My Ignored List


Well-known member
"The entire Protestant canon of scripture is considered the inspired, inerrant word of God." If this is the case, then they believe that Yeshua rose from the dead. I don't know what to tell you. I can't see the point in lying about their core beliefs. I realize their doctrines and sub-doctrines aren't right but I have never claimed them to be.
Lying? Ouch IMJ! :think: Ask questions before accusing, please!


Please don't think we are just passing along wives tales without investigation or asking, at least, for proof if you can't find it yourself.


Well-known member
When you tell me I'm not your Sister in Yeshua, that I'm not a member of the Body, you are judging my soul and pretty much doing the same thing Truster has done. I don't know how many times I have to post this but I will post it again,
John 15:1-10 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love."

Revelation 22:14 "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city."

I'm not putting out anything other than Scripture and I'm not the One who teaches law keeping, Yeshua is. What do you think a commandment is anyhow, a really good suggestion?, it's God's Law. Are we supposed to cling to doctrines or to God, Yeshua and Scripture?

Jesus is the end of the law for righteousness for those who believe. It seems you are the one denying that fact...not I. Move to the other side of the cross to find LIFE.


Well-known member
You're either not reading posts or you are unaware that people have said I am not a member of the this very thread even. And I find your words about John W to be more than a little understated. Gets excited?? That's putting it beyond mildly.
Agreed. He's given me that end of the stick in the past so I'm familiar, but he's also made it right with me too. It greatly humbled me. So yes, it was understated. We can't all be his friend but it is beyond my comprehension that he offered the laurel to me and I took it. I won't ignore any one of you that fights with him. I believe he understands this of me as well. Our friendship was forged in great heat.

Who am I fellowshipping with that is unacceptable? I don't fellowship with Mormons and JW's. I don't agree with their doctrine
:up: This is good, but it is your next line that is getting you into heat:

but I can not ignore the fact that they claim belief in God the Father, Yeshua the Son and the Ruach.
To me? I just think you need to be educated and dig deeper. They say 'Jesus' but mean somebody else. A Jesus that is not risen (JW) makes our Christianity vain and ineffectual: 1 Corinthians 15:14-17

A Jesus that is not God (Mormons) nor a God that is God, but both being men who changed into Gods, is not who we know Galatians 1:8
"As man is, God once was. As God is, man may become" - Lorenzo Snow

See also here: Jesus didn't die on the cross for a Mormon's sin, but took sin upon himself in the Garden of Gethsemane according to them.


Well-known member
I'm asking for .... and will judge the veracity of the reason/testimony by the scriptures.
Of course. It isn't your place, try as you might. That's the lesson you need to learn. I don't use you at all for a measure. Your measure is a bit dangerous and cuts, and apparently without a care in the world for those harmed. You've got a few rubber stamps: "Ignore" "Rejection" "Unsaved" "Not worth my time." Take a pick?

If someone asks me for a reason I place myself under the same scrutiny and judgement. I go no further than the scriptures require. It's a telling sign when people will not give an account.
Scrutiny? Sure. Judgment? :nono:

First, it tells who you have on ignore already and who you don't. Second, it is telling when someone will not allow pearls to be trampled. The best way to tell if pearls are real or fake, is not the 'stomp' test. LOTS of people trust me with testimonies, Truster. Very few trust you. Kind of an ironic user name, no?

I tried giving testimony of God's Hand in my life, you called it Satan.

That's how you repaid a request for testimony of a good many TOL posters.
Mine I can forgive, but will oppose you as you set about trying to test other's. Trampling pearls isn't the best way to see if they are real. Rubbing them on a tooth (testing gently) is a great way. Metal spikey boots is horrific and unconscionable.


Lon, I think that's pretty funny. I mean he asked for your testimony and then called it satan? Hilarious.

I guess not to God maybe. I don't think God is looking down on him and saying I can't believe truster just did that again.

Sometimes laughter is the only remedy.


Well-known member
any noob here gets abused and badgered

not sure why the mods allow it - they didn't used to

a lot of promising people get chased off

If I'm against him/her, you can bet there's a pretty good reason for it.
This guy came in gang busta's judgmental on uz. It wuz like a verbal drive-by. Bang! you aren't saved! Bang! You aren't a Christian, you're an atheist! Stomp! You're pearls suck! Blast! You child of the Devil!

Haven't seen the like of it on here....ever for realz, Ree. I was trying to get kids off the TOL streets and someone put me on iggy-ear for yelling at the dude for blastin' in TOLtown and shootin' it up, Qwerty-tires squeeling and flippin' Sacred Name gang signs all over the place. I ain't lying, dawg.

I didn't think a rival 'Christian' gang was that violent, but it was bloody red ink.
That's whack! My posse was grieving, Holmes. He must be good-looking or drive a thumpin' Theology ride 'cuz there were some of my TOLhome peeps and neighbors dissen' on me, yo? That ain't fly.

I haven't been too violent but I started posting up TOL posters and in-thread shout-outs, then I get pops for specking on the 'new dude' and his fancy rig or whatever.

I was like "Come on? For reelz?" And it was like "Homeboyz new, G. Let the boy fly." An' I was like, wit dat doctrine gun piece rat-a-tat tat, you know what I'm sayin'? And they and you wuz like...."Whatever!"

And I was like, "Man, that ain't right."

That's the skinny on this rap so far.


New member
If I'm against him/her, you can bet there's a pretty good reason for it.
This guy came in gang busta's judgmental on uz. It wuz like a verbal drive-by. Bang! you aren't saved! Bang! You aren't a Christian, you're an atheist! Stomp! You're pearls suck! Blast! You child of the Devil!

Haven't seen the like of it on here....ever for realz, Ree. I was trying to get kids off the TOL streets and someone put me on iggy-ear for yelling at the dude for blastin' in TOLtown and shootin' it up, Qwerty-tires squeeling and flippin' Sacred Name gang signs all over the place. I ain't lying, dawg.

I didn't think a rival 'Christian' gang was that violent, but it was bloody red ink.
That's whack! My posse was grieving, Holmes. He must be good-looking or drive a thumpin' Theology ride 'cuz there were some of my TOLhome peeps and neighbors dissen' on me, yo? That ain't fly.

I haven't been too violent but I started posting up TOL posters and in-thread shout-outs, then I get pops for specking on the 'new dude' and his fancy rig or whatever.

I was like "Come on? For reelz?" And it was like "Homeboyz new, G. Let the boy fly." An' I was like, wit dat doctrine gun piece rat-a-tat tat, you know what I'm sayin'? And they and you wuz like...."Whatever!"

And I was like, "Man, that ain't right."

That's the skinny on this rap so far.

Um...okay...I'm with you, I think!


New member
I like to let em back ignore, then put em back on ignore again. Makes me feel like a man.

Why take anyone seriously here anyway?

I was sincere in the OP and meant what I said. If I had any intention in going back on what I had said then I wouldn't have wasted a single moment in the thought of it, let alone doing it.

Being double minded is not something I suffer from. If someone is promoting that which is opposed to the truth then it is my prerogative to dismiss the message and the messenger. If there were at any time a show of genuine repentance then it would cause me to embrace the messenger as a brother.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
He could daily condemn all of us to hell, as Nick M does without censor from TOL Admins or mods.

Actually, it is by your words that you are condemned. I am just pointing it out.

God never rejected the reprobate according to His foreknowledge of their actions. God rejects reprobates according to His will.
God formed all men, either for dishonor or honor, according to His willful purposes and good pleasure.
To reject this truth is disbelief and a rejection of Sovereign God Himself.

How dare you tell somebody God created them to damn them to hell! You did it right there. I do it to you because Paul says so.


Hypocrisy is humongasly different by each individuals. It is meaningless word in Christian community or even in secular world.

Just my two cents.


New member
Actually, it is by your words that you are condemned. I am just pointing it out.

How dare you tell somebody God created them to damn them to hell! You did it right there. I do it to you because Paul says so.

The idea that God would create people just to punish and condemn them is a monstrous slander against the Almighty God.


New member
The idea that God would create people just to punish and condemn them is a monstrous slander against the Almighty God.

So do you think the flood in the days of Noah was just a long shower? Do you think the destruction of Jericho and all the people therein was down to cowboy builders?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
So do you think the flood in the days of Noah was just a long shower? Do you think the destruction of Jericho and all the people therein was down to cowboy builders?

That was justice you flaming retard. Not random destruction because he feels like it. Not that you are a member of the body, you are long since exposed. Nice of you to bear false witness against God.

Brother Vinny

Active member
That was justice you flaming retard. Not random destruction because he feels like it. Not that you are a member of the body, you are long since exposed. Nice of you to bear false witness against God.

Again, how can you judge someone is not a member of the Body? According to the MAD model, anything (including apostasy) a person does after believing the salient points of the gospel is not counted against him.

Will you answer this criticism here, or avoid it as you did in the Mandela thread?


New member
That was justice you flaming retard. Not random destruction because he feels like it. Not that you are a member of the body, you are long since exposed. Nice of you to bear false witness against God.

His justice and judgement is against sin and sinners and that means everyone who is not saved.

PS I have a very good friend who is a retard. Mongol or Down syndrome. He collects litter in the park and loves his mother. To be counted a retard, for me, is a greater privilege than you can possibly comprehend.