lol, well I'll beat no bones about it,glance down through the threads on ECT at all the "Madist don't","dispensationist this",Darby followers that, ect.ect. and put yourself in our shoes.
You got it backwards.
Try starting a thread about anything, and see how long it takes before a Darby follower makes a post and tells everyone "they don't know how to rightly divide"?
As I said you took up the go at them all with the shotgun approach and so all you did was call down on yourself every camp of dispensationist at once.
All forms of Dispensationalism, A2D, MAD, Acts 28, etc have the same roots, and that's the demarcation line between Israel and the church, the secret parenthetical church age, the rapture, the 7 year trib, and the millennium.
So, yes, I lump all you Darby followers together.
If you don't want all of us to come at you at once don't do it. If you put yourself in our shoes were being stalked by you,and when you've had enough let us all know.
You guys can come at me all you want. I'm not afraid of you guys because you guys don't have truth on your side.
My complaint is that instead of trying to defend your Dispensationalism, you guys spend more time trying to assert that I'm a liar, intellectually dishonest, passive aggressive, unemployed, divorced, bankrupt, fat, skinny, tall, short, bald, etc. because somehow you guys think that if you can make me out to be these things, then my posts are invalid.
It's classic example of ad hominem by you guys.