New Here STILL complaining

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New member
Sooo.... maybe this isn't a complaint but I notice that stupid is not tolerated here.

I like that but I think a lot of us smarties (Yes I am one of 'em) can get kinda arrogant sometimes.

However, nothing like some antichrist doctrine delivered stupidly to bring out the anger and the anti-dumb rhetoric.

SO KEEP IT UP!!! :devil::yoshi::duh:


TOL Subscriber
Sooo.... maybe this isn't a complaint but I notice that stupid is not tolerated here.

I like that but I think a lot of us smarties (Yes I am one of 'em) can get kinda arrogant sometimes.

However, nothing like some antichrist doctrine delivered stupidly to bring out the anger and the anti-dumb rhetoric.

SO KEEP IT UP!!! :devil::yoshi::duh:

Hang on to your shorts... you've never seen bitterness, contempt, and ugliness like this before. Wait until there is a good, fierce doctrinal disagreement. THATS when you'll see some good ole fashioned 1 John 4:7-8 action from TOL.


New member
Sooo.... maybe this isn't a complaint but I notice that stupid is not tolerated here.

..... ....

.."stupid" is what Yahshua said 'mankind' is (awa 'pernicious'),
and the posters on the internet overwhelming prove it is true with their own words.....
so, what do you mean "is not tolerated here" ??? since it is most prevalent? (like the 'toleration' of not just atheist post's which vilify the truth and trample on the pearls, but even accepting/allowing rcc posters!!!)
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