New International PerVersion


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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A better interpretation exercise is to ask someone what it means when someone, according to a literal translation from German, has "nothing on the hat" with something.

Or how you should react when someone says in German what literally means he or she is going to "bring you around".


And let's not even get into the fact that English is a rather unique language in that a single surface structure could correspond to such a large number of possible deep structures.

Ich habe die Nase voll gehabt! Ich bringe euch alle um!

My cousin was visiting London years ago and she met a nice bloke that invited her to dinner. Imagine her surprise when he said, "I'll knock you up around 6:00." True story!

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Why am I not surprised?

I was given an NIV when I was converted and it fell apart with use within 18 months. One day I was in Genesis and came to the verse, And God said to Noah, ''go into the ark''….I was not happy about this and could find no comfort. I checked with a KJV and discovered that the Eternal had said to Noah, ''COME into the ark''. I had great comfort in this and wondered what else my be amiss that would affect my soul. There are of course thousands of omissions and perversions in the NIV.

Are you kidding me? Seriously? You think the difference between "Go into the ark' and "Come into the ark" can affect your soul? Lol!

KJV-Only Cultists use the NIV as a strawman. The KJV is a word-for word translation, while the NIV is a thought for thought translation. So yes, the KJV is better than the NIV. But there are other word for word translations, like the ESV, NASB, NKJV, Holman Christian Standard, etc.


But the word "and" makes it plain that those who are described as the "Israel of God" do not belong to the same group spoken of in the first part of the verse:

"Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule and to the Israel of God."

Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule—to the Israel of God. (Galatians 6:16 NIV)

Where's the "and"?

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Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I see the resident sodomy apologist is back....The NIV is terrible and has many issues, as pointed out in the link offered.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I see the resident sodomy apologist is back....The NIV is terrible and has many issues, as pointed out in the link offered.

What the crap did my post have to do with sodomy?

My condemnation of the KJV-Only cult is in no way an endorsement of the NIV.

I didn't read the link. I don't read cultist crap generally (occasionally I do for entertainment value, but generally not.) But I agree the NIV is not ideal. The 2011 version is worse than the 1984, to my understanding, but they're both not great. They're both thought-for-thought translations. Whereas the ideal is to translate God's words word-for-word whenever possible.

The thing is, the AV is NOT the only translation that does this. The ESV, NASB, Holman Christian Standard, and others do translate word-for-word.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule—to the Israel of God. (Galatians 6:16 NIV)

Where's the "and"?

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I think Paul was saying those who followed the rule ARE the Israel of God. I'll check the ESV and NASB and then let you know.

So what's your take in the New Living Translation?

The NLT is even worse, its a blatant paraphrase. Nothing wrong with reading it for pleasure, but it isn't really scripture at that point.


I think Paul was saying those who followed the rule ARE the Israel of God. I'll check the ESV and NASB and then let you know.

The NLT is even worse, its a blatant paraphrase. Nothing wrong with reading it for pleasure, but it isn't really scripture at that point.

Let me know my arse I'm not intoreplacementtheology no way.

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Translation requires paraphrase. Frequently there is no single in word in English for a word in another language. When that happens, you must translate the meaning of the word which is a paraphrase.

For a simple exercise, here is a word in German. Please provide the English word that exactly conveys the same meaning.


Fahrverhnugen - cabinet faker

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Christian Liberty

Well-known member
not the response I was expecting.


I prefer the ESV. The NASB is rock solid as well. The KJV is perfectly fine as well, but I find it difficult to read since its written in Early Modern English.

My study Bible is ESV as well, so that's what I use.

You have to remember though that the Bible was really written in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. So no English translation is going to do the best possible translation of every single word. I'm not necessarily saying its "wrong" to use a thought for thought translation either. I have when I didn't have something else available. I don't have a problem with the NLT for pleasure-reading (I used to have one as well.) But when it comes to serious study, it simply isn't as accurate.

Accuracy is based on two things, the quality of the manuscripts the translation was based on, and how the translation is done (Whether each individual word is translated, or each thought.) With these things, all I really know is what I've heard second-hand from people who have read scholars on the subject. To my understanding, the manuscripts used by the ESV, and NASB are considered more accurate than those used by the KJV and NKJV. But obviously other scholars think different. This isn't something that I know that much about.

But the KJV movement is crazy because they act as if God actually spoke English in the Bible! The bottom line is, first of all, the Bible wasn't written in English, and second of all, the KJV wasn't even the first English translation to begin with. So why is the KJV so special compared to other versions? It isn't.


New member
I prefer the ESV. The NASB is rock solid as well. The KJV is perfectly fine as well, but I find it difficult to read since its written in Early Modern English.

My study Bible is ESV as well, so that's what I use.

You have to remember though that the Bible was really written in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. So no English translation is going to do the best possible translation of every single word. I'm not necessarily saying its "wrong" to use a thought for thought translation either. I have when I didn't have something else available. I don't have a problem with the NLT for pleasure-reading (I used to have one as well.) But when it comes to serious study, it simply isn't as accurate.

Accuracy is based on two things, the quality of the manuscripts the translation was based on, and how the translation is done (Whether each individual word is translated, or each thought.) With these things, all I really know is what I've heard second-hand from people who have read scholars on the subject. To my understanding, the manuscripts used by the ESV, and NASB are considered more accurate than those used by the KJV and NKJV. But obviously other scholars think different. This isn't something that I know that much about.

But the KJV movement is crazy because they act as if God actually spoke English in the Bible! The bottom line is, first of all, the Bible wasn't written in English, and second of all, the KJV wasn't even the first English translation to begin with. So why is the KJV so special compared to other versions? It isn't.

Thanks for the exposition. I happen to love bibliology.

I just like to know how KJVO's opinions on such translations. But seeing that isn't you (after this response) i apologize.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Let me know my arse I'm not intoreplacementtheology no way.

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What do you mean by "replacement theology." There's only one body of Christ, intojoy. There aren't two ways to heaven, either through the Old Testament Laws or through Christ. The ONLY way to be saved is through the blood of Jesus Christ. Jews who trust in Christ and Gentiles who trust in Christ are in the same body.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Thanks for the exposition. I happen to love bibliology.

I just like to know how KJVO's opinions on such translations. But seeing that isn't you (after this response) i apologize.

No worries. You probably know more about this than me, too. But I'm definitely NOT a KJVO-advocate. Heck no:p

But as I said, the KJV is fine too. For the most part I think any word for word translation is fine (And yes, I know as Cabinetmaker pointed out, no translation is ALWAYS word for word, but some are much closer to that ideal than others, and thus there's a continuum. The more word for word a translation is, the more accurate it is.)

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Regarding Galatians 6:16, it seems to me that the word for word translations are less clear than the NIV. I think this is a textbook case of what I'm talking about with the NIV, somebody inserting a theological bias into it:

I actually agree with the theological bias that I think the NIV translator showed there, but that doesn't change the fact that it shouldn't have been interposed into the text.


New member
Left (OT) and right (NT) side of the temple (brain), "made without hands" Acts 7:48, 17:24, Isaiah 66:1, 2Cor 5:1, Matt 11:25.

oki see,but you have no scripture that says a new covenant other then Hebrews 8:8 am I correct?


Well-known member
oki see,but you have no scripture that says a new covenant other then Hebrews 8:8 am I correct?

Yea I can't get it to speak, its just ink on some paper, new testament of the spirit then! written on the heart that does speak to me, anyway body science is what the scripture is about not bricks made with straw, or a body bleeding on a literal cross for my salvation, that crucifixion takes place in Golgotha, the skull.