I thought you were a preterist for some reason, my bad. Hard to keep up with all the flavors.
There are some five "flavors" or so, of Mid-Acts Dispensationalism represented here on TOL.
Another three or four "flavors" of Preterism, and likwise as to all other "flavors" represented.
And you are not the first to have "suspected" I might somehow lean towards a Preterism of some sort :chuckle:
I am well rounded in my Mid-Acts understanding. As a result, I often know right off who subscribes to what, from few of their few posts.
Consider that if you have to ask, then your own view is not as well informed as you might think it is.
When I first began posting on TOL, I was right off concluded by one "flavor" of Mid-Acts as one of them.
This, though it was obvious in my posts I was not.
Eventually, just one more piece from me in my words (while in a debate with one from a first "flavor" of Mid-Acts in my defense of some from a third "flavor,") and next thing I knew, I was quietly concluded anathema by said third "flavor" :chuckle:
Later, some other excuse was used as the reason. But such is to be expected. It is the nature of dissimulation.
If you are wise by the time you encounter such things from people, it all makes you a bit more philosophical about the value of such things, once more; you end up enduring once more; being better off for it, once more; and at the benefit that is the sense "how amusing" :chuckle:
So, if a Preterist is what you had suspected me being; and if that will now be replaced by you by some other convinient label; well then have at; I continue to enjoy a good ribbing.
Whether at your expense, or my own.