Never Believed Jesus Loved/Died For Only Some People & Not All? Then Never Been Saved


Well-known member
You read English as poorly as you write it. If you had read what I wrote in the very quotation you just included in your post, you would have read that

What purpose do you feel it served to state to me, "Paul was a Sheep", right after I had just stated that the Apostle Paul was one of Christ's sheep?

You did not answer my question; you outright ignored it.

I asked you what caused Saul of Tarsus to NOT believe.

So, again, what caused him to NOT believe? Why did Saul of Tarsus not believe?

Your question is obviously out of ignorance not realizing that Saul of Taurus and Apostle Paul are the same individual. So if Paul was a Sheep then so was Saul. They're the same person. Duh


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Your question is obviously out of ignorance not realizing that Saul of Taurus and Apostle Paul are the same individual. So if Paul was a Sheep then so was Saul. They're the same person. Duh

I understand that the same individual who was Saul of Tarsus became the Apostle Paul. You have, thus far, failed to answer the question I asked you.

Jesus said to some people who were not believing that they were not believing "because ye are not of my sheep." See His word 'because'? He was stating the cause of their unbelief, which was that "ye are not of my sheep."

The question I asked you, which you have refused to try to answer, is this:

Since Saul of Tarsus was ALSO not believing, was ALSO an unbeliever, at the very time when Jesus was speaking to these unbelievers in John 10:26, what was the CAUSE of his unbelief?

Obviously, since you say that Saul of Tarsus was, at this time, while he was unbelieving, one of Jesus' sheep, you have to try to explain what was causing Saul of Tarsus to not believe! What was the cause of Saul of Tarsus' unbelief?

At the very time when Saul of Tarsus was an unbeliever, and was one not hearing Jesus' voice, and not following Jesus, Jesus specifically stated that "my sheep hear my voice, and they follow me". You say that Saul of Tarsus, at this time, was one of Jesus' sheep. So, you have to account for why you contradict what Jesus said; you are stating, in bald-faced contradiction to what Jesus stated, that Jesus' sheep may not be hearing His voice, and that they may not be following Him.

So, why are you contradicting what Jesus stated?


Well-known member
I understand that the same individual who was Saul of Tarsus became the Apostle Paul. You have, thus far, failed to answer the question I asked you.

Jesus said to some people who were not believing that they were not believing "because ye are not of my sheep." See His word 'because'? He was stating the cause of their unbelief, which was that "ye are not of my sheep."

The question I asked you, which you have refused to try to answer, is this:

Since Saul of Tarsus was ALSO not believing, was ALSO an unbeliever, at the very time when Jesus was speaking to these unbelievers in John 10:26, what was the CAUSE of his unbelief?

Obviously, since you say that Saul of Tarsus was, at this time, while he was unbelieving, one of Jesus' sheep, you have to try to explain what was causing Saul of Tarsus to not believe! What was the cause of Saul of Tarsus' unbelief?

At the very time when Saul of Tarsus was an unbeliever, and was one not hearing Jesus' voice, and not following Jesus, Jesus specifically stated that "my sheep hear my voice, and they follow me". You say that Saul of Tarsus, at this time, was one of Jesus' sheep. So, you have to account for why you contradict what Jesus said; you are stating, in bald-faced contradiction to what Jesus stated, that Jesus' sheep may not be hearing His voice, and that they may not be following Him.

So, why are you contradicting what Jesus stated?
So then your question is even more nonsensical and mute.

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So then your question is even more nonsensical and mute.

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Jesus said His sheep hear his voice, believe, and follow Him.

You, on the other hand, believe that, on the contrary, Jesus' sheep can, and do, fail to hear His voice, fail to believe, and fail to follow Him, since Saul of Tarsus, whom you say was one of Jesus' sheep, was failing to hear Jesus' voice, failing to believe, and failing to follow Jesus.

Why do you contradict what Jesus said?

I read your hypocritical refusal to answer the question loud and clear!


Well-known member
Jesus said His sheep hear his voice, believe, and follow Him.

You, on the other hand, believe that, on the contrary, Jesus' sheep can, and do, fail to hear His voice, fail to believe, and fail to follow Him, since Saul of Tarsus, whom you say was one of Jesus' sheep, was failing to hear Jesus' voice, failing to believe, and failing to follow Jesus.

Why do you contradict what Jesus said?

I read your hypocritical refusal to answer the question loud and clear!
Again your question is mute and doesn't make sense to me.

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God's Truth

New member
Jesus was the Messiah of the children of Israel. He even said that "I have come only for the lost sheep of Israel".Mat 15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

They rejected him and he was put to death on the cross. After he was rejected the salvation of Israel and the Gentile became the "whosoever will".

Rev 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

Jesus came first for the lost sheep of Israel, the lost sheep of Israel were the Jews who already belonged to God by faith. They were God's and now they had to go through Jesus to remain God's.

See, before Jesus started his ministry, God had cut off the Jews who did not have faith and He hardened them so that they could not hear what Jesus was saying and so be saved. Jesus came first first for those who already belonged to God.

Jesus said that when he is crucified, then all can come to him to be saved---even the Jews who were cut off.

John 17:6 "I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word.

The cut off Jews were bound to the same place as the disobedient Gentiles.

God's Truth

New member
I understand that the same individual who was Saul of Tarsus became the Apostle Paul. You have, thus far, failed to answer the question I asked you.

Jesus said to some people who were not believing that they were not believing "because ye are not of my sheep." See His word 'because'? He was stating the cause of their unbelief, which was that "ye are not of my sheep."

The question I asked you, which you have refused to try to answer, is this:

Since Saul of Tarsus was ALSO not believing, was ALSO an unbeliever, at the very time when Jesus was speaking to these unbelievers in John 10:26, what was the CAUSE of his unbelief?

Obviously, since you say that Saul of Tarsus was, at this time, while he was unbelieving, one of Jesus' sheep, you have to try to explain what was causing Saul of Tarsus to not believe! What was the cause of Saul of Tarsus' unbelief?

At the very time when Saul of Tarsus was an unbeliever, and was one not hearing Jesus' voice, and not following Jesus, Jesus specifically stated that "my sheep hear my voice, and they follow me". You say that Saul of Tarsus, at this time, was one of Jesus' sheep. So, you have to account for why you contradict what Jesus said; you are stating, in bald-faced contradiction to what Jesus stated, that Jesus' sheep may not be hearing His voice, and that they may not be following Him.

So, why are you contradicting what Jesus stated?

Excellent truthful points.

We become sheep when we have faith and obedience.


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Again your question is mute and doesn't make sense to me.

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OK. Let's see,

One of the two, following propositions must be true, and the other must be false:

1. ALL of Jesus' sheep hear His voice, believe, and follow Him,


2. SOME of Jesus' sheep do not hear His voice, do not believe, and do not follow Him.

Now, you give lip service to proposition 1, which is clearly taught in John 10. However, as I repeatedly point out to you, Saul of Tarsus was not hearing Jesus' voice, was not believing, and was not following Him. When you state that Saul of Tarsus, while he was not hearing Jesus' voice, etc., was nonetheless one of Jesus' sheep, you are affirming proposition 2, and thereby contradicting proposition 1. You are saying that Saul of Tarsus was a sheep despite NOT hearing Jesus' voice, despite NOT believing, despite NOT following Jesus, which is a statement diametrically opposed to what Jesus affirmed.

How can Saul of Tarsus have been a sheep while failing to hear Jesus' voice, failing to believe, and failing to follow Jesus, when Jesus clearly stated that the cause of peoples' failing to hear His voice, failing to believe, and failing to follow Him was the very fact that they weren't His sheep?
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Well-known member
OK. Let's see,

One of the two, following propositions must be true, and the other must be false:

Now, you give lip service to proposition 1, which is clearly taught in John 10. However, as I repeatedly point out to you, Saul of Tarsus was not hearing Jesus' voice, was not believing, and was not following Him. When you state that Saul of Tarsus, while he was not hearing Jesus' voice, etc., was nonetheless one of Jesus' sheep, you are affirming proposition 2, and thereby contradicting proposition 1. You are saying that Saul of Tarsus was a sheep despite NOT hearing Jesus' voice, despite NOT believing, despite NOT following Jesus, which is a statement diametrically opposed to what Jesus affirmed.

How can Saul of Tarsus have been a sheep while failing to hear Jesus' voice, failing to believe, and failing to follow Jesus, when Jesus clearly stated that the cause of peoples' failing to hear His voice, failing to believe, and failing to follow Him was the very fact that they weren't His sheep?
Again your question is senseless

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Again your question is senseless

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We'll let you display just how dishonest you are when you stonewall against this question:

At the time Jesus was saying to the Jews that "my sheep hear my voice" and so on, was Saul of Tarsus hearing Jesus' voice? Yes or No?

(For you to say something such as "Your question is senseless" will be nothing other than for you to stonewall against the question. Besides, no question is senseless; if something is senseless, it is not a sentence, and if it is not a sentence, it is not a question.)
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Well-known member
We'll let you display just how dishonest you are when you stonewall against this question:

At the time Jesus was saying to the Jews that "my sheep hear my voice" and so on, was Saul of Tarsus hearing Jesus' voice? Yes or No?

(For you to say something such as "Your question is senseless" will be nothing other than for you to stonewall against the question. Besides, no question is senseless; if something is senseless, it is not a sentence, and if it is not a sentence, it is not a question.)
Again your question is senseless to me. I would be a fool to answer it.

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Again your question is senseless to me. I would be a fool to answer it.

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Or, you could just be calculatin' and evasive to not answer it. But, you can just as well be a fool even without answering it.


Well-known member
Or, you could just be calculatin' and evasive to not answer it. But, you can just as well be a fool even without answering it.
Again your question is senseless to me. I would be a fool to answer it.

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