My Religion

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Well, some people who believe the Bible to be Gods word don’t agree with you.

So what?

They don’t believe God changes his mind, and what he said can be believed and practiced.

So what?

Just because one believes something doesn't automatically make them correct.


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One of my oldest and best friends died yesterday. He was a Christian brother named Gary. The details are not clear to us at this time because they didn’t even get him back to shore until 4 am, this morning. He was attempting to drive a two engine boat from Channel Islands harbor up to San Luis Harbor and something went wrong with the engines. He and another man were found dead by the Coast Guard, one inside the boat and one on deck.

Gary’s oldest son Luke who is also a fundamentalist evangelical Christian was first one down on the scene because he believed he had the faith to raise his father back from the dead with two or three of his closest Christian friends through prayer. Their prayer efforts were not successful and they were not able to raise this kind man back to life.

His son did the right thing unfortunately for your friend his days were numbered. If God wanted him to still be here with us He would have raised him from the dead through his sons prayers.

Also during these hard times it is very important for you and your family to remember that death is a necessity of life. And when by accepting situation such as these as being a necessity of life and part of God's plan of His creation the burden is a little easier to accept.

It is also very important reminder to all of us Christians and non believer's to be ready at all times. No one is excempt from the day that the Master has appointed to all of us end the race. There is plenty of examples in the Bible of such tragedy so no one could be of no excuse.

When things like this happens it is an opportunity to for all of to glorify God. What a wonderful and mysterious Lord we serve. That science nor the brightest man that ever lived have no explanation of such phenomenon.

My deepest condolences for the loss of your friend. May his soul sleep in peace until our Lord Jesus Christ returns.

Allow me to pray for your friend, and for you and your family. God bless you!


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His son did the right thing unfortunately for your friend his days were numbered. If God wanted him to still be here with us He would have raised him from the dead through his sons prayers.

Rather, God does not raise people back to life from the dead.

Absent from the body, present with the Lord.

It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.

Also during these hard times it is very important for you and your family to remember that death is a necessity of life. And when by accepting situation such as these as being a necessity of life and part of God's plan of His creation the burden is a little easier to accept.

It is also very important reminder to all of us Christians and non believer's to be ready at all times. No one is excempt from the day that the Master has appointed to all of us end the race. There is plenty of examples in the Bible of such tragedy so no one could be of no excuse.

When things like this happens it is an opportunity to for all of to glorify God. What a wonderful and mysterious Lord we serve. That science nor the brightest man that ever lived have no explanation of such phenomenon.

My deepest condolences for the loss of your friend. May his soul sleep in peace until our Lord Jesus Christ returns.

Allow me to pray for your friend, and for you and your family. God bless you!


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If God wanted him here, he would have kept him here. No need to let him die and then raise him from the dead.
Idk God does what ever He wants. Who I'm I to tell the Master what to do. Or to even think that I know His intentions?

But thank you. Hopefully the Master has better intentions for all of us.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Idk God does what ever He wants. Who I'm I to tell the Master what to do. Or to even think that I know His intentions?
fwiw, and this is for [MENTION=8654]Guyver[/MENTION] as much as it is for you K0de, Catholicism believes that God provides an earthly organ to transmit to the world precisely what He wants us to know, and what are His intentions. They are those holders of the "office of a bishop" (1Ti3:1KJV). They do not invent or innovate, but they transmit faithfully everything that all of the Apostles ever taught---and this includes their written words (all of which preserved in the N.T.), their dictated words (as some epistles of Apostolic authorship were dictated by Apostles but written by someone else for them), writings authored within their lifetimes that they themselves approved as authoritative (also preserved in the N.T., e.g., Luke and Acts and James), and their spoken word (cf. 2Th2:15KJV).
But thank you. Hopefully the Master has better intentions for all of us.
He of course has the perfectest intentions for us, and He is able to tell us them, in the '[Catechism of the Church.]'

Again, fwiw. No hostility intended at all. Good day, and peace to you and your households.


Last night I went to my friend Gary’s house with my wife and many well-wishing friends and family members. I embraced my friends wife, now a widow in middle age, and his grown children now left fatherless. As I held my friends wife she said please don’t be mad at God or Gary, this is Gods will and we must accept it.

I agree with all of that except the part about it being Gods will. For while there can be no doubt that it is Gods will we will all die one wasn’t his will for Gary to die out on that ocean last weekend. I know this because if he had not attempted to move that old broken down boat on the rough ocean, he’d still be here, his wife would not be a widow and his children would not be fatherless.

He died because he made a poor choice and took risky actions. As I see it. FWIW.


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fwiw, and this is for [MENTION=8654]Guyver[/MENTION] as much as it is for you K0de, Catholicism believes that God provides an earthly organ to transmit to the world precisely what He wants us to know, and what are His intentions. They are those holders of the "office of a bishop" (1Ti3:1KJV). They do not invent or innovate, but they transmit faithfully everything that all of the Apostles ever taught---and this includes their written words (all of which preserved in the N.T.), their dictated words (as some epistles of Apostolic authorship were dictated by Apostles but written by someone else for them), writings authored within their lifetimes that they themselves approved as authoritative (also preserved in the N.T., e.g., Luke and Acts and James), and their spoken word (cf. 2Th2:15KJV).
He of course has the perfectest intentions for us, and He is able to tell us them, in the '[Catechism of the Church.]'

Again, fwiw. No hostility intended at all. Good day, and peace to you and your households.
I'm extremely new to Christian Theology and taking on to much study can become overwhelming. But I do want to thank you so much Idolater for the insight on Catholicism. It is on my list of study, and a most important study for all Christians.

Please pray that God continues to bless me with the mind and likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ on this journey.

I'm looking forward to continue learning more about catholicism from you on these forums. See you around. [emoji120]


New member
So, answer to the question of how to know real truth, is comprised of two parts.

1. I need to know Jesus Christ.

2. I must study and believe the Holy Bible.

That is what you offer as a means for knowing "real truth."

Yes (John 14:6, John 8:31b)

My answer would look a little different than that, because I'm assuming you've never read a math book. In the study of mathematics, real truth can be observed and verified because math equations can be checked for accuracy.

What mathematical or other source proves that Jesus and the Bible are not the truth?

Also, are you not aware that even mathematics is based upon unprovable assumptions, as is science in its entirety (see Hume)?

. . . can you imagine a situation where people don't know the bible?

Yes, but only if they are nonelect (Acts 13:48).

You would know the truth of the world that God has made, though you may not even know that such a being as God exists.

You would have to (Romans 1:20).

(See also post #305 above)

Another example would be any one of thousands upon thousands of tribes and peoples who live all over this planet who not only have never seen a bible but don't know how to read.

That was the case in the early centuries of the Church. The Bible was read out loud to Christians who could not read.

And even today Christians who hate to read books can instead listen to the Bible being read out loud in recordings.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.


New member
Next, will you discuss how you propose one go about studying God since you have offered it as an alternative to expressing oneself?

The best way to study YHWH God is to study His Word the Holy Bible (2 Timothy 3:15 to 4:4).

And the best way to study the Bible, as a whole, is simply to read every word of it (Matthew 4:4), over and over again. It ends up explaining itself once what it teaches has become engrained in your memory, and you see the connections between verses regarding something in one place in the Bible and other verses regarding that same thing in other places in the Bible. It is by comparing and combining related verses in different places in the Bible that we arrive at correct doctrine (Isaiah 28:9-10; 1 Corinthians 2:13).

It is also a good practice to always end each Bible-reading session with a prayer for understanding and remembrance of the whole Bible. And pray for obedience to those parts of it which are still in effect for Christians (James 1:22, Romans 7:6). And pray for agape love with all things (1 Corinthians 13).

One great way to read the whole Bible, over and over, is to think of it as seven volumes:

1. Genesis to Deuteronomy
2. Joshua to Esther
3. Job to Song of Solomon
4. Isaiah to Malachi
5. Matthew to Acts
6. Romans to Philemon
7. Hebrews to Revelation

You can read a chapter in each volume every day. This will keep you current in every part of the Bible. After a while, there will not be any part that you have not read recently enough to remember what it teaches. When you reach the end of a volume, simply start again at the first chapter of that volume. In this way, you will be cycling through smaller volumes like #6 and #7 much more often than larger volumes like #2, but the smaller volumes are so much more dense with doctrine that it is profitable to read them over and over more often.

Also, you can listen to recordings of people reading the Bible out loud whenever you need to keep your eyes on something else while you listen (such as keeping your eyes on the road while you are driving, or on a cutting board while you are preparing food, or on your clippers while you are trimming a hedge). In this way, you can listen to the Bible throughout the day, whenever you do not need to be thinking about something else (such as at your workplace or school). Also, you can listen to the Bible even while you are going to sleep, so that it will become part of even your subconscious mind.


What mathematical or other source proves that Jesus and the Bible are not the truth?

I never made the claim that there exist mathematical sources disproving the bible. If you would like to understand how the bible is true or untrue in a literal sense, then that is an exercise I think you should undertake for yourself, rather than asking me to explain it to you.

Also, are you not aware that even mathematics is based upon unprovable assumptions, as is science in its entirety (see Hume)?

No, and I don't agree with your claim.

Mathematics is largely based upon logical axioms which are self-apparent. These axioms can be shown to be true in the domain to which they are applied. In two-dimensional or Euclidian Geometry, the axioms, postulates, and accompanying theorems are true in two dimensions, but not three or more. For two dimensions the sum of all angles of any given triangle are always 180 degrees. This is not true in three dimensions, where the sum of all angles of any given triangle may exceed 180 degrees.

When you reference Hume, you need to be much more specific and precise as his work is voluminous.

You would have to (Romans 1:20).

OK.....well, Romans 1:20 isn't true in a literal sense. How do we know? We know because "unreached peoples" have been encountered in the past few centuries and their beliefs and practices have been documented. In the recent past many Evangelical Christian Missionaries have traveled the world in search of people to preach the gospel to, and they have found them all over the planet. Many groups of people previously unknown to the world have been discovered. Their beliefs prior to "Western" or "Christian" contact have been documented and they don't have consistent beliefs in "God" as you or I understand the term, and as Romans chapter 1 claims.

There are many, many sources that you could choose to study this point to see if I am correct or not, but I will offer my favorite which is a book entitled, Bruchko written by Bruce Olsen. It documents his work with a previously unreached people known as the Motilone Indians of South America.


The best way to study YHWH God is to study His Word the Holy Bible (2 Timothy 3:15 to 4:4).

Whoa! Slow down for a minute.....I'm going to have to stop you right there. First of all, thank you for attempting to answer the question I posed to George Affleck as he obviously had no interest in answering it.

But, I must ask you.....are you sure that you have spoken truly? Don't you think you should have said the best way to study what MEN THINK about God is to study the Holy Bible?

You are beginning with the assumption that the Bible = God's Word. Out of all the many hundreds of religious texts or holy books which exist in the have chosen the bible, and assumed that would teach us about God, or allow us to study him. Why did you not include the other relgious texts?

Here is a list from one link. Link.


The best way to study YHWH God is to study His Word the Holy Bible (2 Timothy 3:15 to 4:4).

And the best way to study the Bible, as a whole, is simply to read every word of it (Matthew 4:4), over and over again. It ends up explaining itself once what it teaches has become engrained in your memory, and you see the connections between verses regarding something in one place in the Bible and other verses regarding that same thing in other places in the Bible. It is by comparing and combining related verses in different places in the Bible that we arrive at correct doctrine (Isaiah 28:9-10; 1 Corinthians 2:13).

It is also a good practice to always end each Bible-reading session with a prayer for understanding and remembrance of the whole Bible. And pray for obedience to those parts of it which are still in effect for Christians (James 1:22, Romans 7:6). And pray for agape love with all things (1 Corinthians 13).

One great way to read the whole Bible, over and over, is to think of it as seven volumes:

1. Genesis to Deuteronomy
2. Joshua to Esther
3. Job to Song of Solomon
4. Isaiah to Malachi
5. Matthew to Acts
6. Romans to Philemon
7. Hebrews to Revelation

I have studied the bible for 37 years. I have read it cover to cover several times, and studied large portions of it for thousands of hours in all. So, I know the I said before.

But, lets discuss the Bible.

Which one? I assume you mean the Protestant Bible, which is a collection of 66 books. The Protestant Bible is derived from the Catholic Bible, which contains 73 books....that would be 7 books more than the Protestant Bible, for those who are interested in the numbers. 66 and 7, two interesting numbers for those who are into numerology.

So, the first important point about the Bible that should be stated, is that it is a work in progress. Many books that used to be in the bible are not there now, and that means that PEOPLE - MEN - have decided which books the Bible would contain and which books the Bible should not contain. Even within Christianity itself, there exist differences in the idea of what the Bible actually is.

Here is a link that demonstrates how great a variation there is with respect to what Christians themselves consider the Bible to be.



The best way to study YHWH God is to study His Word the Holy Bible (2 Timothy 3:15 to 4:4).

I would like to state that I object to the use of the term YHWH as a reference to the real God. FWIW. I would be happy to discuss this topic using the term "God" as it generally refers to the "Supreme Being" that most people accept as an accurate idea of what God is.

Now, let's talk about this assumption here, in and of itself.

You just said that the best way to study God is to study His Word, the Holy Bible. I'd like to know how it is that you know the Holy Bible is the actual "Word of God."

And, what do you mean by using that term. Are you suggesting God wrote the Bible? I hope not, because we already know that God did not write the Bible so that would be a foolish thing to believe.

Men wrote the Bible. Now, perhaps you'd like to argue that God wrote the individual books that comprise the collection of books we call the Bible - by working directly through men. And, if that's the case....fine. I will accept that argument.

So, now all you have to do is prove that the Bible is divine in origin rather than the work of the minds of men. If you do that......YOU WIN!!!!!!!!!

Have at it, and it will be my pleasure to hear your arguments, and examine your proof.


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I have studied the bible for 37 years. I have read it cover to cover several times, and studied large portions of it for thousands of hours in all. So, I know the I said before.

But, lets discuss the Bible.

How can we discuss the Bible with you Brother Guyver? [emoji848]

Time and time and times again many have made the attempt to discuss the Bible on these forums with you.But in mid flight you either bash the Bible and redirect to science or atheism.

With all your respect. Are you willing to discuss with an open mind?
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