ECT Musterion is typically mistaken

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lol, well I'll beat no bones about it,glance down through the threads on ECT at all the "Madist don't","dispensationist this",Darby followers that, ect.ect. and put yourself in our shoes.

You got it backwards.

Try starting a thread about anything, and see how long it takes before a Darby follower makes a post and tells everyone "they don't know how to rightly divide"?

As I said you took up the go at them all with the shotgun approach and so all you did was call down on yourself every camp of dispensationist at once.

All forms of Dispensationalism, A2D, MAD, Acts 28, etc have the same roots, and that's the demarcation line between Israel and the church, the secret parenthetical church age, the rapture, the 7 year trib, and the millennium.

So, yes, I lump all you Darby followers together.

If you don't want all of us to come at you at once don't do it. If you put yourself in our shoes were being stalked by you,and when you've had enough let us all know.

You guys can come at me all you want. I'm not afraid of you guys because you guys don't have truth on your side.

My complaint is that instead of trying to defend your Dispensationalism, you guys spend more time trying to assert that I'm a liar, intellectually dishonest, passive aggressive, unemployed, divorced, bankrupt, fat, skinny, tall, short, bald, etc. because somehow you guys think that if you can make me out to be these things, then my posts are invalid.

It's classic example of ad hominem by you guys.


New member
You got it backwards.

Try starting a thread about anything, and see how long it takes before a Darby follower makes a post and tells everyone "they don't know how to rightly divide"?

All forms of Dispensationalism, A2D, MAD, Acts 28, etc have the same roots, and that's the demarcation line between Israel and the church, the secret parenthetical church age, the rapture, the 7 year trib, and the millennium.

So, yes, I lump all you Darby followers together.

You guys can come at me all you want. I'm not afraid of you guys because you guys don't have truth on your side.

My complaint is that instead of trying to defend your Dispensationalism, you guys spend more time trying to assert that I'm a liar, intellectually dishonest, passive aggressive, unemployed, divorced, bankrupt, fat, skinny, tall, short, bald, etc. because somehow you guys think that if you can make me out to be these things, then my posts are invalid.

It's classic example of ad hominem by you guys.

Tet's is the exact response, once more, of the grossly obese woman who, when mocked for her delusion, merely responded from Pharaoh's same vanity hardedened further - "you're just jelous cause you ain't got all this!"

She actually believed she was being laughed at because others were jealous of her.

So marvelously did Josephus work his one heck of a spell on the Roman's well known vanity he'd sold out to, that he had been able live out the rest of his life in the lap of their luxury even as his own enslaved people died daily working the stone quarries, the materials of which they were then forced to build Rome's infamous Coloseum with.

And what a spell Josephus did cast - it continues to work its magic on the same vanity all these centuries later.

Of course, MADs are just jealous they're not as blind to all that.

What a chararcter the lost person; Tet, is.

Mockery is all he deserves.


Well-known member
You got it backwards.

Try starting a thread about anything, and see how long it takes before a Darby follower makes a post and tells everyone "they don't know how to rightly divide"?

All forms of Dispensationalism, A2D, MAD, Acts 28, etc have the same roots, and that's the demarcation line between Israel and the church, the secret parenthetical church age, the rapture, the 7 year trib, and the millennium.

So, yes, I lump all you Darby followers together.

You guys can come at me all you want. I'm not afraid of you guys because you guys don't have truth on your side.

My complaint is that instead of trying to defend your Dispensationalism, you guys spend more time trying to assert that I'm a liar, intellectually dishonest, passive aggressive, unemployed, divorced, bankrupt, fat, skinny, tall, short, bald, etc. because somehow you guys think that if you can make me out to be these things, then my posts are invalid.

It's classic example of ad hominem by you guys.

I called you those names? I remember saying you taught 90% truth and 10% lies. I remember asking you if you would like a tissue,but I don't remember calling you any of the names you listed. Now maybe I did in a moment of anger and don't remember,so I'll say maybe.

Tet in post #36 I tried to get you to drop it and let I.P. and Musty finish. You don't like that I ask you those things 5 months ago and now it haunts you. If you want me to lay off you I will,I take no joy in pointing out that your saying things one way and then a few months later completely different.

I.P. seems to be a good honest man. I think he wants to know the truth and that he is looking for it without predigest. If I could say that of you I would.

Enter into an covenant with me. I will not be disrespectful to you any more if you do not conduct yourself disrespectfully to me(I.E. name calling). We at first if you remember were on that path of respect but that went out the window. Here is the same offer of the same covenant between you and me. I am making it with you and you alone and if I make another with others it will be another. If it is broken and I come at you again I will not show the restraint I now do. This is twice in this same thread I have suggested that we take another path and let them continue.
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Because the Jews had Ps 16, 2, 22, 110, Is 53, Dan 9!!! Look at how the apostles were taught to use Zechariah! It's got all kinds of lines that disclose what's going on.

BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD means that Christ's purpose, before he starts any ministry, is to provide a righteous sacrifice that appeases God.
If you don't get're with the disciples!!! but don't worry, we'll move you along.

Sorry, long day, injured shoulderblade, too. See you tomorrow.

You missed it, as usual Again-you learn through repetition; Therefore,one more time-to clear up this John 1:29 KJV stumper, that the drones shout, "See!!!! The Baptist knew!!!"

John 1 KJV

29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world

That has NADA to do with a sin offering, drones-it was a reference to carrying away our griefs, burdens-NADA to do with dying for our sins. John the Baptist had no clue that the Lord Jesus Christ would die for our sins.

As others have been shown, chapter and verse, no one knew at that time that Christ was going to be put to death. The 11 were clueless. John the Baptist was clueless, witness his puzzlement that he was in prison, and his message to the Lord. "What the heck is happening?". He was expecting the warrior King Messiah, not a suffering servant. It was not until the Sanhedrin declared the Lord Jesus Christ's destruction(Mt. 12:32 KJV), that the Lord Jesus Christ revealed that He was going to die. Again, the 11 were clueless. Everyone was. The passover lamb did not represent "bearing sin," and a lamb was never the sin offering victim. Nor was it "the sin of the world" that the scapegoat bore away-it was the sins of Israel, per Lev. 16:21 KJV. The "bearing of the sin of the world" is not a reference to, a prophecy, pointing to Calvary, but a revelation of what the Lord Jesus Christ was during His earthly ministry. "taketh away"-taking up and carrying burdens, not a "sacrificial" term here.

His earthly ministry-sin bearer, in the sense of taking up and carrying burdens-his groans and tears at the grave of his friend Lazarus....He took up and bore the burden of human sin; not, during His earthly life as to guilt(that was not until Calvary), but as to sufferings and sorrows it brought upon all of mankind:

Is. 53:7 KJV
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

No sacrificial language is intended here, as slaughter merely means "shambles," as it foretold of the Christ's earthly life of "humbling Himself", and suffering.


New member
Problem with IP is that he is convinced beyond reason that he has found a sound means of discerning said "truth."

Fact is, that a meta level above any means supposed sound, is a means of being able to discern if it actually is, before it is allowed.

And the school of "because it makes sense to me" that Preterism is actually based on is about as sound a means of discernment as any other erroneous over relying on one's five senses (plus one) has often proven to be - not very sound at all.

In this, one's honesty - if such is the case - is often proven irrelevant.

Being that, being off nevertheless

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
MADists have an agenda.

They claim only 1 Cor 15:1-4 can save a person today.

With their claim, they then go on and on and on and on about how Peter, nor anyone else preached 1 Cor 15:1-4 before Paul.

Once they establish that 1 Cor 15:1-4 is the only way people are saved today, they then claim there were two gospels, and how Peter's audience is in another "program".

It's all about their "two gospel" theory, and how Paul was the first person in the BOC. Without these claims, their MAD falls apart.

So, they can't have anything but 1 Cor 15:1-4 saving anyone today, not even Rom 10:9, or their MAD falls apart.

And your agenda is perverting the gospel of Christ, little weasel, and assert that Judas preached the 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV good news, perverter.

You claim, on record that you can be saved, even if one:

-denies the one time sacrifice for sins on the cross,

-claims the above wasn't good enough for all sins,

-has "anti-Christ beliefs

Want to see your own words, little arms one?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You are a typical Darby follower.....
That's what you, Little Johnny, mysterboy, and other MADists spend all your time trying to do because none of you guys can defend Darby's false teachings.

"Little" Johnny, you quip, sweetie? That's funny, coming from an anemic looking twit, weakling, weasel like you, with little arms, a weak chin, and whose wife has bigger arms than him. Start exercising, or something, and get out of that dungeon you are in, spending half of your waking hours on TOL, quenching your obsession, twitty boy.

Isn't that right, effeminate looking one? Yes...

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You are a typical Darby follower. You are not interested in discussing things, you only are interested in trying to attack the person you see as proving your Dispensationalism wrong.

You're only goal is to catch me in a "gotcha". If you can catch me in a "gotcha", then in your mind, everything I post about Dispensationalism is wrong because of your "gotcha".

That's what you, Little Johnny, mysterboy, and other MADists spend all your time trying to do because none of you guys can defend Darby's false teachings.

Catch that whited wall-ism, again, from this weasel, crying little actress? He wines, and pines, and cries, about us "attacking him," out of one side of his dung mouth, and, out the other, calls us names, and just last week, we are called "dumb."

That's his MO on TOL.

You satanic piece of trash, Craigie.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Once again, you're trying to make it all about me. Just like Little Johnny W tries....

Poor little arms, emotionally distraught Craigie, the actress..

MADists do this in order to support their two gospel theory.

Like your "there is only one piece of good news in the bible" "theory," "invention," little weasel? And your saint Judas theory, that he preached the good news of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, wimpy looking boy?
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Once again, you're trying to make it all about me. Just like Little Johnny W tries.

The weak little punk says that every time, we catch him, in another lie, contradiction.

You're such a habitual liar, little punk, that you lie, more than you blink/cry.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Like I said, your just another typical Darby follower who can't defend Darby's false teachings, and then goes on a personal attack because you have no other alternative.

Translation: His fall back, word for word spam, that he employs, as a closet Catholic, his "Hail Mary," when he is caught in lies, picked apart, bloodied, by an opponent. And most of TOL laughs at him.


Well-known member
I called you those names? I remember saying you taught 90% truth and 10% lies. I remember asking you if you would like a tissue,but I don't remember calling you any of the names you listed. Now maybe I did in a moment of anger and don't remember,so I'll say maybe.

Tet in post #36 I tried to get you to drop it and let I.P. and Musty finish. You don't like that I ask you those things 5 months ago and now it haunts you. If you want me to lay off you I will,I take no joy in pointing out that your saying things one way and then a few months later completely different.

I.P. seems to be a good honest man. I think he wants to know the truth and that he is looking for it without predigest. If I could say that of you I would.

Enter into an covenant with me. I will not be disrespectful to you any more if you do not conduct yourself disrespectfully to me(I.E. name calling). We at first if you remember were on that path of respect but that went out the window. Here is the same offer of the same covenant between you and me. I am making it with you and you alone and if I make another with others it will be another. If it is broken and I come at you again I will not show the restraint I now do. This is twice in this same thread I have suggested that we take another path and let them continue.

ok,if you don't want to agree,,,don't cry about me again,,,


Well-known member
Problem with IP is that he is convinced beyond reason that he has found a sound means of discerning said "truth."

Fact is, that a meta level above any means supposed sound, is a means of being able to discern if it actually is, before it is allowed.

And the school of "because it makes sense to me" that Preterism is actually based on is about as sound a means of discernment as any other erroneous over relying on one's five senses (plus one) has often proven to be - not very sound at all.

In this, one's honesty - if such is the case - is often proven irrelevant.

Being that, being off nevertheless

To all,
please speak in specifics and ignore those people who write 5 lines without any specific exegetical question or suggestion or comment.
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