More from "The Religion of Peace"


Never make excuses for their terrorism, speak out against their violence and possibly reevaluate *why* you are a Muslim.
Hmmm yeah

I'm only Muslim because I was indoctrinated. The more I study Islam the more I am brainwashed into thinking its the truth.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You're surely not comparing Japan's two major religions (Shinto and Buddhism) with that of the religion of peace are you?

Did I mention religion?

I was kinda sorta hoping that you'd catch onto what this thread is about by reading the subject title.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Hmmm yeah

I'm only Muslim because I was indoctrinated. The more I study Islam the more I am brainwashed into thinking its the truth.

When you face God in judgment and Moses shows you to be a sinner and outside the faith, he will cast you from his presence. Make no mistake about it.


As a Muslim what should I do to stop myself feeling bad when I come across these stuff?

Drop your false religion like you'd drop a hot potato and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Granted, you won't be able to "deflower" 72 Houris (virgins) and 28 young pre-pubescent boys

when or if you make it to your heaven, but you will have peace and freedom like you never imagined, for eternity.


'Deluded' hostage-taker saw himself as a martyr

Dec. 16, 2014

SYDNEY (AP) - He wrote letters to grieving families of Australian troops killed in Afghanistan that likened them to "Hitler's soldiers." He was accused of assisting a woman kill his ex-wife, whose body was found stabbed and set on fire.

But the social media postings of 50-year-old Man Haron Monis, the man who was killed Tuesday in a police operation to rescue the people he had held hostage in a Sydney cafe, indicate he thought of himself as something of a martyr. The self-styled Muslim cleric, who came to Australia as a refugee from Iran, complained of being tortured in prison for his political beliefs and said he was fighting for Islam and for peace.

"The more you fight with crime, the more peaceful you are," he wrote recently on his website, according to the SITE Intelligence Group. In another post he wrote: "I am one of the witnesses for the barbarism of the Australian government."

Monis was free on bail when he used a shotgun to take 17 hostages at the Lindt Chocolat Cafe Monday morning. He and two hostages died early Tuesday in a barrage of gunfire when police stormed the cafe.

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Apparently the Australian jihadist Man Haron Monis was out on jail for the honor murder of his former wife. She had been stabbed and set alight. Further, on 14 March 2014, Haron was arrested and charged with sexually and indecently assaulting a young woman. He led a disgusting letter writing campaign to the families of fallen soldiers. The letters compared “the (deceased soldier) son to a pig and to a dirty animal. It calls the son’s body ‘contaminated’. It refers to it as ‘the dirty body of a pig’. It describes Hitler as not inferior to the son in moral merit.” - See more at:


Man Haron Monis: A fine representative of the religion of peace.


Nearly 200 Christian churches destroyed in surge of violence

'Documents what the mainstream media fail to report'


There was a surge of anti-Christian violence by Muslims around the world that included the destruction of nearly 200 Christian churches in Nigeria during a short period around October, according to a new report from the GateStone Institute.

The organization’s Raymond Ibrahim, who has documented his discoveries in “Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War in Christians,” released the assessment of the recent surge on Friday.

“In just two months, from August to October, nearly 200 Christian churches were destroyed in Nigeria by the Islamic organization Boko Haram and its Muslim allies, after their capture of towns and villages in the northeastern states of Borno and Adamawa,” the report said. “In the words of Rev. Gideon Obasogie, the director of Catholic Social Communication of Maiduguri Diocese in Borno State, ‘the group’s seizure of territory in both states has seen 185 churches torched and over 190,000 people displaced by [Boko Haram.]”

Ibrahim noted that, “Also in October, the Center for the Studies of Global Christianity in the United States concluded that, ‘About 100,000 Christians die every year because of their religious beliefs, that is to say one every five minutes. In addition, in many countries, many other religious minorities suffer violence and persecution. In countries such as Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan, Pakistan, Somalia and Egypt the Christian elderly, women, men and their children live in conditions of total insecurity. They are driven from their homes; put in prison for blasphemy, and brutally killed during liturgical celebrations, churches are burned. Girls are kidnapped and forced to marry.’”...
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Yet many people refuse to believe that Islam is the religion of barbarians.

Mark SeaSigh

I guess, that: Jesus, Mary, Moses, Abraham and Zachariah, all made it into the Koran; But, Somehow the Ten Commandments of the Almighty God must have been Left Out!!!


Well, that's what Muslims are telling Me by Their Own actions, these days; at least, the One's that ACW(SP) has Brought up for attention, and Observation.

Did you hear about the Boko Harambo or "Whoever" taking Fortyish "men" that consisted of Children of ages 12 - 23ish being Kidnapped?

He's in trouble, now!!!



I guess, that: Jesus, Mary, Moses, Abraham and Zachariah, all made it into the Koran; But, Somehow the Ten Commandments of the Almighty God must have been Left Out!!!


Well, that's what Muslims are telling Me by Their Own actions, these days; at least, the One's that ACW(SP) has Brought up for attention, and Observation.

Did you hear about the Boko Harambo or "Whoever" taking Fortyish "men" that consisted of Children of ages 12 - 23ish being Kidnapped?

He's in trouble, now!!!


I point out that nearly 200 Christian churches were destroyed in Islamic countries and that Christians are murdered every 5 minutes and this despicable excuse for a human being laughs about it.


This is of no surprise, as Islam's false prophet Muhammad married a 6 year old girl and consummated the marriage when she was the ripe old age of 9...he was in his early 50's.

Saudi religious leader OKs rape of children
Issues fatwa critics say will 'devastate countless young girls'


WASHINGTON – Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti, Sheikh Abdulaziz Al al-Sheikh, the kingdom’s top religious authority in the ultra-conservative Wahhabi school of Sunni Islam, has ruled it’s acceptable for men to marry girls so young the West would deem it nothing short of pedophilia and rape.

Despite the Saudi justice ministry’s failed efforts to date to set 15 as a minimum age to marry a girl in the kingdom, Grand Mufti Abdulaziz declared there is nothing prohibiting Muslim men from marrying girls even younger.

As Grand Mufti, Abdulaziz is president of the Supreme Council of Ulema (Islamic scholars) and chairman of the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Issuing Fatwas, which means he speaks authoritatively in Islamic teachings.

Grand Mufti Abdulzaiz’s more recent ruling on marrying young girls comes following a similar ruling in 2011 by Dr. Salih bin Fawzan, a prominent cleric and member of the Saudi’s highest religious council, who issued a fatwa, or religious edict, that there is no minimum age to marry girls, “even if they are in the cradle.”




Two gunmen reportedly arrested, one dead after police raid following [Muslim] terror attack on Charlie Hebdo offices

Jan. 7, 2015

One terror suspect is dead and two are in custody after an assault on a satirical French newspaper in which 12 people were murdered.

Brothers Said Kouachi, 34, and Sherif Kouachi, 32 and 18-year-old homeless man Hamid Mourai, all French citizens of Algerian descent, were previously named by French authorities, but it is not clear if they were part of this police action.

Arrests in Reims, a Paris suburb, were initially confirmed to the Guardian by a French police spokesperson. Authorities previously said the suspects fled to the small city, about 90 miles from Paris, but it is not clear if that is where the arrests occurred.

A senior U.S. official confirmed the arrests to NBC News, but no location information was provided.

As many as 3,000 officers took part in the manhunt, according to Le Monde. The trio was identified in a warrant widely reported in French media.

Investigators quickly identified the brothers because they left their identification cards behind when fleeing the stolen black Citroen they have been seen utilizing in video of the assault, according to TFI.

Mourai is believed to have been the getaway driver.

A fourth arrest, of a partner of one of the suspects, has also been reported by TFI to have been arrested.

The shooters stormed the office of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in retaliation for a series of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, investigators said.

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Those muzzies take their pedophile false prophet pretty serious it appears.



New member
'Muslim convert' beheads woman in U.S. heartland

FBI probing ex-employee's background after workplace carnage


the whole world is going sicko. The jihadists want to die, so i say Let's accomodate them and NOW

If they survive, as this beast did, we should torture them, ie: put them in a cell and have old Billy Graham crusades played to them all day long

maybe they will come to realize that that is not torture and convert?

God knows

Hey, better yet: Phil Robertson's sermons!



Muslim newlyweds slaughter co-workers who threw them a baby shower

Dec. 3, 2015

Authorities were investigating terror links after a government worker and his wife shot up his San Bernardino, Calif., office party Wednesday, killing 14 people.

Syed Farook, 28, a devout Muslim, stormed out of the festivities and later returned with his new wife, Tashfeen Malik, 27. Both wore dark tactical gear and masks while toting assault rifles and handguns, police said

The murderous duo sprayed bullets inside a conference room, slaughtering colleagues who earlier this year had thrown a shower for their new baby.

In addition to the dead, 17 were seriously wounded.

No motive was immediately determined, but the Joint Terrorism Task Force was investigating and the city’s police chief declared early Thursday, “We have not ruled out terrorism.”

“This was not a casual workplace argument,” one law enforcement source told The Post. “It’s a well-planned and thought-out attack.”

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