New poll shows support for gay marriage down after SCOTUS ruling


New member
It was passed by a slim majority (instead of 7-2 or 9-0) and it in my opinion would have been better left to gradually win in a majority of states. :think:

NEW YORK (AP) -- The Supreme Court's ruling last month legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide has left Americans sharply divided, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll that suggests support for gay unions may be down slightly from earlier this year.

The poll also found a near-even split over whether local officials with religious objections should be required to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, with 47 percent saying that should be the case and 49 percent say they should be exempt.

Overall, if there's a conflict, a majority of those questioned think religious liberties should win out over gay rights, according to the poll. While 39 percent said it's more important for the government to protect gay rights, 56 percent said protection of religious liberties should take precedence.

The poll was conducted July 9 to July 13, less than three weeks after the Supreme Court ruled states cannot ban same-sex marriage.

According to the poll, 42 percent support same-sex marriage and 40 percent oppose it. The percentage saying they favor legal same-sex marriage in their state was down slightly from the 48 percent who said so in an April poll. In January, 44 percent were in favor.

Asked specifically about the Supreme Court ruling, 39 percent said they approve and 41 percent said they disapprove.
"What the Supreme Court did is jeopardize our religious freedoms," said Michael Boehm, 61, an industrial controls engineer from the Detroit area who describes himself as a conservative-leaning independent.

"You're going to see a conflict between civil law and people who want to live their lives according to their faiths," Boehm said.

Boehm was among 59 percent of the poll respondents who said wedding-related businesses with religious objections should be allowed to refuse service to gay and lesbian couples. That compares with 52 percent in April.


New member
The Constitutional protections are there to protect the minority from a tyrrany of the majority, so the polls are irrelevent.


New member
It was passed by a slim majority (instead of 7-2 or 9-0) and it in my opinion would have been better left to gradually win in a majority of states. :think:
Why should any minority have to sit patiently while their rights and legal protections are denied?


New member
The Constitutional protections are there to protect the minority from a tyrrany of the majority, so the polls are irrelevent.
Then why did gay advocates keep blabbing all over the media about the polls showing a majority supported gay marriage? :think:


Hall of Fame
They shouldn't. But gays were not denied rights

They were ... but not anymore. It's over with. Regardless of how many polls you post, gay marriage is a done deal.

However, feel free to allow the issue to consume your every thought.


New member
They were ... but not anymore. It's over with. Regardless of how many polls you post, gay marriage is a done deal.

However, feel free to allow the issue to consume your every thought.
It doesn't consume my every thought. Only when I'm here.
Many don't believe it's a done deal.


Hall of Fame
It doesn't consume my every thought. Only when I'm here.

Right. Because there are absolutely no other topics that are as important or as interesting as discussing the rights of an extremely small group of society.

Many don't believe it's a done deal.

Many also believed that the earth was flat ...


What we've seen so far; more of such cases.

Nothing is stopping you from living a life according to your particular faith save the one respectful view that their is more than one faith accordable.


New member
Nothing is stopping you from living a life according to your particular faith save the one respectful view that their is more than one faith accordable.

Sometimes I wonder about myself. I must be very lacking in intellect compared to some who have sooooo much time to judge others?
I can hardly keep track of myself as I seek to be the best I can be.


New member
Right. Because there are absolutely no other topics that are as important or as interesting as discussing the rights of an extremely small group of society.

Many also believed that the earth was flat ...



New member
Then why did gay advocates keep blabbing all over the media about the polls showing a majority supported gay marriage? :think:

To scare Republicans and Conservative Democrats into caving in.

gay marriage is a done deal.

Nothing in this world lasts forever, and history almost never goes according to peoples' plans. If you went back in History 2500 years and told the Persians that their great empire would be invaded from the West and conquered, you would be laughed at. If you fast forward 600 years to the height of the Roman Empire, no one would believe that the Western half of the Empire would be overrun in a few centuries. No one in the Aztec or Inca Empires, even five years before the Spanish conquest, would believe that the end of their empire was imminent. In 1942 Nazi Germany controlled half of Europe was advancing in Russia and in Africa. And three years later Hitler committed suicide in his bunker while Berlin was about to surrender. And in 1945, no Brit was expecting that most of Britain's empire would be gone in 20 years.

So, in 2015 it may look like gay marriage will be here forever, but who knows where we'll be in 2025 even.


New member
Of course, the ruling overturned the will of the people.

That is why you have a constitution: to prevent temporary majorities from impinging on the inalienable rights of vulnerable minorities.

When the will off the people is against the constitution, should the constitution change?