Much of the Bilble is for Adults Only!


New member

Eve was seduced by the God of this world, Satan.

Her first son, Cain, was of the wicked one. Eve said so! So did John!


New member
People think that if they tell their children that Eve ate an apple, that should satisfy their mind. The fact is, it does. But the problem is they will almost never be able accept the truth because of what they have been taught from the beginning.

It essentially kills the mind to truth.

Truth is important from the start, we shouldn't cover it up.


Well-known member
People think that if they tell their children that Eve ate an apple, that should satisfy their mind. The fact is, it does. But the problem is they will almost never be able accept the truth because of what they have been taught from the beginning.

It essentially kills the mind to truth.

Truth is important from the start, we shouldn't cover it up.

Read Genesis, and you will find that:

1. Eve did not eat an apple
2. Eve did not have sex with the serpent
3. the serpent was not Satan
4. There were and are no humans that are children of Satan

God's Truth

New member
People think that if they tell their children that Eve ate an apple, that should satisfy their mind. The fact is, it does. But the problem is they will almost never be able accept the truth because of what they have been taught from the beginning.

It essentially kills the mind to truth.

Truth is important from the start, we shouldn't cover it up.

So you are saying that Adam had sex with Satan too?

He took a bite of that apple too, remember?

So according to this new found truth you have discovered is that God warned Adam and Eve not to have sex with Satan?


Well-known member
So you are saying that Adam had sex with Satan too?

He took a bite of that apple too, remember?

So according to this new found truth you have discovered is that God warned Adam and Eve not to have sex with Satan?

God's UNtruth can't help but leap bigger and farther than others of the human species would ever dare to do.

(I hope she tucks her skirts into her boots.)


New member
God told Satan he would put hatred between him and her and between her seed and his. Her seed isn't a banana and his is not an apple.

That hatred first showed up when Cain slew Abel.


Well-known member
God told Satan he would put hatred between him and her and between her seed and his. Her seed isn't a banana and his is not an apple.

That hatred first showed up when Cain slew Abel.

This seed that was to come?

Galatians 3:19 Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.​


Well-known member
Galatians 3:16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.