NBC leftists in Rittenhouse trial busted


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The NBC employee was caught with his and NBC's pants down when caught trailing the bus carrying jurors in the Rittenhouse trial. They knew what they were doing was wrong, as evidenced by the way two NBC executives babbled their way through attempted denials of what they were doing as released in police video yesterday. Their dishonest and illegal actions resulted in the judge banning them from further covering the trial.

COP: You were trying to what?
NBC NEWS DOUCCHE: Just do what they told me to do.
COP: New York told you to follow a vehicle?

The cop was then put on the phone with the NBC News producer Irene Byon. Morrison then continued to ramble. He said, "by no means [was MSNBC] trying to get in contact with any of the jury members or whoever’s in the car" and that they were "trying to see where key players in the trial may be at." Yes. The key players that the court went through painstaking operations to make sure stayed anonymous. it was the only way to ensure Kyle got a free trial. Hence, MSNBC wanted to expose who the jurors were.