ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


TOL Subscriber
I did not claim it you dummy, YOU DID Here

You claim I said this in the post you first quoted from:

If one professes to be in Christ, but does not act as holy as Christ is holy, that evidences what that professor is NOT.

These are not my words; this is where you changed the original quote from your OP. The "as holy as Christ" is not an accurate quote of my words or my beliefs.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
The posts are linked to YOUR original comments which are EXACTLY the same.

Here is some more of her vile wretchedness.

Well, I believe God Almighty is running the universe, down to every detail, according to His predetermined will and good pleasure.
Do you disagree?

God never rejected the reprobate according to His foreknowledge of their actions. God rejects reprobates according to His will.
God formed all men, either for dishonor or honor, according to His willful purposes and good pleasure.
To reject this truth is disbelief and a rejection of Sovereign God Himself.

Calvinists do not refute her, and they are all outside the faith. Their evil is beyond wicked. She says that aborted babies are the desire of God.


TOL Subscriber
I tend to agree with that and because I do, that is one point on which I've differed from a few MADs in the past. It looks to me that Paul had some degree of doubt at times about the genuineness of certain individuals' salvation but not even he could say with certainty whether they were or weren't. It has nothing whatsoever to do with being a fruit's simply the reality of the nature of salvation by grace through FAITH, without works (2 Tim 2:19).

Yes. As a Prison Chaplain, I deal with convincted murderers and many more on a weekly basis. Some absolutely had salvific faith when they killed, raped, thieved, etc. Some didn't, by the confession of their own mouth when they then are saved and filled with the Spirit.

It's an individual issue. Some just had a proxy or environmental belief of some kind that wasn't faith. Others most certainly did. I don't see how anyone could question that it's a heart by heart situation that isn't about works.

I agree with this as well.

It might help the conversation, given the direction it's now taking, to establish something here and now: Paul never tells us that the "old man" is dead, eradicated or gone.

This is another issue of linguistics, since death (thanatos) isn't an eradication, extinction, elimination, or annihilation. But we must know what the old man is. The old man is the prosopon (the outer man). And that means we must know the difference between the prosopon and the hypostasis (substance, inner man).

I know that MADers don't like linguistics, but there are a handful of terms that have to be understood from Greek instead of being replaced by an English concept.

To believe that he is gone is perhaps the main error Christians can make with regard to our walk. He has been crucified and is to be reckoned as such but he is not gone. We are to reckon OURSELVES as dead to him and alive to God in Christ, but he is not dead.

Our hypostasis (inner man) is translated (moved to another location) and seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. We are raised with Him to walk in newness of life. The outer man remains, with physical life. We've reckoned it dead by faith, and we're dead to the sin in its members.

This is what I mean by ontology. Our very existence and being is translated to be IN Christ. Our inner man. Our hypostasis. The underlying substance of who we are. The outer man and its physical appearance is not who we ARE.

We put on Christ. His prosopon. Our hypostasis is literally translated into the prosopon of Christ, awaiting redemption of our mortal bodies (prosopon). We work out (which is NOT works unto salvation, but the conduct of our imputed righteousness) our salvation with fear and trembling, from the inner man to the outer man.

This is the power we've been given to become the sons of God. We die daily to the old outer man (prosopon) and live by the faith of the Son of God, in whom is our hypsotasis.

Us in Him, Him in us. This is the difference between being IN Christ and putting new wine (the Holy Spirit) into old wineskins (the prosopon). Our old man is not filled with the Spirit. Our old man is reckoned crucified by faith, and we're translated into the prosopon (person) of Christ.

It's necessary to utilize and define a few Greek words to be able understand the ontology of our existence and being IN Christ as a new creature. We're not just given another nature to have two. That's Dualism.

Just want to point that out to find out whether we're all on the same page here.

The difference is ontology. What happens is that even a faith salvation can revert to works soteriology if one doesn't understand ontology. And this is the difference between hope and faith.

It's the hypostasis (substance) of our faith that comes by hearing the hypostasis (substance) of God in His Rhema (Word). It's this substance of faith that translates us into the prosopon (person) of Christ and engrafts us to be partakers of God's divine substance.

But Threepio, do us a favor, seriously: lay off the terminology please. 'kay?

It's very difficult to ever understand the ontology of Paul's Gospel without a handful of Greek words, their definitions, and an exegetical explanation of the function and reality of their meanings.

It's only about a dozen words total, and every convicted felon with little education or scriptural knowledge quickly learns the meanings and the message changes their life dramatically.

I would think Believers would want to have some basic limited language stewardship to know what words and applications mean, since most of the differences in understanding and doctrine are related to linguistic misunderstanding.

I just try to reconcile it all, because we've been given the ministry of reconciliation.

A lack of understanding of Rhema (Word) and Logos (Word), and hypostasis (substance) and prosopon (appearance/person), and hamartia (sin) and thanatos (death) is why there's such widespread division and overall ignorance in the Body. It's a language thing.

Thanks for your congenial posts.


Well-known member
That was easy.



TOL Subscriber
Here is some more of her vile wretchedness.

Calvinists do not refute her, and they are all outside the faith. Their evil is beyond wicked. She says that aborted babies are the desire of God.

Man, I would like to see a quote from me saying that!


TOL Subscriber
As far as I can tell, I think we agree with that.

Sorry, I don't see any of us doing that. OTHERS here may, but not us. Not from what I've seen anyway.

I've never seen any indication that anyone understands the difference between prosopon and hypostasis. I'm always chastised for daring to use the words because they're either Greek or "big".

There can be no sin imputed to our hypostasis. Sin is imputed by the law, and the law ceased in Christ; and our hypostasis is translated into the prosopon of Christ, engrafted into the hypostasis of God. So no sin can ever be imputed to our hypostasis, which is our imputed righteousness.

That's distinct from our prosopon, which is the outer man with sin in its members. We're crucified with Christ, so our prosopon is reckoned dead (and thus buried) by faith.

Our new nature is Christ's. It's not another nature in our prosopon. It's the new nature of putting on the Jesus' robe of flesh. And it fulfills the type and shadow of 1Sam 18:1-4 of the robe exchange. We also get His bow to "hit the mark", instead of our sin ("missing the mark").

It's not just figurative. It's spiritually literal and ontological. Hope is just the potentiality of all that when we physically die, and hope saves us. But faith is NOW, and it's being translated and living by the faith of the Son of God because we're IN Christ.


TOL Subscriber
The Lord is presently comforting me while strengthening me, with the exhortation from Ephesians 6:10-18.


TOL Subscriber

Not at all. It was quote-mined out of context.

Keeping God's commandments is merely the emphasis on the imputed righteousness that includes empowerment for conduct (which we could never otherwise exhibit as works).

"Keep" in Greek is "guard", not accomplish. And we only keep the commandments (which are all summed up in love, which God IS and in whom we have our being through Christ) because of His grace that faith gave us access to.

There isn't works to acquire salvation within a light year of anything I've said.


TOL Subscriber
Whence the potentiality for sin that all who are in Christ do, in a very real sense, still possess?

From the old man (prosopon), with sin in its members. Sin, by functional definition, is a self-determined standard of conduct. It can be murder/rape/stab/steal/lie, etc. or it can be a pristine Judeo-Christian ethic. Any extreme, but all self-determined rather than God-determined, even if it may outwardly appear to be God's standard but is not.

The old man is not physically dead, only reckoned so by faith. We die daily and keep under our body, to let not sin reign in our mortal flesh.

So we can walk by that flesh or by the Spirit. But there is no condemnation to them that are IN Christ Jesus.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Heh! I just received a neg rep from Rusha, saying I was "arrogant" in my agreement with Delmar.

Go figure . . . what is a person to do around here, to avoid persecution?


When I agreed with Delmar I had I John 1:7-10 in mind, and I am sorry I did not quote it.

Would that have made my agreement with Delmar seem more humble to you, or more arrogant?

What is your real problem?


I for one, did not see your response as arrogant or negative at all. You stayed consistent with the terminology that I used which, by the way, I borrowed from your post.


Well-known member
From the old man (prosopon), with sin in its members. Sin, by functional definition, is a self-determined standard of conduct. It can be murder/rape/stab/steal/lie, etc. or it can be a pristine Judeo-Christian ethic. Any extreme, but all self-determined rather than God-determined, even if it may outwardly appear to be God's standard but is not.

The old man is not physically dead, only reckoned so by faith. We die daily and keep under our body, to let not sin reign in our mortal flesh.

So we can walk by that flesh or by the Spirit. But there is no condemnation to them that are IN Christ Jesus.

Do you view the old man - the flesh, the source of sinful acts/"works of the flesh" yet within us - as the literal physical body or some component thereof?

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Let's be honest here...

Eph 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

Eph 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Eph 1:5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will

Before the foundation of the world, God chose that that all those who are "in Him" would be "holy and without blame". He predestined "us" (all those who are in Christ; and in this context specifically Gentiles) "unto the adoption of children".

There is nothing in these verses speaking of individuals being chosen or predestined unto salvation and others being excluded. These verses are confirming that all those who believe the Gospel and are in Christ will be included in those things that God had purposed according to His will.

I have repeatedly said that our being chosen and predestined does not exclude others from being saved. I part company with Calvin on that issue. Wait a minute! YOU you are making that same mistake Calvin made.

For you reject the doctrines of predestiny and election because you too are afraid it excludes others...that is the assumption Calvin made, it is a very logical one to make but it is wrong.

Tots is TOL's foremost preacher of the wider mercy.

You have to think that Calvin is a 16th century man, a European, they were just coming out of Romanism and working on a thorough overhaul of all these doctrines...Praise God for those reformers they did a magnificent job...but sometimes you see the old Catholic mindset of the medieval world coming through in their thinking.

To the Catholic you were either Catholic or damned. That has always been the Christian mindset. Luther was sure the Jews were devils.

But just because Calvin made a boo boo, don't chuck out Paul's precious doctrines.


TOL Subscriber
I for one, did not see your response as arrogant or negative at all. You stayed consistent with the terminology that I used which, by the way, I borrowed from your post.

Thank you.

I do not understand how anyone could interpret agreeableness as being "arrogant." :sigh:


TOL Subscriber
Do you view the old man - the flesh, the source of sin yet in us - as the literal physical body or some component thereof?

The soma (body) is wholly the prosopon and the spirit is wholly the hypostasis, while the soul is conjoined to both body and spirit; hence the need for God's Logos to pierce to the dividing asunder (partitioning for distribution) soul and spirit, joints and marrow (body and soul). (Soul and Spirit on one edge of the Rhema sword; Body and Soul on the other edge.)

Sin is hamartia from ameros. "A" is no/not, and "meros" is share/part. Sin is the missing share or part. That missing share/part is God's righteousness, which is His standard of character and conduct.

Missing that, we must DO according to our own standards. That's sin, and it's imputed as our inherent condition by the law the very first time we consiously and willfully demonstrate our own standard (usually as a young child).

This means we inherently aren't righteous and cannot demonstrate God's righteousness with ANY conduct. So a works-based salvation is impossible. Any attempt would only be sin as our own standard of character and conduct to compensate for the missing character and conduct of God.

Righteousness MUST be imputed to us, or we can't ever BE or DO anything whatsoever according to God's standards of character and conduct. Even if it were a pristine self-fulfillment of every facet of the Mosaic Law (impossible), it still wouldn't be God's standard, but our own. It would be the pinnacle of self-righteousness the more closely we emulated God's standards, because they're not His.

By the works of the law shall NO man be justified.

So the sin in our members isn't a "something". It's an "a-" (no/not) "-something". A missing share. It's the constant demonstration in action of our lacking God's attributes. That means everything we do by outwardly by our own prosopon just brings judgement by the righteousness that is in the law. The law is the strength of sin.

So the sin in our members is the noun that is our inherent condition of never being able to "hit the mark" of God's righteousness for conduct. And it's because we don't have His character.

That's why it's impossible for salvation to be of works. And that's why imputed righteousness inherently includes conduct. No other conduct could suffice, or it would be sin. Anything else is just us attempting to fulfill imputed righteousness by our own efforts, which would be sin.

Imputed righteousness MUST include imputation of conduct or we couldn't DO anything except bring forth sin from our old prosopon.


TOL Subscriber
Not at all. It was quote-mined out of context.

Keeping God's commandments is merely the emphasis on the imputed righteousness that includes empowerment for conduct (which we could never otherwise exhibit as works).

"Keep" in Greek is "guard", not accomplish. And we only keep the commandments (which are all summed up in love, which God IS and in whom we have our being through Christ) because of His grace that faith gave us access to.

There isn't works to acquire salvation within a light year of anything I've said.

This is a keeper . . .


Well-known member
Let me rephrase it.

Where, specifically, does the continued capacity for sinful behavior come from in a believer? It is obviously not eradicated (anyone who says it is, is lying or delusional). It can't come from the new man that is of Christ - the new man who the believer really is now. To say it comes from the physical sarx would be to say our bodies of flesh are themselves sinful and evil, which I do not find taught in the Bible.

So where is it still coming from?

Yes, I have a point with all this.