New poll shows support for gay marriage down after SCOTUS ruling

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The dissenters are also skilled practicioners and scholars of law.
Yes, which is why you won't and haven't heard me echo your rhetorical approach in relation to them.

And many others condemned Kennedy's sentimentality
In that moment they betray the emotional nature of their objection. Reason doesn't demand it.

; they called it for what it was, and did not say, "I personally feel" (which is taboo in philosophy. You say, this IS.)
Only if you can prove it to be. This isn't so here.


New member
Yes, which is why you won't and haven't heard me echo your rhetorical approach in relation to them.

In that moment they betray the emotional nature of their objection. Reason doesn't demand it.

Only if you can prove it to be. This isn't so here.
Yes, it is. It will be wholly so.


New member
Hall of Fame
No, I don't. I don't care what anyone thinks of me here; Unlike gays, I don't need "recognition" to know I have value. I have confidence in my powers of reason. They've earned me many a distinction and carried me this far. :p

The recognition doesn't give them value, just equality. You people don't have the ability to push around a minority anymore. That this infuriates so many of you speaks for itself.


New member
The recognition doesn't give them value, just equality. You people don't have the ability to push around a minority anymore. That this infuriates so many of you speaks for itself.
I have NO desire to push any minority around. I am a minority myself.


New member
No sir. With all due respect, this is legislation from the bench. It all started with prop 8 in California. Believe me I know. I watched the will of the people overturned and upheld by a liberal court. That is legislation.

It is unconstitutional to vote away the rights of a minority


It seems pretty obvious that the right believes marriage to be a basic human right. Why else would they be complaining about expanding that right to those who appear "different" yet are part of the same human species? If it is such a big deal it must be a basic human right. even more basic than healthcare, education, etc.


New member
Yeah, exactly. That proves our point. You're protesting too much at this rate.

Actually, all marriages are civil unions. In order to have the rights and benefits of marriage a couple must have the marriage license which is issued by the state.
The religious ceremony is of significance to those who so choose to be blessed.
The particular religious denomination is still free to set its' own criteria for such a blessing.


New member
Yeah, exactly. That proves our point. You're protesting too much at this rate.
I know I don't hate gay people, and they know it, too. I've worked and lived with them for years. Tracer is mean as the dickens to me, and I still like him.


New member
No, it isn't, which is why a majority of the Court disagrees with you and the minority. And we're back at the beginning.
This was a very slim majority, with the dissenters writing things such as "By all means, celebrate; but it has nothing to do with the Constitution" and "If I were part of a ruling like this, I'd hide my head in a bag." It gave a very strange, unsettling message.


New member
Hall of Fame
This was a very slim majority, with the dissenters writing things such as "By all means, celebrate; but it has nothing to do with the Constitution" and "If I were part of a ruling like this, I'd hide my head in a bag." It gave a very strange, unsettling message.

You keep mentioning this as though it means something.