simply the (mentally evolutionary) statement that uniformitarianism was gradually accepted. That is not about evidence, it is about being racist, and the triumph of the will, the strongest.

As for Tam, we'll try to take that discussion elsewhere, but yes, people have forever tried to make the Bible says something it is not. One example in earth history is the thought that the flood was just a lot of rain and rising rivers. That's totally inadequate.

3 paragraphs and not an ounce of substance or accuracy in any.


Well-known member
The racism of OS is on the front page of all originals. Anyway, it is in several passages where he seeks the supremacy of the most fit human races. This is why Britain had several groups in upper classes, even in Whitehall, who thought it best to join the mission of the Wehrmacht.

As for the 'rain and rivers' remark, you are quite mistaken my friend. That is exactly how U'ism has perjured the Bible for...200 years (whenever Werner finished his career). That's why people today have the idea that the Genesis flood was nothing geological, just a local flood in the usual sense, but large. U'ism's machinery succeeded in removing the Bible from scientific material, as far as they could tell.

The quote from Tucker is on p234 and is what he said. Not an ounce or substance? I'm tiring of speaking to you because you have a religious zeal to undercut the point of any discussion by being so mistaken in your responses.