My convictions of my faith in Christ.


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Do you believe that them Christ obeyed God for are made righteous by it ? Rom 5:19 yes or no

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Romans 5:19

For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous

We are made righteous through Christ, and we too have to obey God as he did.

If you have a child and you live a wrong life in front of them, then they will follow you and do the same.

Jesus lived a righteous life and those who belong to him and follow him will do the same, they will love God, obey him, worship him in Spirit and in truth and bare witness to the truth, and Christ by the Spirit will strengthen them to do so. He said have no fear, for I have overcome the world, and he can help us to do the same.


New member
You're right, talk is cheap, and there are thousands of people in every denomination who say that they love God but they don't live it.

There will be JW with good hearts, and only God can know the depths of all our hearts, he is the righteous judge.

Jesus said it was what comes out of the mouth that defiles a person. (Matthew 15:11)


Well-known member
Romans 5:19

For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous

We are made righteous through Christ, and we too have to obey God as he did.

If you have a child and you live a wrong life on front of them, then they will follow you and do the same.

Jesus lived a righteous life and those who belong to him and follow him will do the same, they will love God, obey him, worship him in Spirit and in truth and bare witness to the truth, and Christ by the Spirit will strengthen them to do so. He said have no fear, for I have overcome the world, and he can help us to do the same.
So you believe that sinners Christ obeyed God for are made righteous. So why are not all people righteous/saved?

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Well-known member
So you believe that sinners Christ obeyed God for are made righteous. So why are not all people righteous/saved?

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We have to truly believe and follow Jesus, live by the will of God, and our hearts will be cleansed by the Holy Spirit.

We are justified through faith, made righteous through Christ by the grace of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Well-known member
What they teach and practice comes from their heart. (Matthew 15:18)

Sin defiles a person. Jesus is not Michael, Jesus is God the Son.

No I don't believe that Jesus is Michael either, but I wouldn't condemn anyone, I believe that we are to speak the truth and God will do the judging.


Well-known member
We have to truly believe and follow Jesus, live by the will of God, and our hearts will be cleansed by the Holy Spirit.

We are justified through faith, made righteous through Christ by the grace of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.
So you don't believe that sinners are made righteous by the Obedience of One Rom 5:19

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I cannot agree with any organization as saved. Jesus expects our own relationship with God and Jesus.

However, I have a great respect for JWs as a whole because they honor and have a great respect for Jesus as a sinless faithful Servant of God the Father. And they strive to be like Jesus.

they are showing a clear godly fruit to the world.

blessings in Christ.


New member
Strange, it seems all you can believe is in yourself.

that is not humble attitude you have been exhibiting.

Jesus does not approve of arrogant behavior.

As I have already stated you confuse arrogance with scriptural authority. Thankfully the Eternal Almighty knows both our intents and thoughts on this matter. I gladly leave it to Him to decide.


As I have already stated you confuse arrogance with scriptural authority. Thankfully the Eternal Almighty knows both our intents and thoughts on this matter. I gladly leave it to Him to decide.

suit yourself, putting yourself up on the pedestal.

Peace in Christ.


New member
suit yourself, putting yourself up on the pedestal.

Peace in Christ.

Not a pedestal, it's a Rock.

"He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings".

Yet again you call good evil and put darkness for light. Might I suggest you take a pop at someone who is not conversant with scripture?


Not a pedestal, it's a Rock.

"He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings".

Yet again you call good evil and put darkness for light. Might I suggest you take a pop at someone who is not conversant with scripture?

You know as you said even satan knows to quote.

that does not prove anything.

that's why Jesus says we know them by their fruit.

You don't know Jesus, friend.

You need to be born again to trust in Jesus.


Well-known member
That was for Meshak's benefit. Jesus said, "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword." So Meshak maintains that Jesus came to bring peace.

Hi.... but you quoted Deuteronomy to make your point. You used a book, the laws and commands of which you have set aside for the New Testament.

Even what you wriote above is set aside, because when Jesus was crucified he fulfilled all testiomony and the New Covenant was set in place.

Here is your law for now, and you are banned from killing. Any killing.

JAMES 2:11 MATTHEW 5:21 MATTHEW 19:18 MARK 10:19 LUKE 18:20 ROMANS 13:9



There are many Christians like you. Even though you seem to put yourself different from the worldly Christians, your attitude, fruit, is exactly the same as those majority of "saved Christians".

You cannot hide your fruit.

Jesus says His followers are salt and light of the world.

All we see is darkness in you.


Well-known member
Ah right, I see. I believe in God and Christ. But my beliefs are different to mainstream Christianity as I don't believe Jesus is God for one, and I'm not a member of any church, we go to house meetings like Jesus and his disciples did in the Bible. But Jesus said that his brothers and sisters are those who do the will of the father. So those who do God's will and love him from their hearts and love their neighbours as themselves are my brothers and sisters in Christ also. I don't believe that God looks at the denomination, he looks at the heart. And he wants to to love him with our all, and if we truly love him, then we will want to please him and live by his will, have a forgiving heart and love others as Christ did.

You are brave member to tell me that. I thought that Unitarians did not survive here.
I have a tendency to think that Jesus was an amazing prophet, and in that respect I feel a little bit more close to what you believe.

Your writing sends out empathy and understanding.....


Quote Originally Posted by jamie View Post

That was for Meshak's benefit. Jesus said, "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword." So Meshak maintains that Jesus came to bring peace.

Jesus came to bring peace which currently we don't have.

Wake up, sister.

You need to get rid of your worldly mentality and practice, if you want to inherit peaceful kingdom.


New member

There are many Christians like you. Even though you seem to put yourself different from the worldly Christians, your attitude, fruit, is exactly the same as those majority of "saved Christians".

You cannot hide your fruit.

Jesus says His followers are salt and light of the world.

All we see is darkness in you.

There you go again. Calling good evil and putting darkness for light.

Now, what were you saying about fruit?


Well-known member
We know their heart by their words and actions. Especially their actions, talk is cheap.

Jamie, not many folks around here are religious, but nearly everybody respects Jehovah's Witnesses. They are completely trustworthy, honest, fair, decent, law-abiding and peaceful.

And their bravery in their faith is a matter of recorded history.


There you go again. Calling good evil and putting darkness for light.

Now, what were you saying about fruit?

Sorry, truster,

I can see clearly what you are producing.

I cannot spread my faith in Christ if I cannot discern what is evil and good.