My Theology is--

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There are Jews and Gentiles of the flesh (ethnic)

and there are Jews and Gentiles of the Spirit (circumcised heart/new birth)

Not that heard to figure out unless you've been brainwashed. Poor Grosbo!

The Jews in Israel today would be spiritual Gentiles because they have uncircumcised hearts.

Keep it simple and posters MIGHT want to post with you? That is if you don't get yourself banned every other day. Get my meaning :loser:


New member
Keep it simple and posters MIGHT want to post with you? That is if you don't get yourself banned every other day. Get my meaning :loser:

It doesn't get much simpler than that ole' buddy.

Having a circumcised heart is everything and having the right DNA is nothing!

It's called faith ever hear of it?