Muslim Bakers and Photographers


“Authorities tell us that 75 % of the school-children are defective. This means that no less than fifteen million schoolchildren, out of 22,000,000 in the United States, are physically or mentally below par…We prefer the policy of immediate sterilization, of making sure that parenthood is absolutely prohibited to the feeble-minded.”

The Pivot of Civilization Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood founder), Brentano’s Press, NY, 1922, p. 263


You're delusional. Continue babbling to yourself, I've got other things to do.

Be sure to read Sanger's quote on forced sterilization before you run off anna.

In case you missed it, here it is again:

“Authorities tell us that 75 % of the school-children are defective. This means that no less than fifteen million schoolchildren, out of 22,000,000 in the United States, are physically or mentally below par…We prefer the policy of immediate sterilization, of making sure that parenthood is absolutely prohibited to the feeble-minded.”

The Pivot of Civilization Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood founder), Brentano’s Press, NY, 1922, p. 263


There's nothing worse than someone perpetuating a notion that every person who calls their self a Christian is actually a Christian.
That's why there aren't so many real Christians today, and why heresy and desecration has run rampant.


New member
Since anna is using photoshopped pictures in an attempt to belittle Christianity, I feel it's only fair to use one to show the ties between her beloved Margaret Sanger and Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.


The Nazis worshipped Margaret Sanger for her views on eugenics.
Then why did Hitler have all copies of her three books burned? Why did he refuse to allow any of her writings to be published in Germany and any countries controlled by Germany?

"All the news from Germany is sad & horrible, and to me more dangerous than any other war going on any where because it has so many good people who applaud the atrocities & claim its right. The sudden antagonism in Germany against the Jews & the vitriolic hatred of them is spreading underground here & is far more dangerous than the aggressive policy of the Japanese in Manchuria." Letter to Edith How-Martyn, May 21, 1933


New member
Yet defending the hardcore racist/eugenicist/Jew hater Margaret Sanger who spoke to the KKK and "received a dozen more invitations to speak to like minded groups".

Who said that she did? Margaret Sanger was a huge influence on the Nazi eugenics program.

No she wasn't, the Nazi's burned her books.


Then why did Hitler have all copies of her three books burned? Why did he refuse to allow any of her writings to be published in Germany and any countries controlled by Germany?

"All the news from Germany is sad & horrible, and to me more dangerous than any other war going on any where because it has so many good people who applaud the atrocities & claim its right. The sudden antagonism in Germany against the Jews & the vitriolic hatred of them is spreading underground here & is far more dangerous than the aggressive policy of the Japanese in Manchuria." Letter to Edith How-Martyn, May 21, 1933

Hitler's personal views of Margaret Sanger had nothing to do with the huge influence her eugenics movement had on the Nazis.

A Eugenics Timeline


New member
“Authorities tell us that 75 % of the school-children are defective. This means that no less than fifteen million schoolchildren, out of 22,000,000 in the United States, are physically or mentally below par…We prefer the policy of immediate sterilization, of making sure that parenthood is absolutely prohibited to the feeble-minded.”

The Pivot of Civilization Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood founder), Brentano’s Press, NY, 1922, p. 263

How can you mangle something so simple as a quote? You conjoined two sentences from entirely different parts of the book. The 'sterilisation' sentence does not refer in any way to the '75% of schoolchildren'. Which crank site did you cut'n'paste this dishonest misrepresentation from?

Or did you fabricate it yourself? I know you never apologise for reproducing lies, such as the photoshopped images and fake statistics from nutter-sites, but you could grow some now and withdraw this nonsense.


New member
“Authorities tell us that 75 % of the school-children are defective. This means that no less than fifteen million schoolchildren, out of 22,000,000 in the United States, are physically or mentally below par…We prefer the policy of immediate sterilization, of making sure that parenthood is absolutely prohibited to the feeble-minded.”

The Pivot of Civilization Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood founder), Brentano’s Press, NY, 1922, p. 263

Here is a link to the actual book. If one goes to page 263 they would find nothing at all like this or an any page nearby.


How can you mangle something so simple as a quote? You conjoined two sentences from entirely different parts of the book. The 'sterilisation' sentence does not refer in any way to the '75% of schoolchildren'. Which crank site did you cut'n'paste this dishonest misrepresentation from?

Or did you fabricate it yourself? I know you never apologise for reproducing lies, such as the photoshopped images and fake statistics from nutter-sites, but you could grow some now and withdraw this nonsense.

Are you denying that your beloved hardcore racist/eugenicist/Jew hater Margaret Sanger was responsible for the eugenics/sterilization movement here in the US?


Margaret Sanger publishes Pivot of Civilization. It advocates birth control and IQ testing, mandatory for the lower classes. Philanthropy is seen as a positive danger to society, since it allows the lower classes to propagate. Sanger will assert that up to 70% of the population had an intellect of less than a 15-year old (David Kennedy, Birth Control in America, the Career of Margaret Sanger, p. 116) She will also promote the idea of parenthood licenses - no one being permitted to have a child unless they first obtain a government-approved parenthood permit.

She is a strong advocate and practitioner of free love, and considers marriage both an abomination and an assault on human liberty. She supports compulsory education and restriction on child labor, not because it is good for the children, but because it would prove to be a burden to the poor and force them to restrict family size.



Here is a link to the actual book. If one goes to page 263 they would find nothing at all like this or an any page nearby.

Are you claiming that Margaret Sanger never said :"We prefer the policy of immediate sterilization, of making sure that parenthood is absolutely prohibited to the feeble-minded.”?

BTW: A quick browse through Sanger's book looked like she was quite a fan of Karl Marx.


New member
Are you denying that your beloved hardcore racist/eugenicist/Jew hater Margaret Sanger was responsible for the eugenics/sterilization movement here in the US?

I'm not involved in that conversation and don't actually care. You posted a fabricated quote, to imply that sterilisation related to that 75% of schoolchildren, to go with the fabricated photo — do you stand by that little piece of dishonesty or are you big enough to withdraw it?


Feminists are conceited and self-involved, and don't care about anything except what benefits them. So why would it be surprising that they revere Sanger- they ignore her obscenity of a human being, and just see what helps them specifically.

There's many things that aren't brought up that should be, like birth control being, literally, the cure to women's restraints. It was the liberty pill.
See it for what it really is, not what they've made it up to be in today's world.


Hall of Fame
That is, in fact, untrue. I have met declaration, bigoted hatred and foolishness with reason and fact.

In point of fact I have noted that history demonstrates that things have rarely been fair between the sexes and that for most of history in the West men held a remarkably ham-fisted advantage over women, that for a short time there existed a tender years exception that favored women as custodians of children, a notion rooted ironically enough in the bias that held it woman's work. At present the law is as even handed as can be and the facts support this, make a monkey of anyone foolish enough say otherwise, however loudly or often.

So at least two people who, your mistaken impression notwithstanding on the particulars, actually know first hand something about the business you appear to apprehend darkly and through the bottom of a glass.

You are correct. The fact is UNLESS one parent is proven unfit, courts favor solutions that give BOTH parents the opportunity to participate in the children's upbringing and decisions. Not all parents are equal caregivers insofar as availability, finances and stability.

In my case, my ex was gone for WEEKS at a time due to his occupation. It takes a special kind of person to believe a child would be better off being brought up by a babysitter rather than the parent who would be available for his/her children 7 days out of the week.


They lie to themselves, and then lie to other people :rolleyes:

Family courts carry a bias that fathers are unnecessary for a child's development, it's just that simple. A man has to go through many barriers and obstacles to continue being in their child's life, where women get it by default unless there is something destructive about them such as being a drug addict.

People do many things for the advantage of women, including lying and trivializing, and it's plain as day with these folks. These are the same people who laugh at men's disadvantages, mind you.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Are you denying that your beloved hardcore racist/eugenicist/Jew hater Margaret Sanger was responsible for the eugenics/sterilization movement here in the US?

I'm not involved in that conversation and don't actually care.

In other words you're fixated on me.

You posted a fabricated quote, to imply that sterilisation related to that 75% of schoolchildren, to go with the fabricated photo — do you stand by that little piece of dishonesty or are you big enough to withdraw it?

TracerBullet MrDante supplied us with a link to Sanger's book, cite the pages in question.


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Are you denying that your beloved hardcore racist/eugenicist/Jew hater Margaret Sanger was responsible for the eugenics/sterilization movement here in the US?

In other words you're fixated on me.

TracerBullet MrDante supplied us with a link to Sanger's book, cite the pages in question.

You posted a fake quote. Stop trying to defend it as if it were true.