My Debate window has timed out
My Debate window has timed out
novice said:
ThePhy, taoist, fool and Johnny I invite one or all of you to cal Bob and rebuke him of this heinous error. After all, Bob is on the air Monday through Friday from 3PM (MDT) to 3:30PM.
I have had that option presented to me before,
see here. If you follow the flow of that thread, you will find that (perhaps unwisely) I offered to travel to Denver at my expense to debate Bob in person in front of his own congregation. That offer has been on the table from me since last year. Bob extended a very short-notice invitation to meet me in front of a creationist group in Denver late last year (which I could not accept becasue of the insufficient lead time that I need to arrange my work and travel plans. Since then, Bob has not seen fit to pick up my offer.
Calling to oppose Bob on his show is tantamount to insanity, since he has almost absolute control of what goes over the air, and of the way he wants the conversation to go. As I alluded to in a recent post, he has a demonstrated history of demanding that callers abide by an agenda acceptable to him, or they are subject to being summarily kicked of f the air. On those few times where I have seen Bob allow contrary statements stand largely unchallenged is when they came from a caller who was well-known before coming to the show, and therefore giving a rude treatment to might backfire. But for us no-names, we are just fodder for his audience.
My offer to debate him in person was only extended after careful consideration on my part. It is no secret that there is a significant history of Creationist-scientist debates that have turned out poorly for science and given bragging rights to the Creationist. Too many scientists found out too late that a firm understanding of science is not nearly adequate to carry such a debate.
Several of the recent threads here show one reason why. Notice those threads that provide the exact text of Bob Enyart’s commentary on science. In almost every case, Bob’s claims took no more than a minute or two to put out to the listeners. But to counter them required presenting enough technical background for the non-scientific audience to at least follow the thrust of the answer. Presenting the necessary information to counter just a single one of Bob’s nonsense claims would take 10 or 20 minutes of the allotted debate time. So in a typical debate format, where each side is given 30 or 40 minutes for their opening statements, Bob could put forth a dazzling array of charges against science. I would then be faced with deciding which 3 or 4 of the 25 charges I will give answer to. I might allude to why the rest are wrong, but an answer that only skims the surface comes across as shallow and unconvincing. In Creationist-scientist debates, particularly those held in front of audiences of fundamentalist Christians, the average audience member comes in with a pre-existing leaning to the Creationist side. Then they hear a blur of charges levied against science, of which only a few are they likely to know more than a little about. So when the scientist gives answer to only a few, and very likely not the ones the audience member most clearly remembers, the impression is left that the scientist was almost totally ineffective, even if he was absolutely perfect in handling the few charges he had time to engage.
Experienced debaters know this technique of overloading your opponent with charges to respond to. Bob used this tactic to good effect in his February 2004 debate on the age of the earth with the Reason’s to Believe representative in Denver.
In addition to being invited to call in to Bob’s show, I was mentioned as a potential Battle Royale candidate. Had that materialized more quickly, with me opposing Bob, I think I would have accepted. Battle Royales allow each round to go into some depth, and allow the 2-day recess between posts to research and compose responses, and 10 rounds instead of the much more restrictive time at the podium given in oral debates.
Threads like this one have benefits and drawbacks. The focus on the arguments between just two opponents is diluted, but in science that is not bad. I don’t know of any major advance in science that was the direct outcome of just 2 protagonists sparring. Many are the scientific advances that bear the imprimatur of many scientists over decades of refinement.
The effectiveness of these threads are diluted by the posts from the posting sheep – those who just bleat their poorly informed opinions without any pretense of support beyond their own bleatings. But these threads can also allow for many exchanges, which when conducted among people with open minds, can actually educated and edify.
So for me, I think there is little need to hold my offer to debate in Denver open longer. My ideas are here, and open for not only Bob to respond to, but any who feel he is right and can lend him the technical backing he so sorely lacks. I am thinking in particular of Don, Bob’s partner in the February 2004 debate in Denver. Don is a High-school science teacher at Maranatha. If my ideas about Io, or gravitational time dilation, or other science are seriously wrong, Don should be able to help show why. But if Bob’s science has been wrong, I wonder why Don, as a friend of Bob, has not stepped forth to help Bob with his science? Don had one stricture not saddling Bob. Don is teaching science, and aware that if he were to involve himself in an informal TOL debate, then his science could be deeply scrutinized. If he has been teaching any of the scientific nonsense that Bob has expounded on, then the science standards at Maranatha are seriously lacking. Bob is a preacher, and is not expected to be scientifically literate (though that has not stopped him from making pretenses of scientific literacy).
Anyway, novice, you have your answer from me about calling in to Bob’s show. If I, or taoist, or fool, or Johnny are in error, show us where, or feel free to ask those in your camp who have the technical background to show us where. We are open to correction.