Trump Gurl
Credo in Unum Deum
There was no twisting of words.
There most certainly was. You said that my point with this thread is that we should all be fine with it if it turns out that bible is proven to be in contradiction to the scientific facts of reality. I would never say such a thing, I do not believe such a thing, and I would never even infer such a thing. Ergo you twisted my words. Period.
Does he want me to know the exact number of years from Adam to Jesus? I don't think so. Such knowledge does not help me lead a Godly life in the slightest
I disagree!
Well, I will be interested to know how knowing the number of years between Adam and Jesus actually helps you feed the poor, clothe the naked, visit those in prison, And love thy neighbor.
Perhaps you might also explain how so many wonderful saints from the past, from Saint Francis to Mother Theresa, were able to love unconditionally without your scientific facts!
Mother Theresa walked the walk. She did not waste time with these STUPID arguments. She held the lepers to her bosom and actually went to where the poor are and was Christ to them.
Are you Christ to the poor the way Mother Theresa was? Or are you just one of those blowhards arguing about dinosaurs and stupid crap as you pass judgement on others.