Muslim here. Ask me a question..

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
What confirms that Jesus is all that He says He is, that the New Testament is the truth for some of us is the loving indescribably good presence of the Holy Spirit that fills us.

What confirms Islam's truth for you?

What inhibits the possibility of the Father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit from possessing oneness and in essence the same essence?

Anything Wednesday?

Wednesday Addams

What, according to you, is the reason many Christians see your faith through the lenses of fear and condemnation--even though the violent aspect is part of Christianity as well?

There are plenty of people in America who confront Islam in the same spirit of confrontation as we do any other religion--on its own terms.

That said, I would especially like hearing from you on these issues:

1.Mohammed as a child molester, supposedly proved true by the Koran.
2. Islam as a religion of war against all “unbelievers” as shown clearly in the Koran.
3. The idea that the “Califate’s” only purpose is to kill everyone who is not a Muslim.

It's because people are always scared of that which they are uncertain of, especially another religion that has a lot of followers. In their mind, they ask: How does the religion view us? Are we Christians safe? What if they get the power, are we going to be marginalised?
These are healthy fears and curiosities.
There is a violent aspect in the Judaeo-Christian scripture, but it has found a place in society over the many years and is not causing any suspicion, so we all relax and don't really look into the texts.

However, Islam does pose a threat to what I believe to be a 'zionist' agenda. For if the world was run with the TRUE Islamic Shariah law, it will cultivate the growing of Faith and Religion as Muslims, Christians and Jews will have their faith protected and muslims are commanded to go as far as building churches that have been destroyed, for example. It's just too much God-consciousness, and if there's God consciousness, we have people with their eyes open. Instead we have a society that cultivates the growth of Atheism. No muslim can take it upon himself and just go and slice someone up, that is an abhorrent sin in Islam, and such things need to be addressed by authorities.

Because Islam is not the religion that Christians follow, unfortunately they see it as an opportunity to jump on the bandwagon to start demonising it.

The Qur'an itself seeks to positively impose itself on the mind of anyone, believer or not. In many occurrences it calls upon one to 'think and reflect'.

With regards to Muhammad and his marriage to Aisha:
a. calling him a 'child molester' would be superimposing your own understanding of the world that is formulated by the backdrop of your current culture, onto another. In the study of Anthropology, an important principle that is taught is to empty yourself from this.
Although Muslims agree today that in this landscape, marriage to the likes of Aisha who was 9 years old is forbidden and..abhorrent, we also take into account the importance to see this through the landscape at the time. So sure, I find young girls gross, it is classed in this time as Paedophilic without a doubt.
And with that said:
b. Muhammad waited until Aisha had actually well and truly reached puberty. Some can at 9, some older.
c. Arabs at the time lived in tough conditions, which lends to girls 'coming of age' at a younger time than today for example.
d. They were psychologically prepared for becoming wives from a young age. It was the cultural norm.
e. Muhammad's marriages were not out of some lust-hungry surge. They were strongly rooted in Politics. Muslims understand what is permissible and what isn't, by analysing the life decisions of the prophet, also. For example, he married widow (who was described by Islamic sources as heavy lol - not by Muhammad himself) to show that you can marry widows and you mustn't be stunted by 'social stigmas' - otherwise pre-Islamic Arabs used to leave widows for dead and without help, they were outcasts in their society.
Muhammad's marriage to Aisha developed ties between himself and her father, who was happy and approved the marriage.
f. Let's not forget Muhammad was married to a woman 15 years his senior called Khadija.

Islam finds forced marriage an evil sin.

f. Marriage and Sexual Relations in the Old Testament.
The Jewish Talmud said in many places that in reference to this verse "They fought against Midian, as the LORD commanded Moses, and killed every man........Now kill all the boys [innocent kids]. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man. (Numbers 31:7,17-18)....the age was as young as 3.

Sexual Relations in the Old Testament -

g. Marriage in recent times as well as Christian history
Visit these links:
In 1880, the minimum age of marriage in USA Delaware was 8, in Russia, 10.
Girls as young as 12 TODAY are legal for sex in Mexico.

With regards to your second and third question about 'wars' against unbelievers, the easiest thing to do is to take it from a surface level and then say 'look, the Qur'an is inciting violence!' But it's important to remember what the Qur'an is, it's a series of revelations that came down, many a time to address the current situation Muhammad pbuh was in. In this case, it was in the context of defensive wars, whereby non-muslims broke treaties and forced a war, by which it became a war of muslims vs non-muslims, that's why you see things like instructions to kill the unbelievers. The historical context is paramount in understanding this.

Jose Fly

New member
So Wednesday, a question or two (from a non-religious person)....

Is it accurate to say that under Islam, the purpose behind our lives is that God/Allah put us here in order to test us? If so, how does that make sense?

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
What really did Islam do besides distort Christianity?

Doesn't it seem like a regurgitated law abiding approach based on man's effort, like the Torah?

Does it really make sense to believe the testimony of one man about Christ, when there are eleven men who witnessed His glory and truth and testified to His truth, and were murdered for not recanting there testimonies?

What in Islam removes the shame of sin?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Muslims are a violent version of Mormons. They are not like Christianity. Paul reasoned from the scriptures, that Jesus is the Christ. You cannot prove the others from the scriptures.

Wednesday Addams

What confirms that Jesus is all that He says He is, that the New Testament is the truth for some of us is the loving indescribably good presence of the Holy Spirit that fills us.

What confirms Islam's truth for you?

What inhibits the possibility of the Father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit from possessing oneness and in essence the same essence?

That's fine, and with faith, rather than taking an approach that is just purely logical and scholarly, we as believers in God understand the importance of God's presence in our lives and what we feel God is guiding us to. This as well as basic foundations that discern what type of God we worship i.e is it the God of the Hindus? Is it the God of the Muslims?

What confirms Islam's truth is a very big question that won't be able to be answered in such a simple way.

I have logical reasons, reasons that conform to common sense and the way I understand the world, and personal experience. That actually summarises my initial paragraph in this post.

With that said, and in seeking to answer your final question, I'd first like to say that they possess oneness in the execution of God's Will. They work in eternal harmonisation of God's decree.

The reasons I believe in a Unitarian God are:
1. a. This encompasses what I believe to be an All-Powerful, Perfectly Self-Sufficient, being to be. If we are thinking of a God being self-sufficient, we are talking epitomes here. The epitome of a self-sufficient God for example is one that does not operate in a multi-personhood. But He is instead self-sufficiently One.
When I looked up and prayed to God when I was young, without understanding God as described word for word in the Qur'an, it would appeal to my disposition to worship an All-Powerful singular Person. Go to your churches today and you'll see people can't consistently explain what the trinity is. They'd probably even get stumped if you asked them the wrong argument 'If Jesus is God and Jesus died on the cross, that means God died, how can God die?'. A lot of them would understand the trinity wrongly, in a modalist sense, also. It's just not practically and instinctively understood even after 2000 years let alone a random illiterate, uneducated, non-critical thinking, fruits marketseller in Galilee in the year 30 AD. But the Oneness of God is understandable to all.

1b. The God of the Old Testament does not explicitly deny being a trinity or pentity or anything or that matter, but He does go to lengths to state His Oneness.
I just think that the God of mankind would make known that He is a trinity time and time again, rather than presenting His nature saying things like 'there is no one beside me'.

1c. I don't actually believe Paul believed in a trinity. It's hard to say, but Paul could have believed one of three things.
1ca.The Son was a man only.
1cb. Jesus was a divine being, either being greater than an angel but not God of the O.T, not Yahweh..which makes Jesus being 'subjected' to the Father more understandable.
1cc. Jesus was Lord and that the Father was God. 'There is one God, the Father, and one Lord, Jesus Christ'. This is repeated a lot in Paul's works and strikes me as a splitting of the Shema. However, there is no Holy Spirit influence. This seems to be further evidenced in John 17:3 - I honestly am convinced the author of John (heavily influenced by Pauline theology) didn't believe Jesus was Yahweh.

1d. All we have now are very strenuous interpretations of the gospels, in a way in which are written by authors whom we don't really know. We don't know who the oral transmitters are either nor their competence at transmission, we see massive evolutions of the Christology of Jesus from low to high as we go from Mark to John, whereby people increasingly believed Jesus was a divine being of some sort.
Professor Bart Ehrman is a very good figure to look into for more on this.

1e. When looking at the life of Jesus, all I see is a human prophet. He prayed to God. He used 'God' and 'Father' interchangeably. He never said 'I am God, worship me, God is a trinity', he always stated that he has no power of his own but it all of it was given by the Father. There are many unitarian verses, too. This is a massive topic and I could talk about it at depth. But it's clear to me that Jesus is all too human, and only human.

1f. It's very easy for that generation to believe in things like trinity etc. because they were prevalent in tradition. It was closer to home and readily accepted in their consciousness.

1g. I believe Islam is the true religion, and I have reasons for believing that which I will expound upon if you would like. The Qur'an emphasises God's oneness. The Oneness of God and the belief in that goes beyond just believing that God is unitarian, but it is symbolic of the way we should live, also. Being in God's image as you will.

It's just the amalgamation of these facts working together, I am literally putting my eternal life on the line but 100% confidently in believing God is a Unitarian God.

Wednesday Addams

So Wednesday, a question or two (from a non-religious person)....

Is it accurate to say that under Islam, the purpose behind our lives is that God/Allah put us here in order to test us? If so, how does that make sense?

I did post yesterday an important saying of God in Hadith Qudsi..
I was a Treasure unknown then I desired to be known so I created a creation to which I made Myself known; then they knew Me.”
Ultimately, God wants to eternally enjoy His presence as He enjoys ours (a massive privilege we should actually think about) in pleasure and euphoric delight. He doesn’t look at wanting any less than this. It’s His vision for us. But to be worthy of His presence, we must be on the straight path. His presence is a privilege that out of all things cannot be taken for granted.


New member
Hall of Fame
Since you're a moderator, am I actually allowed to do this thread? :confused:

No I hope to give you a good answer tbh, I'm not among those 'taqiyya' peeps the media scare you about.

How would we know that? Thats the result of Islam teachings, and where its ok to lie for your own end, where does that leave you in believability?

Wednesday Addams

why would adults put bombs on children?

Today we learnt the not so sad news that Mohammed Emwazi aka 'Jihadi John' had been targeted and was probably killed by a US drone strike.
He was a British subject and latterly a video front man for the so-called "Islamic State", who was mainly notorious for his heartless and inhuman beheadings of apparently innocent hostages.

Some people say it would have been better had 'Jihadi John' been captured and put on trial for crimes against humanity. Personally I think the expense of a drone was far more than he was worth but nevertheless it was a job well worth doing.

Will 'Jihadi John' now become an Islamic martyr, assuming that the US drone did get him?

There's no place that represents hell more than ISIS. They're not muslims, they're just psychopaths from the bottom joining, and at its pinnacle are zionists. They twist religion in the worst possible ways, I'm pretty sure he will kiss the deepest depths of the bowels of hell.

ISIS is apparently financed so efficiently. As if a bunch of sociopathic teenagers can do that on their own accord, it's clear it's just an arm of zionist agenda to me. Demonise muslims and cultivate fear, 'ISLAM OUT!' even though they're not following Islam at all and make their own rules up lol

Esteemed scholar actually refutes everything ISIS is about in this very recent book

Jose Fly

New member
I did post yesterday an important saying of God in Hadith Qudsi..
I was a Treasure unknown then I desired to be known so I created a creation to which I made Myself known; then they knew Me.”
Ultimately, God wants to eternally enjoy His presence as He enjoys ours (a massive privilege we should actually think about) in pleasure and euphoric delight. He doesn’t look at wanting any less than this. It’s His vision for us. But to be worthy of His presence, we must be on the straight path. His presence is a privilege that out of all things cannot be taken for granted.

Does that mean when I hear Muslims saying that Allah put us here to test us, they're wrong?

Wick Stick

Well-known member's clear it's just an arm of zionist agenda to me. Demonise muslims and cultivate fear, 'ISLAM OUT!' even though they're not following Islam at all and make their own rules up lol
So... this is all one big conspiracy, and the Jews are behind it? o_O

You seem a lot more articulate than that, up to this point. Say it ain't so.