Now for madists its, whatever Jesus says, ignore it.
Now, for "Back to Pentecost" Penties, assert "Jesus," or "Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus," and, ignore all that he says to do, that you cannot/will not do, such as raise the dead, make the blind see(as you adjust your glasses while reading this), sell all you have, go to Jerusalem three times a year, to keep the appointed feasts, tell no man that He is the Christ, show yourself to a Levitical priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded, and....................................................................................... and "splain" it away with,"You don't have enough faith.....All scripture is for my obedience, and is written specifically about me, but I'm not prayin' hard enough.....God does not change....We will pray for you, and the anointing to come upon you, my dear, misguided John W.................", and then go back to fleecing the sheep, by asking for a "love gift," of $6.66 so as to be able to "claim your miracle today!!!!" Puuuuuuuuuuuuuhrayzzzzzzzzz Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd!
"Charismatic," "Back to Pentecost" charlatans....every last one of them.