Yes it is a good call, but fellowship between the two camps IS problematic for they are two different mindsets, I can certainly worship with freewillers because in prayer and worship nobody prays "thank You Father that I have been faithful and therefore am saved"
But for evangelism it is IMpossible to work with freewillers...though I might support certain ministries and missions...
The two camps will always be in dispute.
I love that when General Booth asked Spurgeon for the use of his Metropolitan Tabernacle Spurgeon had to refuse for the Tabby was consecrated to the gospel of grace. But though he refused [after trying to convert ol' Booth unsuccessfully] Spurgeon wrote out a cheque for a sum more than enough for Booth to hire a large enough venue.
We just have to except that there are..and always have been two camps.
At its' most basic, there is one Lord Jesus, one Bible.
I believe in the Trinity. It is a mystery, yet, I have glimmers of understanding.
I believe that living"The Two Great Commandments" is foundational to my faith walk.
I believe that "The Great Commission" has been issued to every Christian as a bulwark of practice.
I believe that we are works in progress else how could we learn and grow?
St. Paul alludes to childish thinking which evolves into mature thinking.
At 76 years I am still evolving.