Mormon Golden Plates Do Not Exist -

patrick jane

There buried at the bottom of the pond on Oak Island.

That show is a JOKE. If they found anything, we would know before the show aired, it would be on NBC or something. I can't believe it's gone on for 3 or more years now. They never stick with one plan. I refuse to watch after season 1.


New member
That show is a JOKE. If they found anything, we would know before the show aired, it would be on NBC or something. I can't believe it's gone on for 3 or more years now. They never stick with one plan. I refuse to watch after season 1.

For real. So frustrating.


New member
If you guys could only see this through the eyes of a religious sceptic you wouldn't half be having a laff. The tough part is figuring out who has the most rational magic......

Carry on :confused:


No, just showing that Dispensationalism was invented by a man, just like Mormonism was invented by a man.

And, that they were both invented at about the same time (1830)

The most abominable of them all is ISLAM.

Not all dispensationalism is false. Not all of Mormonism is false. I don't judge either one and leave that up to the one who judges.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
That show is a JOKE. If they found anything, we would know before the show aired, it would be on NBC or something. I can't believe it's gone on for 3 or more years now. They never stick with one plan. I refuse to watch after season 1.

Summer is short. They tried to do the swamp first. And yes, they probably found nothing this summer. I can tell you with authority what isn't there. Temple booty. The Romans took it and paid for the arena.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
That show is a JOKE. If they found anything, we would know before the show aired, it would be on NBC or something. I can't believe it's gone on for 3 or more years now. They never stick with one plan. I refuse to watch after season 1.

They have me hooked. I love treasure hunting. I even have a metal detector, but I have never found anything.


Well-known member
I understand. It's that nasty science conspiracy again, isn't it? Best stick with a talking snake book. At least that's real magic ;)

Science denies nothing exploding and resulting in everything. You're the magical thinker here...a purported anthropoid who dreams he sprang without cause from inert rock and water.


New member
Science denies nothing exploding and resulting in everything. You're the magical thinker here...a purported anthropoid who dreams he sprang without cause from inert rock and water.

Yes, because, as we all know, Bible God sprang from nothing without cause and then poofed everything by means of supernatural magic. The only difference is that inert rock and water is actually proven real. God, not so much :rapture:


The Golden Plates do not exist, but neither do the original New Testament manuscripts.

It is all about interpretation and translations.

What we have today are copies of copies of copies. And a diverse number of different translations.

If you can’t believe in these, then you have nothing left to believe IN.


New member
What do you believe is responsible for all of this?

I don't believe anything that is unknown. I don't know what caused the formation of the universe and neither do you really, nor does anyone.

But since you do beliefs, what do you believe caused God?